Viewing document access information for users | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All Manager roles, Publisher Plus 

As a manager or publisher plus, you can view access reports for documents. The Access report shows the following information:

  • Which people have access to the selected documents
  • The number of times they have viewed and printed the documents
  • The date they last looked at the documents
  • The amount of time they spent viewing documents (if the Viewer is enabled)
  • The version of the documents they most recently viewed
  • Alert information

I want to

  • See which documents users view the most
  • See which users are accessing documents
  • Confirm that a document has been viewed and by whom


Displaying and exporting the access report for one document (including deleted documents)

When you export the access report, the following information is included in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet: when the document was added and by whom, when the document was last modified and by whom, and for each user, the user’s name, the number of times the user viewed the document, the user’s organization, email address, phone number, public vs private designation, role, access permission, the amount of time the user spent in the document, the last time the user viewed the document, whether the user printed the document (IRM Information Rights Management (IRM) provides security for downloaded documents. When IRM is applied, documents are encrypted before downloading, and users must enter their email address and password to view the documents. VDR managers can revoke access at any time. protected documents only), the document version and alert information.

  1. From within the VDR, click Documents.
  2. Select the document(s) for which you want to view access information. To see access information for deleted documents, click the Deleted Documents filter on the left and select the document.
  3. From the three dots menu, select Access Report.
  4. (Optional.) To export the information that appears on the report to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export.
  5. When you have finished viewing the report, click Cancel.

Displaying and exporting the access report for multiple documents

When you export the access report, the following information is included in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet: the user’s name, group, role, organization, email address, phone number, the date the document was made available (permissioned), the last time the user viewed the document, document id, file path and alert information. 

  1. From within the VDR, click Documents.
  2. Select the documents for which you want to view access information. You can select a maximum of 4000 documents.

    Note: To select all documents, click All Documents in the left pane, and select them all be clicking the checkbox in the header row.

  3. From the three dots menu, select Access Report or right-click and select Access Report.

    The left pane shows the list of documents. You can sort this list by clicking in the column header. The right pane shows the list of users who have access to the selected document. Users that are not permissioned to view the document are not included.

  4. Click on a document to view the users that have access to the document, their role, and whether they accessed the document.
  5. (Optional.) Click on a user to display the user’s group, role, last time the user accessed the document, and the last time a document alert was sent and any alert failures. If the user is in multiple groups, there are multiple rows.
  6. (Optional.) Filter the list of users.

    To filter by user name, group name, or user role, in the left pane, click Filter, enter the appropriate information, and click Apply. Note that applying filters affects the count of views.

    To view only users that have not viewed the document, in the right pane, click Users who have not viewed document. To view only users that did not receive an alert, in the right pane, click Users who did not receive document alert. These filters do not affect the count of views in the left pane.

  7. (Optional.) To export the report to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export. You can export a report that has a maximum of 150,000 rows.

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