Viewing users and groups across VDRs | VDRPro

  • Updated

You can view information about users and groups across VDRs in the VDRs that you manager. The User Membership Across Exchanges report, accessed from the Reports tab on the list of VDRs page, lets you view and optionally save user and group information to an Excel file that can be downloaded. 

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.

Users and groups across exchanges report

Users who have a role of Manager Plus or Hidden Manager Plus can access the User Membership Across Exchanges report. The report provides an overview of all the users across all of the VDRs for which the user has these roles. This report helps identify:

  • Which VDRs and user groups users are affiliated with.
  • Users that have never logged in, allowing you to decide whether to remove them from the VDR.
  • Users who are not associated with any user groups.
  • Groups that do not have any users. If documents have been permissioned to an empty group, no users are receiving notification.
  • Users’ alternate email addresses. Both primary and alternate email addresses are shown in the Note that Intralinks emails are not included.

The report is divided into two parts, one for users and the other for groups. Each is displayed in a separate tab. In addition to viewing details about a particular user or group, you can export the report.

Note: The data used in the report is updated every 24 hours, so the information in the report may be delayed by as much as 24 hours.

Generating a User Membership Across Exchanges report

Users with the Manager Plus or Hidden Manager Plus roles can generate this report.

  1. On the Exchanges page, click Reporting.
  2. Click Run New Report.
  3. Select the VDRs you want to include in the report by marking each VDR in the Exchanges list. You can select up to 100 VDRs.

    Only VDRs in which you have a Manager Plus or Hidden Manager Plus role are listed.

  4. (Optional). Search for a VDR by entering its name in the Search field.
  5. (Optional). Sort the list of VDRs by clicking in the header of the ID, Phase, or Host column.
  6. Click Next to generate the report. It may take several seconds to render the report.

Viewing user membership across VDRs

You can search for individual users or filter the list of users in the selected VDRs. In addition, you can view individual user details and export them to a CSV file.

  1. Click the Users tab.
  2. (Optional.) To save the report, click Save Report.

    Saved reports are available for 30 days on the main Reports page.

  3. (Optional.) Search for users by entering the user’s name in the Search field.
  4. (Optional.) Filter the list of users by clicking Filters. You can filter by the following information:
    • Filter by – Select the type of user you want to view: All Users, Unassigned Users, or Never Accessed. Unassigned users are users that are not assigned to any user groups in any VDR.
    • Users added – Select the time frame for which you want to view users that were added: Last 24h, Last Week, Last Month, Last Six months or Last One Year.
    • Users accessed – Select the date of last access: Last 24 hours, Last Week, Last Month, Last Six Months or Last Year. This option is not available if you select Never Accessed from the Type field.
  5. (Optional.) To view a list of the VDRs included in the report, click <number of VDRs> exchanges selected link in the top right of the screen.
  6. Click on a user to view the user’s details. You can export this user’s details by clicking Export This View.

Viewing groups across VDRs

Users with a Manager Plus or Hidden Manager Plus role can can view a list of groups in the VDRs you selected and view a list of users in a particular group. Groups can be searched or filtered. In addition, you can export group details to a CSV file.

  1. Click the Groups tab.
  2. (Optional.) To save the report, click Save Report.

    Saved reports are available for 30 days on the main Reports page.

  3. (Optional.) Search for groups by entering the user’s name in the Search field.
  4. (Optional.) Filter the list of groups by clicking Filters. You can filter by the following information:
    • Filter by – Select the groups you want to display: All Groups or Empty Groups.
    • Groups Created – Select the time frame for which you want to view groups that were added: Last 24h, Last Week, Last Month, Last Six Months or Last Year.
  5. (Optional.) To view a list of the VDRs included in the report, click <number of VDRs> exchanges selected link in the top right of the screen. 
  6. Click on a group to view the group’s details. You can export this group’s details by clicking Export This View.

Viewing saved Membership Across Exchanges reports

Users with Manager Plus or Hidden Manager Plus roles can view this report. You can view saved reports for 30 days. Saved reports can be downloaded in CSV format.

  1. On the VDRs page, click Reports.
  2. (Optional.) Search for a report using the Search field.
  3. (Optional.) Filter the list of reports by selecting the time span for which you want to display reports by clicking Filters, selecting Last 24 hours or Last week, and clicking Apply.
  4. To download a file, in the row of the report you want to view, click the Download icon in the Actions column. The report is downloaded as a CSV file.

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