Viewing the Activity Summary report | VDRPro

  • Updated

Applies to: Manager Plus, Hidden Manager Plus, Manager Limited, Publisher Plus, Reviewer Plus

The Activity Summary Report provides insights into whether particular groups of members are actively using the documents in your VDR and whether their level of activity is ongoing. The report identifies the groups who are most (and least) actively viewing, that is, opening documents on the VDR.

Note that the report is based on the documents that are available to each group. Documents to which a group is not permissioned are not included in the analysis of their usage. In some cases, one group may have more total accesses but a lower percentage than another group. This means that the first group was given access to a larger number of documents but viewed a lower percentage of them than the second group did.

The following actions are counted as a view:

  • Documents that are opened, regardless of whether protection is applied.
  • When a protected document is downloaded (See, Protected or See, Protected, No Print permissions), it is counted as a view if the user enters their credentials and opens the documents. Downloaded protected documents that are not opened are not counted as a view.
  • When a document is download that is not protected (See permission), it is counted as viewed one time. If the secure viewer is enabled and downloads are blocked, the document opens inside the browser when the user clicks on it and the view is counted.

I want to

  • See which groups of members are viewing documents


You can generate this report for VDR members or groups.

  1. From within the VDR , click Insights & Reporting.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Click Activity Summary.
  4. Click the filter icon at the top of the screen to select report options:

    Chart Type – Select Over Time to see whether people’s interest is sustained over a long period of time, is increasing, or is waning. A line graph shows the percentage of all available documents that group members or individuals have viewed over the specified period of time. Viewing, printing and downloading documents are examples of accesses that are included in this report.

    Select Total to display a bar graph that shows aggregated information. It provides a quick snapshot of overall interest during the selected time period, but does not provide insight into whether people’s interest is increasting, waning or steady.

    Activity Level – The report can display information about all VDR members (or groups) or just the most active or least active members (or groups). If you select All, all VDR members (or groups) are listed in the report, but only the first five are displayed in the graph. You can select as many additional users (or groups) as you like.

    Type – Select whether you want to generate the report for user groups or for individuals.

    Time Period – Select a time period for which you want to generate the report.

    Note: Data is grouped based on the time period selected. For example, data is grouped by day when Last 30 Days is selected, and data is grouped by month when Since Launch is selected. The result is that the Total Accesses During the Period Selected column in the report will be different for each of these filters.

    Document Access – To view the number of documents viewed by each user or group, select Unique Access. (Each viewed document is counted once in this view, regardless of the number of times it has been viewed.) Select All Access to display the number of times people and group members viewed documents.

    Activity – Select the type of activity you want to view the report on: number of views, number of times protected documents were printed, or both.

  5. Click Apply. Information for the selected VDR members or groups is displayed in a graph and in a table. Hover the mouse pointer over users or groups in the graph to view access details.

    If you change the report options, be sure to click Apply again.

  6. To download and print the report, click Export. The report is downloaded as a table in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  7. In Excel, from the File menu, select Print.
  8. Select your print options and click Print.

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