Creating a folder manually | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All managers and publishers

Depending on your role and how your VDR was set up, you may not be able to perform this task.

Use the steps below to create a folder when folder-level permissioning is turned on and/or your VDR uses custom fields.

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.

I want to

  • Add a folder and set permissions for the folder and its contents
  • Add a folder and make entries in the folder's custom fields


    1. Open the VDR where you want to create a folder, then click Documents at the top of the screen. 

      If you have a manager role:

      • A top-level folder is created if All Folders is collapsed. To create a top-level folder, make sure All Folders is selected at the top of the folder list.
      • To create a subfolder, select the folder that will contain the new subfolder. Subfolders appear inside other folders.

      If you have a reviewer role and the VDR manager has given you the ability to add and rename subfolders within one or more folders, open the folder where you want the new folder to appear.

    2. Click Create Folder.
    3. In the Add Folder wizard, in the Name field, enter a folder name that clearly describes the contents of the new folder. Note that the following characters cannot be used in folder names: / \ : * " < > ? |
    4. If you are creating a top-level folder and indexing is used in this VDR, you can make the folder either indexed or Index numbers can be used to organize folders and documents, making them easy to locate later. To index the folder, leave the Do not assign index numbers to this folder or its contents option unmarked. To create an unindexed folder, mark this option. This option is not available if you are creating a subfolder.
    5. (Optional.) To change the location of where the folder will be added, click Edit, select the location for the folder and click Select.
    6. (Optional.) In the Note field, add notes about the folder. Notes appear on the folder's Properties screen and can be viewed by anyone who has access to the folder. For this reason, do not include information that should not be seen by reviewers. The notes are for reference purposes only and do not appear on reports.
    7. If your VDR uses custom fields, complete each field that applies to this folder. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

      Custom fields provide a structured way for you to describe your folders in greater detail, enabling you to enter specific pieces of information, such as expiration dates and locations. You could use the Notes field to keep track of this information, however, custom fields make it easier to manage the information and ensure that it is entered consistently.

    8. Depending upon the way the VDR is set up, either an Add button or a Next button appears.

      If an Add button appears, the VDR is using document-level permissioning, which means permissions are set not at the folder level, but for each document as the documents are added to the VDR. Click Add to create the folder and skip the remaining steps in this procedure.

      If a Next button appears, the VDR is using folder-level permissioning. This means that you grant or deny member groups permission to view the entire folder. (Permission settings for individual documents within the folder can be customized later.) Click Next to display the Permission Groups step of the Add Folder wizard and set permissions for the groups.

    9. To set custom permissions by group, select one or more groups by marking their selection boxes, then click Edit Permissions.

      To view a list of the group’s members, click the group’s name. VDR managers can view all documents regardless of their group memberships.

    10. Select a permissions option for the selected group(s).

      If your group selection includes one or more buyer groups, only the following options are available: No Access, See, See, Protected, and See, Protected / No Print.

      Permission options

      If you are adding a new subfolder to a top-level folder that already has permission settings, the subfolder will inherit those settings. You can assign different permissions for this subfolder if necessary. (If an Override Folder box appears, mark it to enable the options listed below.)
      • No Access – Users in the selected groups will not have access to the folder or its documents.
      • See – Select this option to give the group(s) permission to view, print and download the new document(s).
      • See, Protected – This option is displayed if the Allow IRM (Information Rights Management) Protection VDR setting is enabled. Select this option to grant the “see” permissions above, and also require people to enter their email address and password before viewing downloaded copies of documents.
      • See, Protected / No Print – Select this option to grant “see” permissions, apply document protection, and prevent the documents from being printed. (For detailed information about document protection options, see Permissions.

        Note: When printing is allowed, viewers can print protected documents and share the printed copy with others. Documents can be printed not only to paper but also to other file types using the browser’s “Print As” function. Copies created using “Print As” are no longer signed or protected documents, even though the original file was protected. Select the See, Protected / No Print option if you are concerned that downloaded protected files might be saved in this way.

      • Control –Select this option to give permission to update documents, delete documents, and change other members’ permissions for the documents. Members will be able to modify the documents only if their roles (for example, manager or publisher) allow them to do so. Control options are available only for exchange and collaboration groups, they do not appear for buyer groups.
      • Control, Protected – Select this option to grant the “control” permissions above and also require people to enter their email address and password before viewing downloaded copies of documents. This option is available only for exchange and collaboration groups, they do not appear for buyer groups.
      • Control, Protected / No Print – Select this option to grant “control” permissions, apply document protection, and prevent the documents from being printed. available only for exchange and collaboration groups, they do not appear for buyer groups.
    11. Depending upon how your VDR was set up, an Additional Privileges column may be displayed, allowing you to specify whether reviewers and previewers can add documents or folders to this folder. This additional capability is referred to as “limited publisher.” For more about this role, see Enabling reviewers and previewers to publish documents, add folders and edit folder custom fields.
      • Add documents — Select this option for each group that has reviewers and previewers who will be allowed to add documents to the selected folder. This option appears only if the Allow Limited Publishers to Add Documents to Selected Folders VDR setting is enabled.
      • Add documents & subfolders — Select this option for each group that has reviewers and previewers who will be allowed to add both documents and subfolders to the selected folder. This option appears only if the Allow Limited Publishers to add subfolders VDR setting is enabled.

        If the Apply Permissions at the Folder Level VDR setting also is enabled, reviewers and previewers who have permission to add documents to a folder can add documents to subfolders within that folder, as well. This can be overridden for each subfolder.

        When members of the selected groups add documents, they can send an email alert to other limited publishers with permission to the folder where the new documents are stored. Alerts are sent to all limited publishers with permission to the folder. Reviewers and previewers without limited publisher permission do receive alerts.

        If folder custom fields are being used in this VDR, members of the selected groups can edit the name and set custom field values for the folders that they have created.

        This option appears only if the Allow Reviewers and Previewers to create sub folders and add documents to selected folders VDR setting is enabled.

      • Allow editing of folder custom fields — Select this option for each group that contains reviewers and previewers who will be allowed to edit the values of custom fields for the selected folder. This option appears only if the Allow Reviewers and Previewers to edit custom fields to select folders VDR setting is enabled.
    12. Click Add when you have finished setting each group's permissions for the new folder.

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