Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners
Add users and give them permission to access documents. Users can be permissioned at the following levels:
- GP/Portal level – Users can only see documents at the portal There are no explicit permissions for permission level.
- Investor level – Users can see documents posted to the investor level of the specified investors, and all portal-level documents.
- Fund level – Users can see documents posted to the fund level of the specified funds, and all portal-level documents.
- Investment level – Users can see documents posted to the investment level of the specified investors, documents posted to the investor or fund level of that investment, and all portal-level documents.
The Users tab lists all users that are either limited partners or that do not have any permissions assigned to them. General partner users are listed on the Administrator Users page accessed from the dropdown next to your user name at the top right of the screen.
I want to
- Add one or more users to InvestorVision
- Add users to groups
- Give users permission to view investors or funds
Adding a single user
- Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner.
- Select Add User.
- Enter the user’s first name, last name, company, and email Users can be associated with the general partner, an investor, or a third party.
- Click Save.
- Click + Permissions.
- Select the type of user: Limited Partner, GP Admin, or GP Admin (view only), LP Financial, LP Legal, LP Operations, LP Principal, LP Tax, Fund Admin or Fund Admin (View Only). For an explanation of these roles, see "InvestorVision roles" in the Introduction article.
GP Admin and GP Admin (view only) need the role selected. No further permissions need to be configured because they have access to all entities within the scope of the general partner.
Limited partners will only be able to see the types of documents associated with their role. For more information on configuring which document types a limited partner role can view, see Configuring the types of documents limited partners can see.
- To configure permissions for Fund Admin and Fund Admin (View Only) users:
- Select the fund you want to give access to. If they need access to more than one fund, you must set up multiple permissions - one permission per fund.
- To configure permissions for limited partners:
- Select the LP role type from the dropdown.
- Search for and select the investor/account combination. Accounts are indented under the investor names.
- Select either the fund you want to give the user access to or select All Current and Future Funds. If the All Current and Future Funds option is selected, the user will be permissioned to all current funds that have an investment set up for the selected investor/account combination. They will also get access if a fund is set up in the future as an investment for that same investor/account combination. If they need access to more than one LP role and/or investment combination you must set up multiple permissions - one per role and/or one per investment combination.
- Click Add.
- Repeat steps 7-8 to add additional permissions.
- Click Close when you are done.
- (Optional.) For users associated with a general partner that uses both Intralinks, and external data providers, you can associate a user with an external provider:
- In the Data Provider Associations section, click + Provider.
- Select the user’s role.
- Select the data provider.
- Enter the fund manager user as identified by the data provider.
- Click Add.
- Click Close.
Adding users in bulk
- Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Bulk Upload.
- In the Upload Name field, enter a name for the upload. The name is displayed on the bulk upload status page.
- In the Upload Type field, select Users or Users With Permissions.
- (Optional). If you have not completed a spreadsheet to upload, click Download template and complete the template.
The first column of the template is the Action column. There are two possible entries:
Add – Creates a new user record.
Continue – Adds information, such as additional email addresses and secondary addresses, to the user record above this entry.
- Click Select file to upload.
- Locate your Excel file, and click Open.
- Click Upload.
You can perform other tasks while the file is uploading. To view upload progress, click the down arrow next to your user name in the upper right corner and click Bulk Uploads.
Viewing bulk upload status
- Click the down arrow next to your user name and click Bulk Uploads.
- (Optional.) If the Excel file contained an error, click Download <number of errors found> errors, fix the errors, and click Retry.
- (Optional.) Click the name of an upload to return to the Bulk Upload page.
Adding users to groups
Groups are useful when you are sending ad hoc notifications. They allow you to send a notification to everyone in the group without having to individually select every users. For information about sending ad hoc notifications, see Sending a notification when there is no document to share.
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Users.
- Click the checkbox in front of all of the users that you want to include in the group. If there are multiple pages of users, you can select users from any page.
- Click + Add To Group.
- Select the group(s) to which you want to add the users.
- Click Add.
Permissioning a single user
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Users.
- In the Name column, click the user that you want to add.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- Click + Permissions.
- Select the type of user: GP Admin,GP Admin (view only), LP Financial, LP Legal, LP Operations, LP Principal, LP Tax, Fund Admin or Fund Admin (View Only). For an explanation of these roles, see the "InvestorVision roles" section of the Introduction.
GP Admin and GP Admin (view only) need the role selected. No further permissions need to be configured because they have access to all entities within the scope of the general partner.
Limited partners will only be able to see the types of documents associated with their role. For more information on configuring which document types a limited partner role can view, see Configuring the types of documents limited partners can see.
- To configure permissions for Fund Admin and Fund Admin (View Only) users:
- Select the fund you want to give access to. If they need access to more than one fund, you must set up multiple permissions - one permission per fund.
- To configure permissions for limited partners:
- Select the LP role type from the dropdown.
- Search for and select the investor/account combination. Accounts are indented under the investor names.
- Select either the fund you want to give the user access to or select All Current and Future Funds. If the All Current and Future Funds option is selected, the user will be permissioned to all current funds that have an investment set up for the selected investor/account combination. They will also get access if a fund is set up in the future as an investment for that same investor/account combination. If they need access to more than one LP role and/or investment combination you must set up multiple permissions - one per role and/or one per investment combination.
- Click Add.
Adding permissions in bulk
- Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Bulk Upload.
- In the Upload Name field, enter the name of the The name is displayed on the bulk upload status page.
- In the Upload Type field, select Permissions.
- (Optional). If you have not completed a spreadsheet to upload, click Download template and complete the template.
The first column of the template is the Action column and is always Add.
In the Primary email column, enter the user’s email address. In the Role column, use the dropdown to select the user’s role.
GP Admin and GP Admin (view only) do not require more columns to be filled out because they have access to all entities within the scope of the general partner.
- To configure permissions for Fund Admin and Fund Admin (View Only) users, complete the Fund Name and Fund ID columns for the fund you want to give access to. If you want to give access to more than one fund, you must configure multiple rows - one row per fund.
- To configure permissions for limited partners, complete the Investor ID, Account ID, or Fund ID columns.
- Click Select file to upload.
- Navigate to and click your Excel file, and click Open.
- Click Upload.
You can perform other tasks while the file is uploading. To view upload progress, click the down arrow next to your user name in the upper right corner and click Bulk Uploads.