Viewing and editing custom fields | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All managers and publishers

Custom fields provide a structured way to describe your documents, folders, exchanges, and groups in greater detail. Custom fields let you enter specific pieces of information (known as metadata) such as expiration dates and locations.

Exchange members with the following roles automatically are allowed to view and configure custom fields: Manager Plus, Hidden Manager Plus, Manager and Publisher Plus. People with Manager Limited and Publisher roles can also be given this ability.

I want to

  • View custom fields
  • Edit custom fields


  1. Open the exchange and click gear_icon.png Settings in the upper right corner of the screen, then click Custom Field Setup.

    Note: If this Settings option is not available, custom fields are not enabled on the exchange. If you want to enable custom fields, contact your Intralinks client service manager and request that the Use Custom Fields exchange setting be turned ON. Once this setting has been enabled, it cannot be disabled. If you want to manage users' ability to see custom fields and edit their values, also request that the Allow role-based permissions for custom fields exchange setting be enabled.

  2. Click Documents, Exchanges, Folders, or Groups to display the Custom Fields Configuration screen for the selected option. Any existing custom fields are displayed.
  3. To make changes, click Edit. The field types listed on the left side of the screen become available. You can edit field names, set default values, make fields required, and publish or unpublish fields. You also can change the order in which the fields appear by dragging and dropping them within the list.

    For folders, documents, and exchanges, you can add child fields on selection type fields by clicking Add Child Field and selecting the field type from the dropdown list. Child fields are sub-fields that provide additional information about an entry in a top-level, or parent, field. Note that child fields cannot be parent custom fields, that is, you can only configure one level of child fields.

    If the Allow role-based permissions for custom fields exchange setting is enabled on your exchange, you can manage users' ability to see and edit the contents of each field for documents and folders on the users' exchange roles by toggling the Permissions option ON . The following permissions are available:

    • None – The field is not displayed for members with the selected role.
    • See – The field is displayed, but cannot be changed by members with the selected role.
    • Edit – The field is displayed and can be edited by members with the selected role.

    Child fields that do not have a permission inherit the parent field’s permission. Child fields cannot have a greater level of permission than their parent field.

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