Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Manager Plus, Hidden Manager Plus
What does each folder on my Intralinks compliance archive contain?
Compliance archives have the following information:
- Audit: Raw, back-end XML data about the exchange.
- Doc-Audit: Reports based on the folders and documents in the exchange, including document properties, permissions, access reports, document history, and custom field information (if applicable).
- Documents: The documents and folder structure.
- Exchange details: Information about the settings enabled for the exchange.
- Q&A: If enabled for your exchange, contains Q&A reports and information.
- Reports: Additional reports, where applicable, regarding your exchange.
- Users&Groups: Reports based on the users and groups in the exchange, including properties, members, document access, history, and custom field information (if applicable).
Your archive may also include a copy of the document index and a file listing all folders that were empty at the time your archive was generated.