Black screen when viewing protected files | VDRPro and VIA Pro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro and VIA Pro
Applies to: Everyone


I'm trying to view secure documents in Intralinks, but the files only open to a black screen.


You might be remotely accessing the documents on a virtual machine through software such as Citrix or Windows Remote Desktop. The Intralinks IRM Information Rights Management (IRM) provides security for downloaded documents. When IRM is applied, documents are encrypted before downloading, and users must enter their email address and password to view the documents. Exchange managers can revoke access at any time. protection applied to the documents considers this screen sharing, which the encryption does not allow.

Note: The document encryption is applied by the managers appointed by the organization hosting the VDR exchange. If you have any questions about your document access rights, please contact an exchange manager directly.


Use a local computer / device to access the documents in Intralinks.

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