Adding a group to a VDR | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All Manager roles, Publisher Plus, Reviewer Plus

To add a group to a VDR, you first set the group’s properties, then add people to the group.

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.

I want to

  • Add a user group to a VDR

Video - How to add users & groups to VDRPro

Managers will be tasked with adding users and groups in VDRPro - view this comprehensive video tutorial to learn how.


Setting group properties

  1. Open the VDR to which you want to add a group and select Users & Groups at the top of the screen.
  2. Click Add Groups(s).
  3. In the Group Name field, enter a name for the group.
  4. In the Group Type field, select the type of group you are creating.

    Exchange Group – Select this group type if you only want to give the group’s members access to documents, and the members do not need to be visible to one another. People with any role can belong to an exchange group.

    Buyer/Participant Group – Use this group type for groups of reviewers and previewers who need to be visible to one another. If you are using Intralinks VDRPro's Q&A function, groups of this type will be able to submit questions to the Q&A coordinator.

    Collaboration Group – All members of a collaboration group can see one another, regardless of their role. If you are using Intralinks VDRPro's Q&A function, use this group type for groups of users inside your organization, or the seller's organization if you are an advisor. Questions can be delegated to the members of this group type. Do not use this group type for users who will be made Q&A coordinators.

  5. (Optional.) In the Notes field, add notes that provide additional information about the group. Notes are for reference only. They do not appear on reports.
  6. (Optional.) If watermarking is enabled for the VDR, in the Security Options field, select whether to display the watermark on PDF and Microsoft Office documents for this group.

    Note: Watermarks will be shown only for reviewers and previewers. Managers and publishers will see watermarks only if the Display watermark for Managers and Publishers toggle is on in the Watermark Configuration screen of the VDR’s settings.

  7. If the VDR is using group level custom fields, in the Custom Fields section, add values to the custom fields.
  8. Click Next.

Assigning users to the group

  1. In the Available Users list, mark the boxes next to names of people you want to add, then click Add Selected User(s) to move the names to the Group Members list.

    You also can highlight one or more names and drag them from one list to the other.

  2. Click Add. The new group is created and added to the All Groups list. For information about adding users to groups after the group has been created, see Assigning users to groups.

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