Managing compliance settings | Access Gatekeeper

  • Updated

The term Access Gatekeeper is the Intralinks term for someone in the position to monitor users’ access to information on Intralinks VDRs. In the role of Access Gatekeeper, you are not only able to do this but also to restrict a user’s access to VDRs or to private side information on a public/private-enabled VDR if you feel such access might present compliance issues within your organization. You can also determine whether a user should make this determination on his or her own. 

Monitoring users is facilitated by grouping users together according to their domains and the VDRs they can access. (The domains and VDRs are defined to the monitored group by the Intralinks administrator, an Intralinks staff member responsible for assisting you in your Access Gatekeeper role.) You can oversee multiple monitored groups, and more than one Access Gatekeeper can oversee the same monitored group. You yourself may be in a position to be monitored as well, but you will not be a member of the group you are monitoring. Also, you may serve exclusively in the role of Access Gatekeeper and have no reason to access VDRs.

Ample methods are built into the system for communicating to the user and to VDR managers why the user may not be permitted access to a VDR or its content, as well as how to contact the relevant party if questions arise about a user’s restricted access.

This article explains how to control users’ access to VDRs and VDR content.

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products. In Access Gatekeeper, they also are referred to as workspaces.

Compliance setting definitions

This section defines the different compliance settings that you apply to control a user’s access to VDRs and VDR content.

The values that you specify to control a user’s access to a VDR are defined in the following table.

VDR access settings  
Value Effect
Enable Users can access all VDRs to which the user has access. This is the default.
Disable - all User cannot access any VDRs.
Disable - non-PvP User can access only public/private-enabled* VDrs to which the user has access

* Public/private-enabled VDRs are VDRs on which the VDR manager has differentiated public side information from private side information.

The values that you specify to control a user’s access to public/private side information on a VDR are defined in the following table.

Public/private content preference declaration settings
Value Effect
Public User can view information appropriate only for the public side on the public/private-enabled VDRs to which the user has access
Self-Select User can choose to view only public, or both public and private information on public/private enabled VDRs to which the user has access. This is the default.

On public/private-enabled VDRs, the user makes a content preference declaration about viewing public or private side information. You have the ability to determine and override the user’s declaration.

The following graphic represents the flow that you may follow when assigning access rights. Any of these values (except for the system default values) can be modified at any time. The information in this article is presented in the order shown in the graphic.


As users become members of a monitored group, the default values assigned to the group govern their ability to access both their existing and future VDRs (defined by product code). These values can be overridden at the group level, individual user level, and VDR level.

Icons_Approved.svg How to assign values for VDR access and VDR content

You begin the process of assigning access values from the monitored group report screen for the selected group. To access this screen, click the contacts tab dropdown list and select the group name. If you are assigned to only one monitored group, the monitored group report screen is displayed.
assign values1.png

The contact information for the Access Gatekeepers assigned to this group appears in the top section of this screen. The current default values applied to all users in the group appear in the middle section of the screen. The domains defined for the monitored group are listed in the lower section. If complete domain coverage was defined for the group, this is stated as an informational message in the lower section of the screen. For information about complete domain coverage, see Managing users.

Use this screen to assign or update default access values for the users in the monitored group and to add users to the group. 

Icons_Approved.svg How to assign group default access values

You begin by assigning default access values to future members of the monitored group. When users are added to the group, they automatically inherit these values for their VDRs as they are added to them.

Note: These values do not apply to current group members’ VDRs. Changing current members’ default access values is performed on another screen. For more information, see Assigning default values to current group members below.

  1. On the monitored group report screen, click the update defaults command. The update defaults for monitored group screen is displayed.

    assign group.png

  2. If the public/private feature is enabled for VDRs, select the desired value from the default PvP declaration dropdown list. The values are Public and Self Select.
  3. Select the desired value from the default VDR access dropdown list. The values are Enabled, Disabled - All, and Disabled - Non PvP.
  4. Click the save command to save the values you selected.

    Clicking cancel ignores any changes you made to this screen. Both actions return display to the monitored group report screen.

Icons_Approved.svg How to assign default values to current group members

You can assign default access values to all current group members’ existing or future VDRs. This task assumes that you have already added members to the monitored group.

To assign values to current group members, click the update users command on the monitored group report screen. The update defaults for users in monitored group screen is displayed.

assign default.png

This screen displays all of the current members of the monitored group, along with their contact information and the date they were added to the group. The default compliance settings at the top of the screen that were applied to all future members of the monitored group can be applied to all of the current members’ future VDRs.

The current default declaration to be applied to all of each user’s VDRs is displayed in the default declaration column corresponding to the user. The current default access setting to be applied to all of the user’s VDRs is displayed in the default VDR access column. These values will be applied to all of the user’s existing VDRs.

Assign group default values to current members’ future VDRs

  1. Click apply to all users for either or both default settings at the top of the screen. The following message is displayed. 

    apply to all msg.png

  2. Click Yes, Apply to All to confirm your action, or Cancel to cancel the action.

Assign default values to current members’ existing VDRs

  1. Click the check box corresponding to the user’s name, and then select the value from the default declaration and default access dropdown lists as required. This means that all VDRs currently accessed by the selected user will have the same settings.

    For example, assume that Sue currently has access to three VDRs. You assign Sue’s default VDR access as enabled and her default declaration as public. This means that Sue will be able to access all three VDRs and see only public side information on each VDR (assuming that the public/private feature is enabled for each VDR).

    To view a user’s name that is not readily visible on the screen, enter the user’s last name or email address in the corresponding search field and click go.

    If you want to select all of the users in the monitored group, regardless of whether their name is readily visible on the screen, click the name check box.

  2. When you have finished assigning values for selected users, click the apply defaults command. The following message is displayed.

    apply default msg.png

  3. Note: You may know that a user listed on this screen has a user role that cannot be restricted, such as a VDR manager. This message informs you that the assigned values will not be applied to such users. This will be explained in the next section.
  4. Click Yes, Apply Defaults to save the new values. The monitored group report screen is displayed. Clicking Cancel displays the current screen.

Icons_Approved.svg How to manage users

Remove users

You also use this screen to remove users from the monitored group. However, before attempting to remove a user, you should be aware of the following conditions:

  • Users cannot be members of a monitored group that was created with the complete domain coverage (CDC) feature. The only ways to remove a user from a CDC-monitored group are to remove the user’s domain from the monitored group or to deregister the user.
  • Users must be removed from all monitored VDRs on which they are active before they can be removed from the group.

Note: No message is displayed informing you that the user has been removed from the group.

To remove one or more users from the monitored group, click the check box corresponding to each user’s name, and then click the remove command. A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to remove the user’s name. (Note that the remove command does not appear if the monitored group was defined with complete domain coverage.)

Add users

You also use this screen to access the screen you use to add users to the monitored group by clicking the add users to this group command. Note, however, that if this monitored group was defined with complete domain coverage, only the Intralinks administrator can add users to the group. Refer to Adding Users in Managing users.

Save your changes!

When you have finished working with the update default for users in monitored group screen, remember to click save to save all the changes made to this series of screens.

If you attempt to navigate to another page of users without saving the selections made on the currently displayed page, a message will appear informing you that your selections will not be retained.

Icons_Approved.svg How to assign values to a specific user’s VDRs

You can change the compliance settings on each existing VDR accessed by a specific user, with the following exceptions:

Managers’ and publishers’ declaration values are always “private.”

Users cannot be restricted from VDRs on which they serve as any level of manager, as a publisher + or as a reviewer+. The system recognizes these users in their roles and pre-defines the values.

On the update default for users in monitored group screen, click the user’s name. The compliance settings for the selected user are displayed.

assign values.png
The user’s name and contact information are displayed at the top of the screen. The default compliance settings section displays the values that can be assigned to all of the user’s existing VDRs.

The monitored exchanges section displays:

  • All of the monitored VDRs on which the user is active.
  • An icon representing public/private-enabled VDR s.
  • The current default declaration and current declaration values for the VDR.
  • A check box used to disable the user’s access to a VDR.
  • The user’s role in the VDR.
  • A link to the name of the VDR’s primary contact’s information. When you click this icon, a message similar to the one shown here is displayed:

primary contact.png

Multiple VDR contacts’ names may also appear in this message.

You can review and modify the user’s current default values for all VDRs, or modify settings on a VDR-by-VDR basis.

Modify the user's current default value to be applied to all VDRs

  1. Click apply to all exchanges for either or both default settings at the top of the screen. A message prompts you to confirm your action.
  2. Click the appropriate response.
  3. In the monitored exchanges section of the screen, you may note that some selections are not available to you. These selections correspond to users whose VDR roles do not allow you to restrict them from accessing VDRs or VDR content. The following table displays the values that can be assigned to users’ VDRs according to their roles in the VDR.
    Role Public or self-select Disable access
    Reviewer Public or self select Yes
    Reviewer+ Public or self select No
    Previewer Public or self select Yes
    Previewer+ Self select No
    Publisher Self select Yes
    Publisher+ Self select No
    All managers Self select No

    Following are a few scenarios to explain the values that can be applied to a user:

    • Rebecca is a manager in VDR ABC, which is public/private-enabled. Therefore, her default declaration value is Private, as is the current declaration value. The default declaration value cannot be changed. Rebecca’s access to the ABC VDR cannot be disabled, so the disable access check box is inactive.
    • Rebecca is a reviewer in VDR XYZ, which is public/private-enabled. While Rebecca’s current declaration value is Public, you know that her access to private side information will not pose a compliance risk. Therefore, you can change the default declaration value to Self Select. Now Rebecca can determine for herself whether she wants to access public or private information in the XYZ VDR .
    • Rebecca is a reviewer in VDR WKS, which is not enabled for the public/private feature. Since you believe that Rebecca’s access to information in this VDR may cause a compliance risk, you check the disable access check box, thus preventing Rebecca from accessing VDR WKS.
  4. To modify the default declaration for a VDR, select the desired value from the corresponding default declaration dropdown list.
  5. To disable the user’s access from the VDR, click the corresponding check box in the disable access column.
  6. When you have made the desired changes to this screen, click the save command to save your changes.

If you attempt to navigate to another page without saving the selections made on the currently displayed screen, you will be prompted to save changes.

Icons_Approved.svg How to assign values to monitored group members on the same VDR

You can view the monitored group members who are active on a specific VDR and modify their default declaration and default access values. To do this, click the VDR name on the compliance settings for <username> screen. This displays the update compliance settings for users in <VDR name> screen.

assign value all exchanges.png

This screen lists the name of each user who is active on the VDR, the user’s contact information, the user’s current declaration value, and the user’s role on this VDR. The information icon is a link to the name of the VDR's primary contact’s information.

You can scroll through pages if the number of users on this VDR exceeds the screen size limits. You can also search for a user by last name or email address.

You can apply the monitored group’s default values to all users on this VDR, or modify the values for individual users.

Assign the monitored group’s default values to all of the users in this VDR

  1. Click apply to all users for either or both of the default settings at the top of this screen. The following message is displayed.

    apply to all msg.png

  2. Click Yes, Apply to All to confirm your action, or Cancel to cancel the action. The message disappears from the screen.

Modify an individual user’s values

  1. Display the desired value for a user’s default declaration in the default declaration column. Remember that you cannot change a VDR manager’s or publisher’s default declaration because they are always Private.

    Note: If the public/private feature is not enabled for the VDR, the default declaration and current declaration columns are not displayed.

  2. Click the check box in the disable column corresponding to the users whose access to this VDR should be restricted.

If you attempt to navigate to another page or close this window before you save your changes, a message reminds you to save your changes.

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