Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Everyone
You can download individual documents and placeholders from a VDR. In addition, if your VDR is configured to allow bulk downloading of documents, you can also download multiple documents, and multiple folders of documents, at the same time.
Note that security settings applied to documents you download may require you to enter your credentials (email address and password) to open and view the documents.
If your VDR uses index numbers and you do not want to include them in the download, click your user name, select Preferences, click Downloads, and click Name only.
I want to
- Download one or more documents
To download a document
- Locate the document in the documents list, and select it.
- Click Download.
- Double-click the downloaded file to open it.
To download multiple documents
You can download a maximum of 50,000 documents at one time. If you exceed this limit, a message is displayed asking you to select fewer documents.
Note: If you download more than 1,000 documents, it may take some time to download them. A message is displayed indicating that the request is being prepared, and another message is displayed when the download begins. You can continue working in VDRPro while processing occurs.
- In the documents list, select the documents and/or folders you want to download. You can include placeholders and protected files in your selection.
- Click Download. The documents and/or folders download into a compressed (zipped) folder in your downloads directory.
If you are using Windows and the combined names of some folders and documents are longer than the 256 character limit allowed by Windows, a dialog box is displayed. Select whether to shorted file names and click Continue:
- Shorten file names – File and folder names will be abbreviated and all folders will be downloaded. This option retains the VDR folder structure and allows you to identify each file by name. If this options is not selected, all files will be downloaded to a single folder. No folders will be downloaded, and information about where the files were stored in Intralinks VDRPro will be lost.
If your browser detects files that could potentially contain malicious content, a message might appear to warn you of the risk and give you the option not to continue with the download. The warning is based upon selected file types, not actual content of the file(s). Warnings do not appear for file types that are commonly used by Intralinks VDRPro’s clients.
A warning message will appear if you select any file with one of the following extensions: *.ade; *.adp; *.asd; *.asf; *.asx; *.bas; *.bat; *.chm; *.cil; *.class; *.cmd; *.com; *.cpl; *.crt; *.dat; *.dll; *.exe; *.hcp; *.hlp; *.hta; *.ht; *.htm; *.html; *.inf; *.js; *.jse; *.lnk; *.mda; *.mdb; *.mde; *.mdw; *.msc; *.msi; *.msp; *.nws; *.ocx; *.pif; *.p; *.pm; *.pot; *.pps; *.reg; *.scr; *.sct; *.shb; *.shs; *.sys; *.vb; *.vbe; *.vbs; *.vcf; *.wmd; *.wms; *.wmz; *.wsc; *.wsf; *.wsh; *.xlt; *.xlw; *.zlb
Why can't I open documents?
The file might be password protected or have watermarking applied. Password protection and watermarking must be removed before uploading files. If you are the VDR manager, remove password protection and watermarking and reupload the files, otherwise, contact your VDR manger. For information about figuring out who the key contact is for your VDR, refer to Key contacts.
Additional troubleshooting information
For more information about troubleshooting documents, see Downloading / Opening documents.