Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All Manager roles, Publisher Plus, Reviewer Plus
Access these settings by clicking Settings from the menu in the upper right of the screen. Select Exchange Settings, then click Modules in the left panel.
Enable Questions & Answers (Q&A)
This setting determines whether Q&A functionality is available in the VDR. (Q&A functionality generally is used by the Mergers and Acquisitions market segment.) Once this setting is enabled, it cannot be disabled.
- If this setting is turned ON, buyers can ask questions, and coordinators in your organization can answer the questions or delegate them to subject matter experts. You also can create FAQ entries from questions that will be visible to all buyers.
- If this setting is OFF, Q&A functions are not available.
Allow Subject Matter Experts to Delegate Questions
This setting is available only if Enable Questions & Answers (Q&A) is ON. Q&A coordinators, who may be external to the seller organization, can delegate questions to one or more SME groups within the seller organization. If this setting is enabled, any SME group that has been delegated a question, either manually by the Q&A coordinator or through auto-delegation, can re-delegate that question to other SME groups that are better equipped to respond to them. (SME groups that are allowed to re-delegate questions are referred to as the SME coordinator groups.) People with the Manager Plus role can enable this functionality.
Questions that have been re-delegated cannot be delegated again by the SME group that received the re-delegated question. The SME coordinator who re- delegates a question can set a new due date for the SME group that receives the question. However, if the Q&A coordinator assigned a due date, the SME coordinator cannot change it. The SME coordinator also cannot retract a delegation made by the Q&A coordinator or another SME coordinator group.
Responses to re-delegated questions are delivered to the SME coordinator group, which is responsible for providing a final response to the Q&A coordinator.
Similarly, follow-up questions by the Q&A coordinator go to the SME coordinator group, not to the SME group to which the question was originally re-delegated.
Enable Limited Q&A Coordinator role
This setting is available only if Enable Questions & Answers (Q&A) is ON and the Reviewer Plus role is enabled in the VDR. This setting determines whether VDR members with the Reviewer Plus role can be assigned the Q&A Coordinator role as a limited Q&A Coordinator. Once this VDR setting is enabled, it cannot be disabled.
The limited Q&A coordinator role must be assigned to VDR members. It is not assigned automatically. VDR members selected to be limited Q&A coordinators cannot be members of collaboration groups.
VDR members with this role can answer and delegate questions, and they can freeze and unfreeze Q&A categories. They cannot perform the following tasks:
- Create documents
- Create folders
- Update user permissions
- Select buyers to be question submitters for their buyer group
- Add, update or remove VDR members from the VDR
- Add, update or delete groups
- Add or remove VDR members from groups
- Set question limits
These tasks must be performed by a Q&A coordinator with the Manager Plus role. (Some tasks can be performed by a user with a manager-level or publisher-level role.)
M&A advisors who act as Q&A coordinators and VDR managers use the limited Q&A coordinator role to delegate some authority to their clients without providing managerial access to the VDRs that they manage. The limited Q&A coordinator role provides greater visibility into the clients’ deals than the subject matter expert (SME) role provides.
Allow for Clean Team Visibility
This setting is available only if Enable Questions & Answers (Q&A) is ON. When this option is enabled, Q&A coordinators will be able to designate users in a buyer group as clean team members. Clean team members can ask questions that are visible only to other clean team members, the Q&A coordinator and SMEs. Other members of the buyer group will not see these questions or their answers. Once this setting has been turned on, it cannot be turned off.
Enable Mobile Access
This setting determines whether users can access this VDR on phones and tablets.
- If this setting is turned ON, mobile VDR members can view the VDR on their devices using Intralinks VDRPro’s mobile apps. If mobile access is enabled, you can allow or prevent opening protected documents on mobile devices.
- If this setting is OFF, users cannot access the VDR from mobile devices.
Allow other applications to open non-protected documents on mobile devices
This setting is available only if Enable Mobile Access is turned ON. This setting allows you to control whether people can open unprotected documents in third-party mobile apps.
- If this setting is ON, mobile users can open unprotected documents in third-party mobile apps.
- If this setting is OFF, mobile users cannot open unprotected documents in third-party mobile apps.
Allow protected documents to be viewed on mobile devices
This setting is available only if Enable Mobile Access is turned ON. This setting allows you to control whether people can view protected documents on mobile devices. Protected documents can be viewed only within the Intralinks VDRPro mobile apps.
- If this setting is turned ON, mobile users can view protected documents on mobile devices.
- If this setting is OFF, mobile users cannot view protected documents on mobile devices.
Enable e-Investor Integration
This setting determines whether users with Reviewer and Previewer roles can use the e-Investor Product for completing onboarding documents. This setting must be turned on by an Intralinks administrator. User accounts for reviewers and previewers must be created on both Intralinks VDRPro and e-Investor using the same email address and they must be permissioned in both systems to see onboarding documents.
- If this setting is ON, users with the Reviewer and Previewer roles can read and edit e-Investor documents from the VDR.
- If this setting is OFF, users with the Reviewer and Previewer roles cannot access e-Investor documents from the VDR.