Watermarking PDF and Microsoft Office files | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Manager Plus, Hidden Manager Plus, Manager, Publisher Plus

For additional document security, watermarks can be applied to PDF documents that are smaller than 200MB. Larger documents will not be watermarked. PDF documents that are viewed, downloaded, or printed will be stamped with a watermark.

If IRM Information Rights Management (IRM) provides security for downloaded documents. When IRM is applied, documents are encrypted before downloading, and users must enter their email address and password to view the documents. VDR managers can revoke access at any time. protection is enabled for the VDR, you can apply watermarks only to IRM-protected PDF or Microsoft Office documents or to all PDF or Microsoft Office documents.

If you apply watermarking to Microsoft Office documents, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents that are printed will be stamped with a watermark containing the VDR user’s email address and the date and time the document was printed.

You can also enable and disable watermarks at the user group level by editing a group’s permissions on the Users and Groups tab. However, be aware that if a user is part of more than one group, and watermarking is enable for some groups and not others, the user will not see the watermark on documents. All groups that the user is part of must have watermarking enabled for the user to see watermarks. For more information, see Adding and removing watermarks for a user group.

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.

I want to

  • Apply a watermark to documents

Video - How to configure a watermark in VDRPro

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to customize a watermark for your VDR in VDRPro. View the detailed steps below for more information. 


  1. Open the VDR and click gear_icon.png Settings in the upper right corner of the screen, then click Exchange Settings.
  2. In the Document category on the left, select Security.
  3. If the Watermark PDFs and Office Files setting is currently OFF, click its toggle button to enable this option.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. To display watermarks only for reviewers and previewers toggle the Display watermark for Managers and Publishers setting off. If this setting is on, watermarks all displayed for all user roles.
  6. In the PDFs section, select one of the following options:
    • All PDFs – Mark this option to apply watermarks all PDF documents.
    • Protected PDFs – Mark this option to apply watermarks only to IRM- protected PDF documents. This option is available only if the IRM (Information Rights Management) Protection setting is turned ON.
  7. In the Microsoft Office files section, select one of the following options:
    • All Microsoft Office files – Mark this option to apply watermarks to all Microsoft Office documents.
    • Protected Microsoft Office files – Mark this option to apply watermarks only to IRM-protected Microsoft Office This option is available only if the IRM (Information Rights Management) Protection setting is turned ON.
  8. In the Text field, choose the watermark text, or choose Custom text and enter the text in the box. Custom text can be a maximum of 40 characters.
  9. In the Text position section, select where you want the watermark to appear on the You can select any combination or all of the text position options.
    • Header and Footer – Mark this option to display watermarks in the header and footer of each page.
    • Diagonal – Mark this option to display watermarks diagonally across each page.
    • Four Corners – Mark this option to display watermarks in each corner of each page.
  10. In the Content options section, select the information you want to include in the watermark.
    • User Name – Mark this option to include the name of the person who viewed or printed the document in the watermark.
    • Organization Name – Mark this option to include the name of your organization in the watermark.
    • Download Timestamp – Mark this option to include the time the document was downloaded in the watermark. The time displayed is US time (GMT-4/EDT).
    • Document Title – Mark this option to include the document name in the watermark. If the document name is too long to fit on a single line, it will be wrapped to a second (Any part of the name that exceeds two lines will not be included.).
    • Index Number – If your VDR uses index numbers, mark this option to include the document’s index number in the watermark.
  11. In the Color field, select the color to use to display watermarks.
  12. In the Opacity field, select the opacity (intensity) with which watermarks will be displayed on documents.
  13. Click Save.

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