Viewing documents | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Everyone

You can open the following document types directly in your browser if they are not protected with IRM (Information Rights Management):

  • PDF
  • Microsoft Office formats
  • Graphic files - PNG, JPG, BMP, WMF, EMF, GIF, JP2, and JPC
  • Video files - MP4, OGG, and WEBM
  • CAD files - DWG, DWF, DXF, and DGN

    CAD files are converted to PDF format when rendered, which means that animations in three dimensional files cannot be accessed.

  • ODT and ODS
  • ODP

Documents that have third-party password protection (not Intralinks IRM protection) can be opened in the online viewer. You will be prompted to enter your user name and password.

IRM-protected documents and documents in other formats must be downloaded before you open them. Depending upon the security settings applied, you may be required to enter your email address and password to open these documents.

If the managers of your VDR require you to use Intralinks VDRPro’s Secure Viewer, see Viewing PDF and Microsoft Office documents using the Secure Viewer instead.

Your access to documents is controlled by the VDR's managers, and they have the ability to change document access at any time. If you have problems accessing a document or a document is no longer available to you, contact a VDR manager. Depending upon the security settings for individual documents, you may be able print them, as well as view them.

Depending upon the VDR manager’s preferences, you may receive email alerts when new documents are available for you to read. You can click a link in the alert to display the document, or you can view all of the documents that are available to you by logging into Intralinks VDRPro and displaying the Documents List.

I want to

  • View documents in my browser
  • Download documents and view them from my computer desktop


  1. Locate the document in the documents list and click on its title. Depending upon the type of document and your VDR’s settings, the document may open in your browser, or it may be downloaded automatically.
  2. If the file is downloaded but does not open, double-click the downloaded file to view it.
  3. If the file is opened in your browser, use the following options to search the document, download the document, and change the way the document is displayed.
    • Search – Searches for text in the document. Click on an individual search result to display that page in the right panel or use the arrow keys in the search field to display the next or previous result. You can optionally choose to use a case sensitive, whole word, or wildcard search.
    • Quick Access Panel – Displays the document pages as icons. Click on a page to display it in the right panel.
    • View Controls – Lets you change the page transition, page layout, and rotate the page.
    • Pan – Lets you scroll through the document.
    • Select – Lets you select text that you want to copy.
    • Zoom out, Zoom in, and percentage – Makes the page in the right pane larger or smaller.
    • Maximum/Minimum – Makes the entire window larger or smaller.
    • Download – Downloads the document to your local machine.

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