Locating the Q&A coordinator | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Everyone

If your VDR uses Q&A, you may need to locate the the Q&A Coordinator. The coordinator manages the Q&A process and is responsible for answering questions or delegating questions to experts. The Q&A coordinator can be an M&A advisor outside your organization (if your organization is selling an asset), or an individual within the organization.

I want to

  • Locate the Q&A Coordinator


  1. From within the VDR, click Users & Groups.
  2. In the left panel, click All Users.
  3. Click Filter to the left of the Search field.
  4. In the By User Role field, select Manager+.
  5. In the first column, look for the coordinator icon coordinatoricon.png. Users that have this icon are Q&A Coordinators.

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