Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Everyone
Depending upon how your exchange is set up, you can search on document and folder properties, or document content, or both. Document and folder properties searches find words only if they appear in document or folder titles or notes. Document content searches find words within the contents of documents.
See Tips for using Intralinks VDRPro's search tools for information on performing searches using Boolean operators, using wildcards in your searches, searching for negative numbers and special characters and other tools for finding the information you need.
I want to
- Find documents in the exchange
- Click Documents.
- Click the arrow in the Search box and select Document & Folder Properties or Document Content, or both. (The Document Content option appears only if the exchange manager has enabled the enable document content search option for the exchange.)
- Enter your search term(s) in the Search box, then click the search icon.
Note: If you enter more than one search term, the search results include all documents that contain ANY of your search terms. Your entry can be uppercase or lowercase; the Search field is not case sensitive.
- To download a document from the search results list, click the document name.
If your browser detects download files that could potentially contain malicious content, a message might appear to warn you of the risk and give you the option not to continue with the download. The warning is based upon selected file types, not actual content of the file(s). Warnings do not appear for file types that are commonly used by Intralinks VDRPro’s clients.
This message will appear if you select any file with one of the following extensions: *.ade; *.adp; *.asd; *.asf; *.asx; *.bas; *.bat; *.chm; *.cil; *.class; *.cmd; *.com; *.cpl; *.crt; *.dat; *.dll; *.exe; *.hcp; *.hlp; *.hta; *.ht; *.htm; *.html; *.inf; *.js; *.jse; *.lnk; *.mda; *.mdb; *.mde; *.mdw; *.msc; *.msi; *.msp; *.nws; *.ocx; *.pif; *.p; *.pm; *.pot; *.pps; *.reg; *.scr; *.sct; *.shb; *.shs; *.sys; *.vb; *.vbe; *.vbs; *.vcf; *.wmd; *.wms; *.wmz; *.wsc; *.wsf; *.wsh; *.xlt; *.xlw; *.zlb