Replacing a placeholder with a document | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All managers and publishers

Depending on your role and how your VDR was set up, you may not be able to perform this task.

Follow this procedure when you are ready to replace a placeholder with an actual document from your computer or a network drive.

I want to

  • Replace a placeholder with a document


  1. Click the Documents tab at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the placeholder you want to replace.
  3. From the three dots menu, click Replace.
  4. Select the file you want to add to the VDR and click Open. Information about the file, including its title and file type, are displayed on the Properties screen.
  5. Depending upon the steps you followed when you created the placeholder, you may need to assign permissions and alert people to the document. To do this, complete the additional steps below. Otherwise, click Save Changes to save your change and close the screen.
  6. To edit permissions for the document, select Permissions at the top to display the Permissions screen.
  7. Make any necessary changes to group permissions to the document.
  8. Click Save Changes.
  9. If you want to send alerts that the document is available, open its Properties screen and select Alerts.
  10. Select the groups and/or individuals you want to alert.
  11. Click Save Changes.

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