Viewing and completing e-Investor onboarding documents | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product VDRPro
Applies to: Previewers and Reviewers

If your VDR is integrated with SS&C e-Investor, you can view, complete, and submit onboarding documents from within the VDR. e-Investor is a cloud-based application that allows you to complete and sign investment documents online.

The documents that are available to you are based on your user permissions in e-Investor. View e-Investor documents by clicking the Onboarding Documents quick link on the Documents tab. You can only view these documents from the Onboarding Documents tab. They are not shown in the Documents list.

Documents can be static or editable. Static documents are informational only. Editable documents need to be completed and submitted to the fund administrator. The percentage of completeness is shown on the grid for editable documents.

I want to

  • View an e-Investor onboarding document
  • Complete and submit an e-Investor onboarding document


  1. On the Documents tab, click Onboarding Documents.
  2. Click the document name to open the document.

    The left column displays a page view of the document. The red arrows indicate pages that have fields that need to be completed. The middle area shows the document with fields highlighted in red. The right column lists the fields that still need completion.

  3. Click on an alert in the Remaining Required Fields list to display that field.
  4. Enter the information and repeat for the remaining required fields.
  5. When you have entered all of the required fields, click Submit.
  6. In the Attestation dialog box, mark the check box and click Ok. By doing this, you have electronically signed the document and submitted it to the fund administrator.

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