Intralinks Community Guidelines and Rules

Please review our Community guidelines before posting.

By accessing Intralinks Community, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your conduct and the Content that you upload, and you agree that you will comply with these Rules, the Terms, and all applicable laws.

Please do:
  1. Read and understand these Rules and the Community Terms carefully.
  2. Always be respectful and courteous in your communications.
  3. Respect the privacy of any other parties, including other users, and do not share any personal information without consent.
  4. Contribute Content that is relevant and constructive to the Community’s purpose and topics.
  5. Credit any original source when sharing Content.
  6. Report any inappropriate content by flagging the relevant post. Moderators will review and respond accordingly.
Please do NOT post Content or communicate in any way that:
  1. diverts or changes a discussion for your own purposes.
  2. is false or misleading.
  3. is for the purpose of impersonating another party, including any other user.
  4. is defamatory, derogatory, degrading, intimidating, threatening, harassing of another, or constitutes a personal attack.
  5. infringes another's privacy or includes another's confidential, sensitive or personal information.
  6. promotes bigotry, sexism, racism, hatred, or harm against any group or individual, or has the likely effect of causing offence or harm, or that is offensive (in a sexual, racial, cultural, or ethnic context or otherwise), obscene, indecent or not in good taste (including but not limited to Content that is pornographic or depict acts of violence or sexual acts).
  7. breaches or infringes or promotes the breach or infringement of another's rights, including intellectual property rights.
  8. breaches or promotes the breach of any applicable laws or regulations (including export controls) or applicable codes of conduct.
  9. constitutes a political opinion or is politically divisive.
  10. is spam.
  11. is for any solicitation of funds, any goods or services, or promotes or advertises any goods or services.
  12. incites other users to do any of the above.

SS&C Intralinks reserves the right but is not obligated to, at its sole discretion, take action for any violation of these Rules and the Terms with or without notice, including:

  • Issuing a warning.
  • Removal of Content and/or discussions.
  • Temporary or permanent suspension of user account.
  • Termination of user account and/or banning of user.
  • Restriction of functions or access.