Downloading a previous version of a document | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Everyone

If the Use Version Control VDR setting is turned ON, multiple versions of the same document can be uploaded to the VDR . This ability allows members of the VDR to access previous versions of the document, and view what has changed from version to version.

I want to

  • Download a previous version of a document


  1. Locate the document in the documents list, and select it.
  2. To display the document’s properties, from the Action menu, select Properties.
  3. Select History at the top of the screen to display the document's History.
  4. In the Activity column, click the link to the “Update” event you want to view. An information panel slides out displaying general information and activity for the document.
  5. To download the document to your computer, click the Title link at the top.
  6. Double-click the downloaded file to open it.

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