Changing your password before it expires | All products

  • Updated

Product: All
Applies to: Everyone

Typically, passwords expire every 365 days to ensure the security of your account; however, you can change your password any time before it expires.

I want to

  • Change my password before it expires
  • Update my Intralinks password


  1. Log into your Intralinks account with your existing password. 
  2. Click your name / profile icon. Depending on the Intralinks product you are using, the icon may appear on the upper right or lower left of the screen.
  3. Select Account Profile.
  4. Click Update Password.
  5. In the Current Password field, enter the password / passphrase you have been using.
  6. In the New Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the new password / passphrase. For greater security, create a strong password / passphrase as indicated by the password strength meter.
  7. Click Update Password.

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