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Use this page to learn about Intralinks releases that provide new or enhanced capabilities. In addition to these releases, Intralinks constantly updates its products to ensure their security and to increase performance and the overall user experience. Click the product for which you want to view enhancements and new features:
- All products
- VDRPro
- InvestorVision
- FundCentre Fundraising
- InView
- Intralinks Integration Adapter (ILIA)
- Intralinks Designer (ILD)
- VDRPro for mobile apps
- VIA Pro
To view releases chronologically by date, see Latest Intralinks releases (view by date).
All products
September 9, 2024 - All products
- Login enhancement - New SSO users will be prompted for their name and language preference the first time that they log in to Intralinks.
August 29, 2024 - All products
- Login enhancement - New non-SSO users will be prompted for their name and language preference the first time that they log in to Intralinks.
January 24, 2023 Multiple products
- New chat functionality and a new knowledgebase were introduced. Relevant knowledgebase articles are suggested to people using the chat function; users can either read the suggested articles to resolve issues themselves or continue on to chat with a support agent, who will help to resolve the issues. Chat functionality is available in VDRPro and VIA Pro, and the knowledgebase contains step-by-step instructions for completing tasks, troubleshooting information, reference material, and other helpful information.
September 10, 2022 Authentication
- Okta Verify with Push has been added as an option for users to verify their identities when logging into Intralinks applications. With this option, users do not have to enter a verification code; they simply have to tap a button in a notification on their phone. Users who have set up Intralinks Authenticator cannot also use Okta Verify with Push to log into Intralinks applications. Okta Verify with Push is available with the following products: VDRPro, Deal Marketing, DealVision, InvestorVision, Intralinks Designer, Intralinks VIA Pro Edition.
October 27, 2022 Authentication (multiple products)
The following change affects VDRPro, InvestorVision, Deal Marketing, DealVision, Intralinks Designer, and VIA Pro.
- Users who have enrolled their phones to receive SMS alerts can now update their mobile phone numbers and reset their authentication factors without calling Intralinks support.
January 28, 2025 - VDRPro
- Bulk archive ordering - You can now place an order for up to ten archives at the same time. This enhancement eliminates the need for paper forms and improves efficiency.
December 12, 2024 - VDRPro
The following enhancements have been made to the Document Analyzer:
- You can now filter results based on the type of issue found, for example, corrupted, protected, and so on.
- You can now sort based on the date a document was added, which allows you to group documents together based on when they were added to the Attention required list.
September 24, 2024 - VDRPro
Permissions tab usability enhancements - The permissions tab has been enhanced to streamline and improve the user experience. Changes include the following updates:
- Simplified main toolbar, focusing on the most important actions
- Increased screen size for reviewing permissions for user groups and folders
- New action bar for consistency with other areas of VDRPro
- Improved on-screen help
- Ability to monitor usage before a contract is signed - You can now monitor usage by number of pages, amount of storage and by number of users before your sign a contract. This allows you to choose the best option for your deal. After a contract is signed, you can monitor usage by the metric in your contract.
- Clean teams enhancements - An indicator has been added for users that have a clean team role in Q&A to allow you to better coordinate with clean team members when submitting questions. The icon will be displayed in the list of users on the Users & Groups tab in the same column that displays the submitters and Q&A coordinator icons.
July 30, 2024 - VDRPro
- Support for clean teams - You can now designate particular buyer group users as clean team members. They will be able to maintain a private communication channel with the sell side, while still being part of the regular buyer group in the buy side team.
July 2, 2024 - VDRPro
- Ability to select up to 20 groups when setting permissions - The number of groups that can be select for reviewing and managing permissions has been increased from 10 to 20. This change makes it faster and easier to permission groups.
- Collapsed folder view on the Permissions tab - The left side folder view is now collapsed by default when you open the Permissions tab, giving extra space to review and manage permissions. The tab can be expanded if needed.
- Enhancements to the Select Group window - You can now click anywhere in a group's row to select or deselect the group. Previously, you had to click in the checkbox and clicking outside of the checkbox deselected all selected rows except the row you clicking in.
May 23, 2024 - VDRPro
- Document Count report enhancements - Index and ID columns for both folders and documents have been added to make it easier to reconcile the usage information from this report with other reporting sources.
- Index numbers now appear in the Top Documents widget - Index numbers now are displayed for documents in the Top Documents widget in the Documents view of the Insights & Reporting tab. This change makes it easier for exchange managers identify the most-accessed documents in the exchange.
April 25, 2024 - VDRPro
- 30-day DealVault trial is now included with USB archive orders - The 30-day trial lets you use a subset of DealVault functions. DealVault gives you easy access to your data room files, allows you to access and manage your archives in one place, and unarchive files to a live data room to get a head start for deal prep. You can easily upgrade to a paid subscription at any time during the trial.
- New subscription manager role for managing DealVault subscriptions - All requests to add an archive to a DealVault subscription will undergo review by the subscription manager. The manager approves or rejects a request and for approved requests, determines to which subscription the archive is added.
February 22, 2024 - VDRPro
- Temporary removal of two widgets and one report - The Current Document Count and Current page Count widgets are temporarily being removed from the Documents tab of Insights & Reporting. In addition, the Document Count Report is also being removed from the Reports tab. They will be reinstated when changes have been made to improve the accuracy of the reports to better align with actual billing data.
January 30, 2024 - VDRPro
The following enhancements have been made to Insights & Reporting:
- The Document Count Report has been enhanced to produce one Excel spreadsheet with two sheets, one for the Current Document List report and one for the Deleted Document List report. Previously, two Excel spreadsheets were generated.
- The About Charts and Exports informational text has been updated to better explain what is included in the Current Document Count and Current Page Count widgets.
- Field names on the Contract Dashboard have been updated to better clarify contract type and to be consistent with other Intralinks systems.
December 7, 2023 - Intralinks VDRPro
- Filtering documents by file type - A new filter has been added to the Documents tab, allowing you to filter by file type. This filter is only available when filtering all exchange documents. It is not available when filtering a specific folder.
November 28, 2023 - Intralinks VDRPro
- Auto extraction of ZIP archives during uploads - You can now choose whether to automatically extract files from ZIP archives when you are uploading files. If a ZIP archive is detected in the upload structure, you will be asked whether you want to automatically unzip ZIP files. Your selection will be saved as a preference for your account and can be changed later.
- Ability to remove index numbers from downloads - You can now set whether to including index numbers for bulk downloads. If you do not include index numbers, only file names and folders will be downloaded.
- User preferences for uploads and downloads - You can now set your preferences for uploads and downloads. You can choose whether to automatically unzip ZIP files during an upload, and set whether bulk downloads should contain index numbers and names only.
Insights and reporting enhancements - The following enhancements were made to insights and reporting to improve productivity, increase transparency, and provide a better customer experience:
- Data refresh time for widgets has been reduced from up to 24 hours to less than 15 minutes, providing access to more up to date information.
- A new widget has been added to the Overview tab that displays the top 10 groups with the most logins over time.
- New widgets have been added to the Documents tab that shown the current document count and current page count, helping you to better understand deal activity. Previously, this information was only available in the Document Count Report.
October 20, 2023 - Intralinks VDRPro
- Ability to upload all files in a DealVault archive to an empty exchange - Users with a Manager Plus role can now move (unarchive) all files in a DealVault archive to an empty exchange.
September 19, 2023 Intralinks VDRPro
The following enhancements were made:
Cloud-based deal archive storage - A new option for deal archive storage has been added. DealVault is a cloud-based storage solution that ensures easy post-deal closing access to archives and efficient management of your deal data. Archives can be securely accessed in the cloud, making it easier for deal teams to analyze and collaborate. Based on your contract with Intralinks, this option may not be available to you. DealVault lets you:
- View files and folders from past deals in the cloud
- Search within an archive for file/folder names
- Search across portfolios for file/folder names
- Download files/folders from an archive
- Move files/folders from an archive to a live VDR
- Manage archives in one central location
- Analyze your portfolio
- Document upload improvements - The process of adding documents has been streamlined to make uploading documents easier, faster and consistent. Messaging improvements have made to help reduce the likelihood of setting the wrong permissions or notifying the wrong users by providing information about what is going to happen with uploaded content.
- Increased file size support - File size support for individual files has been increased to 25GB for data rooms hosted in the United States, Germany, and Australia. Previously, the file size limit was 15GB.
July 27, 2023 Intralinks VDRPro
The following enhancements were made:
- Ability to create a deal profile - A new dialog box for completing your deal profile will be displayed when an exchange member with any Manager role logs into Intralinks VDRPro. The information requested is aimed at capturing the context of the deal taking place and will be used by Intralinks to provide you with better products and services. Your responses are optional and confidential. Only Intralinks and exchange managers can view them.
- Secure Viewer enabled by default on all new exchanges - Secure Viewer is now enabled by default on exchanges created using the M&A and B&S industry templates.
June 14, 2023 VDRPro/Archives
The following enhancements have been made to Intralinks archives:
- A downloadable confirmation letter and index file are now available for archives. These files are available after the archive has been generated and they are available only to the archive recipient. The files are located on the Orders sub-tab of the Orders & Archives tab.
- The Viewpoints drop down list is now sorted alphabetically. In addition, a type-ahead feature has been added to more quickly narrow down search results.
- Non-Intralinks users who are recipients of an archive can now access the archive without having to contact Intralinks.
June 1, 2023 VDRPro/AI Redaction
Redaction of Swedish-language documents is now supported.
May 2, 2023 VDRPro
The following enhancements were made:
- Users with a Manager Plus or Hidden Manager Plus role can now enable and configure Secure Viewer, Intralinks' secure browser-based document viewer. These managers can configure which documents types can be downloaded and whether the blur feature is enabled to prevent the use of print screen.
- Users can now choose whether to include index numbers in downloaded files and folders. This option is available when the path to some files and folders exceeds the Windows limit of 256 characters.
April 20, 2023 VDRPro/AI Redaction
The following enhancements were made to AI redaction file viewer:
- The format, spacing, and icons have been improved on the Show/Hide Markup Details panel. In addition, users can now sort by modified date, author, and color.
- Users can now perform bulk actions on selected markup items.
- Users can style the items in the Show/Hide Markup Details panel by color. Note the styling only appears in the items in the panel, not in the actual markings in the document.
- Users can filter the options in the Show/Hide Markup Details panel by user, color, or type.
- Undo and redo buttons have been added for items marked within the document.
- User interface improvements were made to the page settings panel. Labels were added, as well as the ability to enter full screen.
March 31, 2023 VDRPro/AI Redaction
Intralinks AI Redaction now is available for exchanges hosted in the United States, United Kingdom and Japan. Previously it was available only for exchanges hosted in Germany or Australia. AI Redaction is included automatically in all newly created exchanges. Customers who want to use AI redaction in exchanges created before March 31 should contact Intralinks for assistance.
March 25, 2023 VDRPro
Search tools used to find information in exchanges hosted in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan have been upgraded. Users of these exchanges will see faster results when they search, and the upgrade will allow to Intralinks to expand its search capabilities in the future.
March 9, 2023 VDRPro
The following changes were made to Intralinks VDRPro:
Q&A enhancements
A number of usability and performance enhancements were made to Q&A.
- The appearance of the filter tabs was updated to match other areas of the product.
- The selections for items in drop-down button lists were restyled and rearranged to make it easier to find reports and other functions.
- The Dashboard and All Questions tab are always visible now. Previously, they were not displayed when a user selected a filter.
- The closed questions filter now displays a counter.
Ability to control blur in the High Security Viewer
Exchange managers now can choose whether documents displayed in the High Security Viewer screen will be blurred when users move their mouse off the screen. The blur feature improves security by preventing users from making screenshots of sensitive information, but blurring can interfere with users' ability to complete their work. A new exchange setting allows the blur feature to be enabled or disabled; the setting can be changed only by an Intralinks Administrator. Contact Intralinks support to change this setting.
Improved messaging when uploading files and folders
Messaging has been improved when uploading files that exceed the file size limit or when uploading folders that exceed the limit for number of folders that can be uploaded.
File size limit increased to 25GB for bulk upload
The maximum supported file size for bulk upload of documents has been increased from 15GB to 25GB for all geographic regions. Individual documents must be 15GB or less.
Performance improvements in the user interface
Loading times for users and groups has been improved.
February 23, 2023 VDRPro/AI Redaction
Users can now add terms to the Additional Terms to Redact and Do Not Redact lists directly from the document they are viewing, making the redaction process quicker. Previously, users could add terms only in the configuration area.
Usability enhancements were made to the user interface, as well.
January 26, 2023 VDRPro
The Secure Online Viewer now is available for exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia. This functionality allows users to view IRM-protected documents in their browser in a highly secure way. Documents displayed in the secure online viewer are prevented from printing, downloading or taking screenshots of the documents. Previously users of exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia were required to download IRM-protected documents first before viewing them.
December 13, 2022 VDRPro
The following changes were made:
- A new option was added for ordering archives. Exchange managers can now request that a ZIP file be burned directly to USB when they place their archive order in the application. Previously, users had to contact Intralinks support to order this option. This change will make it easier for Macintosh users to order archives that they can easily open without installing special applications to do so.
- When users download large numbers of files, new messages are displayed indicating that the download request is being processed and when the download begins. Previously, there was no message indicating that the request was being processed. In addition, if a user tries to download more than the maximum allowed 50,000 files, a message is displayed requesting the user to select fewer files.
- For exchanges hosted in the US, UK and Japan, the Secure Viewer used to display IRM-protected documents in the browser has been updated. The new version functions in exactly the same way as the previous version, but the speed with which documents are displayed and the number of documents that can be processed at one time have been improved. These changes will result in a more stable and faster experience for users.
December 9, 2022 VDRPro
Two new optional fields were added to all Q&A reports: Delegated to Group and Delegated To Individual. These fields make it easier for clients to see who questions were delegated to. Previously, clients had to view each question’s details inside the question list to see this information.
November 17, 2022 VDRPro
The following changes were made to VDRPro:
Usability enhancements
- Documents tab – The buttons for adding documents, creating folders, and performing more actions have been moved to the right. The search and filter options have been moved to the left. A title has been added to the page and the grid is now displayed in alternating white and gray to make it easier to read. In addition, the Action menu has been replaced with the action bar.
- Users and Groups tab – The buttons for adding groups, users, and accessing exports have been moved to the right. The search and filter options have been moved to the left. A title has been added to the page and the grid is now displayed in alternating white and gray to make it easier to read. In addition, the Action menu has been replaced with the action bar, which provides users with a more intuitive way to access commands; users still can right-click on individual users and groups in a list to see a menu of actions they can take.
Users can now choose which columns to display in the grid, reorder columns, and pin columns. Users can save their changes for future sessions.
A new Export button has been added to make the export function more visible to users.
Applied filters are now displayed. Users can click on the x in a filter to remove the filter.
- Exchanges list – The Action menu and Create Exchange button have been moved to the right. The search and filter options have been moved to the left. A title has been added to the page and the grid is now displayed in alternating white and gray to make it easier to read.
- Reports tab – A title has been added to the page and the grid is now displayed in alternating white and gray to make it easier to read.
Flexible question limits for Q&A
Q&A coordinators can now select the time frame for the maximum number of questions buyers can submit. After the selected time frame has passed, the buyers will be assigned additional questions. The time frame can be daily, weekly, or monthly, and can be set for individual buyer groups or for all buyer groups. This eliminates the need for Q&A coordinators to manually reset limits every day, week or month to manage the flow of questions to Q&A experts, ensuring that the experts can handle the volume of incoming questions.
October 27, 2022 VDRPro
Enhancements were made to AI Redaction, Q&A setup, and authentication services.
Ability to exclude terms from AI redaction
Users can now add PII (Personal Identifiable Information) terms to AI redaction that they do not want redacted, streamlining the redaction process. Previously, users had to manually unmark redacted PII terms that did not require redaction.
Q&A Setup enhancements
Q&A setup
October 19, 2022 VDRPro/AI Redaction
Documents written in Greek can now be redacted using Intralinks AI.
October 18, 2022 VDRPro/Deal Close
Archives created in Frankfurt and Sydney now can be created using USB 3.0 connections. As a result, physical archives can be created more quickly than in the past.
September 22, 2022 VDRPro
The maximum file size allowed in exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia has been raised from 2GB to 15GB.
as been redesigned to improve the user experience, including an improved layout and better messaging, making it easier for users to set up and manage the Q&A process.
August 12, 2022 VDRPro/Usage Dashboard
Users who are billed according to the amount of data uploaded to their exchanges now can view more accurate, complete information about the total upload volume on the Usage Dashboard on the Insights tab. The dashboard has been designed to make it easier for users to understand the current volume of data on the exchange, how uploads on a specific date caused as overage, if applicable, and the overage, if any, for the current month. Previously, this information was not clearly and accurately displayed.
August 2, 2022 VDRPro/Documents
A new All Documents option was added to the panel on the left side of the Documents tab, making it easy for users to quickly redisplay all the documents available to them after they have performed a search or filtering the documents. Previously, users had to use a selection under the filters icon to redisplay all their documents.
July 27, 2022 VDRPro
A new template has been introduced for Banking & Securities customers that enables generic, non-M&A-specific, language by default. The term “buyer” is replaced with the term “participant” throughout the VDR. In addition to the new template, an exchange setting was added to enable these language changes. This setting is enabled by default on the new template and can be changed only by an Intralinks Administrator.
July 21, 2022 VDRPro/AI Redaction
The number of documents that can be redacted at the same time using bulk redaction has been increased from 50 to 1,000 for exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia.
July 16, 2022 VDRPro
Improvements have been made to watermarking and AI redaction, and the maximum file size allowed in exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia has been increased.
Watermarking enhancements
- The same content and watermark positioning options now are available for PDF and Microsoft Office documents. Previously, the options available for Microsoft Office files were more limited than those for PDF files.
- A new exchange setting allows clients to configure whether watermarks are displayed for managers and publishers.
- Watermarking can now be disabled for specific user groups.
- Managers can now enable and disable watermarking for Microsoft Office files. They no longer have to contact an Intralinks Administrator.
- Watermarking can be enabled for all Microsoft Office files or only for IRM-protected Microsoft Office files. Previously, only IRM-protected files could be watermarked.
AI redaction enhancements
- Users can now redact multiple documents at the same time, making the redaction process faster and easier. This functionality currently is available for exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia, for existing and new exchanges.
- New filters for AI redaction markup status have been added. These filters allow users to easily identify files with a particular status, such as scanning, ready for review, redacting, and so on.
- Users can now restore one or more documents that were removed from the redaction area. These documents can be located using the Removed Documents filter.
June 24, 2022 VDRPro/AI Redaction
Bulk redaction, clients' most requested AI redaction feature, now is available in new and existing exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia. Users of these exchanges can now redact multiple documents at the same time, making the redaction process faster and easier; previously, they were required to redact documents one at a time. Bulk redaction moves the redaction process from user's computers to Intralinks servers, making redaction faster and easier for users.
Users also can filter documents in the redaction area by their markup status. These filters allow users to easily identify files in a particular status such as scanning, ready for review, redacting, and so on. Additionally, users can now restore one or more documents that have been removed from the redaction area. These documents can be located by filtering by Removed Documents.
June 16, 2022 VDRPro
For exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia, additional file types can be viewed in the browser. Users accessing these exchanges now can view unprotected Microsoft Office documents with the .doc, .xls and .ppt extensions and CAD files in their browser. Users can view these files either by opening them in a new tab or by previewing them. Previously, users, had to download these documents to view them.
June 9, 2022 VDRPro
The following enhancements were made:
- Improvements were made to the bulk download process on Windows. In Windows, the maximum length for a file path name is 256 characters. When a Windows user performs a bulk document download, VDRPro now checks to see whether any file paths exceed the Windows limit. If they do, the user has the option to shorten the file and folder names or download all of the files to a single folder. Previously, a message was displayed to all users, regardless of whether the file path limit was exceeded, saying that folders may be removed. This enhancement ensures that only users who have file paths that exceed the Windows limit see a message. It also gives users more flexibility in managing downloads that exceed the Windows character limit.
- In the file upload process, VDRPro now checks to see whether the Windows character limit is exceeded; if it is, users can either cancel the upload or skip the files that can't be uploaded. Users also can export a list of files that exceed the Windows limit.
- Exchange members with a manager-level role can now view the location where their data is stored and processed. This information is available on the Exchange Details screen when you select Exchange Settings from the Profile menu.
- Users can now resize the documents tab panel, allowing them to view more information without scrolling.
- The Live Chat button has been moved to the footer.
In addition, support for the Intralinks Mobile Authenticator was added.
May 31, 2022 VDRPro/Live Chat
A number of changes were made to Live Chat. Users now select a broad category describing the problem they want to solve and are routed to a queue monitored by specialists trained to answer that category of questions. If the user consents, browser and system information is passed to the support specialist, giving the specialist more insight into the user's situation and reducing the number of questions the specialist has to ask the user. Additional accessibility and design changes were made to align the appearance of the chat function with the rest of the VDRPro application.
September 19, 2024
- Fund level templates - You can now customize document type notifications by fund, which allows you to send fund-specific notification information to address specific use cases. GP and Fund Admins can access these template. If a fund-specific template is not defined, the portal-level template is used.
- Ability to reply to a No-Reply sender - You can now define one Reply-To email address for No-Reply document type notifications that applies across the portal, allowing users that receive document notifications to reply directly to the embedded email address. Previously, users could not reply to a notification with a No-Reply sender.
- Ability to see how often notifications have been resent to investors - You can now view the details of when notifications have been resent from the Notifications tab on the Posting screen. This ability allows you to have a full audit trail of client communications and better manage the frequency of communications.
June 21, 2024 - InvestorVision
- Multiple fund postings - You can now publish to multiple funds within the same posting, making posting fund family investment structure more efficient.
- Failed notification export - Notifications that have not been delivered can be exported, making reviewing notifications that were not delivered easier to identify.
Document preview enhancements - The following enhancements have been made to document preview:
- You can now view all pages in a document. Previously, you could only view the first page.
- The following additional file types can now be previewed in addition to PDF files: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, JPG, JPEG, PNG. Note that video files are not supported.
March 16, 2023 - InvestorVision
- Ability to disable consolidated notifications - GP administrators can now disable consolidated notifications by marking the Notifications Aggregate field No. When disabled, users are sent one email for each permissioned document based on the document type notification.
- Performance improvements - Enhancements have been made to improve performance and stability.
September, 2023 InvestorVision
The following enhancements were made:
- Language support on the LP portal - Chinese and Japanese support has been improved. Spanish is now supported.
- Performance improvements -Backend changes have been made to improve performance.
March 31, 2023 InvestorVision
The following enhancements were made:
- Additional language support - Limited Partner (LP) portal: To address the growing international user base, French language support has been improved, and Japanese language support has been added.
- Ability to change the language: The ability to change the language for labels in the user interface has been added.
- Fund performance support: Fund managers (General Partners or GPs) will be able to expose a dedicated fund performance metric tab to investors on the LP portal. This feature must be configured by an Intralinks administrator.
- Drop-down values for asset classes: Additional dropdown values have been added across the platform to accommodate additional asset class specific values.
- Enhanced user experience for users with multi-portal/multi-role access: The user experience for users with multi-portal/multi-role access, such as a fund of funds users that is a GP in one portal and and LP across multiple other portals, has been improved.
- Improved performance for users with more than 300 permissions: The user experience and performance has been improved for users that have more than 300 permissions, for example, fund administrators and wealth advisors.
- GDPR compliance: InvestorVision now has fully hosted services on European data centers to meet GDPR compliance requirements.
- Identity switcher: You can now map multiple user accounts to the same Intralinks user profile.
- Watermarking: Watermarking can now be added to documents. If configured, the watermark is displayed diagonally across the page. The watermark includes the word "Confidential," the name of the user, and the date and time. This feature must be configured by an Intralinks administrator.
December 15, 2022 InvestorVision
The following enhancements were released:
- A new report that shows the status of consent requests was added. The report shows a list of users and whether they have consented to receive documents electronically.
- A new report has been added to show all financial hedge summary data. This report provides general partners with the ability to review data uploaded to the portal, as well as profit and loss values calculated by the application before data is published to the limited partner portal. General partners can also create their own hedge data report.
- General partners can now send a follow-up notification to limited partners to remind them of outstanding document requests. The request notification now includes the descriptive message entered by the general partner. Additionally, a new tab was added to the limited partner portal for document requests. Previously, request were visible only on the home page.
December 5, 2022 InvestorVision
A tab has been added to allow users to track their pending tasks, and additional enhancements have been made to the dashboard that appears on login.
July 20, 2022 InvestorVision
The following changes were made:
- Hedge fund data can now be displayed and uploaded when Intralinks is the data provider. After a general partner uploads and publishes hedge fund data, limited partners can view the data. This change allows investors to access both private equity and hedge fund data through the same portal.
- Users now can send notifications to users at any time; previously notifications were triggered either when an investor was onboarded or by a document distribution. General partners no longer have to use multiple tools for communicating with their clients.
- When creating workflows for documents and postings, users can now define who is allowed to approve and publish the documents and postings.
June 28, 2022 InvestorVision
Funds and investors in SS&C's TNR solution now can be synced to InvestorVision.
June 18, 2022 InvestorVision
The OKTA service is now used to authenticate InvestorVision users when they log into the application. This new authentication and identity experience requires uses to set up at least one multiple factor authentication (MFA) option. In addition, updates have been made to the login process; password reset; and the management of profile, credentials, and factors. These changes are designed to improve the user experience, and they provide additional security and improve self-service capabilities.
Users who have both InvestorVision and Intralinks credentials will log into InvestorVision with their existing Intralinks credentials. Users who have InvestorVision credentials only will need to set a new password and enroll in a security option.
FundCentre Fundraising
December 2, 2024 - FundCentre Fundraising
- Ability for LPs to view campaign-level details when given fund-level access - LPs can now view campaign-level details, including the landing page and campaign strategy, when they have been given fund-level access. Previously they could not view this information directly.
- Contacts list page enhancements - Last Login and Re Invited statuses have been added and will be displayed in the Status column. In addition, you can filter on these new statuses.
- Customized Reply To field for teasers - The teaser template can now include a customized Reply To field that potential investors can use to ask questions and get a timely response. Previously, a Reply To email address was not included.
- Branding enhancements - Branding for Fundraising can now be updated without affecting InvestorVision branding.
- Sort by document type - You can now sort by document type on the Document list page.
- Public landing page enhancement - A public landing page can be accessed by anyone. Previously, the public landing page could only be accessed by a user that had an Intralinks account. In addition, the GP would have to grant campaign-level access before sharing the landing page URL. Now campaign-level access can be given upon request.
- Sub-strategy dropdown list enhancement - The option for Growth has been added to the sub-strategy dropdown list.
August 24, 2024 - FundCentre Fundraising
- Ability to only display the Documents tab in the LP Portal - General partners can choose to turn off the LP Dashboard and LP Invest tab in the LP Portal. This is useful for sharing documents quickly before training has been completed and when the GP does not need the CRM or marketing features. The LP Dashboard and LP Invest tab can be turned on at a later date. This feature must be turned on or off the by the Support administrator.
- Customized document type name - General partners can now modify the document type display name to match their own naming conventions.
- Ability to create teams - General partners can now create teams for sending teasers, effectively creating a mailing list.
June 27, 2024 - FundCentre Fundraising
- Fund card view - You can now add a fund card in addition to the listing/table view. The fund card view is more marketing centric and includes a fund image and a summary of the offering fund. The feature must be enabled by Intralinks Customer Service.
- LP portal customization - You can now provide LP portal customization with the client's logo and color scheme.
- Ability to send a test email for welcome emails and document notification emails - You can now send a test email to the GP Admin user for welcome and document notification emails.
- Improved messaging when there is no campaign or fund - Messaging has been improved to make it more obvious when there is no campaign and no fund has been added.
- Ability to export data - You can export the data in most entity grids. The data is downloaded as a CSV file.
September 25, 2024 - InView
- Automatic data synchronization from InvestorVision - When a General Partner posts cashflow date on InvestorVision, it is automatically synched to InView. A new field has been added to the Edit Transaction page that displays the source of the data - manual entry or InvestorVision.
- Integration page enhancements - The sync log has been enhanced to show more details, including items that could not be downloaded and why.
June 10, 2024 - InView
- Ability to add multiple valuations across investments - You can now add valuations to investments in a portfolio, which makes it easier and more efficient to add valuations.
April, 2024 - InView
- Ability to send emails with attachments to Intralinks for processing - You can now forward emails with attachments from fund managers to a dedicated InView inbox. The inbox will process the attachments as documents in InView using AI to categorize and publish the documents. This feature must be enabled by an Intralinks administrator.
November 1, 2023 - Intralinks InView
- Ability to add valuations - You can now add valuations based on the quarterly statements you receive from general partners. Valuations reflect the value of your position in the fund.
- Bulk upload - You can now bulk upload asset managers, funds and investments using an Excel spreadsheet. You can download a template, add information, and then upload the spreadsheet.
December 15, 2023 - InView
- Bulk document download - You can now bulk download up to 100 documents at a time, which increases efficiency and provides an improved user experience. Previously, you had to download documents one at a time.
August, 2023 InView
The following enhancement was made:
- The ability to add transactions has been added. Transactions show the details about how much money General Partners (GPs) have requested from Limited Partners (LPs) or money they have sent to the LPs. The transactions break down the information that has been sent in notices, such as capital calls or distributions.
June 30, 2023 InView
Intralinks InView was released to general availability. InView automates the collection of alternative investment fund reports from InvestorVision, VDRPro, and external data sources. This data is aggregated in a single, intuitive portal that streamlines operations and gives investors real-time access to fund investment data, allowing investors to better analyze their portfolios and make data-driven decisions.
March 31, 2023 InView
Intralinks InView is generally available. InView allows investors to collect financial reports for their alternative investments from funds across their portfolio. Reports can be collected from InvestorVision and other reporting systems, as well as emails, and presented in a user-friendly interface that enables investors to manage their private equity investments.
September 26, 2024 - ILIA
- Configuration manager update - The Use Internet Explorer Settings section has been renamed to Use system settings.
March 28, 2024 - Intralinks Integration Adapter (ILIA)
Ability to order archives - Users with Manager Plus and Hidden Manager Plus roles can now order
downloadable or shippable archives.
Updated look and feel for Configuration Manager and the Process Status Monitor - The Configuration Manager and Process Status Monitor have been updated to
reflect the Intralinks corporate colors.
December 14, 2023 - Intralinks Integration Adapter (ILIA)
- Ability to upload files up to 25GB - You can now upload files up to 25GB for exchanges hosted in the US, Germany and Australia. The previous limit was 15GB.
Ability to load large exchanges - You can now load exchanges with the following limits:
- Documents - 50K
- Folders - 10K
- Groups - 2.5K
- Users - 5K
- Permissions - 200K
- Session sharing - Previously ILIA created a new session for each worker process, creating concurrent sessions for multiple worker processes. Now workers can share the same session if input files are configured to run under the same user identity, which improves performance. This functionality can be turned off using the new option in the execution options in the Configuration Manager.
September 28, 2023 - Intralinks Integration Adapter
- Installation enhancements - The ILIA installer has been updated with a new look and feel.
- ILIA can now be run as a 64-bit application - ILIA can now be run as a 64-bit application, which improves processing of large exchanges.
- Improved response when uploading and downloading documents - The process of uploading and downloading documents has been enhanced to improve response time.
Support for concurrent uploads and downloads - The ability to upload and download documents concurrently is now enabled by default. New options for disabling concurrent document upload and download have been added to the Configuration Manager. If these options are disabled,
document uploads and downloads will be performed sequentially.
July 4, 2023 Intralinks Integration Adapter (ILIA)
The following enhancements have been made:
- Improved logging performance - Logging has been optimized to improve performance.
- Faster download for video files - Video file download speed has been improved.
- Improved input file processing - Input file processing performance has been improved by fetching details of a single exchange instead of fetching the exchange list.
March 22, 2023 Intralinks Integration Adapter (ILIA)
The following changes were made:
- Support was added for Microsoft Windows 11.
- Users with the Manager Plus and Hidden Manager Plus roles can now close an exchange using ILIA. Exchanges can be closed only on a future date.
- Users can now schedule input files for tasks.
- A new filter for the Document Access report allows users to include only documents that have at least one alert failure for any user/group.
- The file management APIs have been replaced with new versions that are expected to improve performance.
December 9, 2022 Intralinks Integration Adapter (ILIA)
The following enhancements were made:
- Input XML files can now be processed concurrently, increasing processing efficiency. A new option has been added to the Configuration Manager to configure the maximum concurrent processes.
- The maximum file size for documents uploaded to exchanges in Germany and Australia has been increased to 15GB. A message is displayed when the upload file size limit exceeds 15GB.
- References to IL5 and functionality related to it have been removed, and IL5 is no longer supported.
- The permissions API now supports fetching up to 200k explicit permissions, improving performance.
- Users can now enable/disable automatic document alerts when they create a new exchange. The new exchange setting ENABLE_AUTO_ALERTS_FOR_UPLOADS can be used to determine whether document alerts are automatically sent when documents are uploaded.
- Users can now download, save and print protected documents.
- The user guide has been updated to include all supported document filters.
Intralinks Designer
March 28, 2024 - Intralinks Designer
- Session inactivity notification - A notification is now displayed ten minutes before your session is about to expire. You can stay signed in by clicking Sty signed in, otherwise your session will expire and you will need to log in again. By default, sessions time out if left idle for 30 minutes.
- Support added for Greek, Turkish, Swedish and Dutch - ILD now supports Greek, Turkish, Swedish and Dutch locales.
December 14, 2023 - Intralinks Designer
- Ability to upload files up to 25GB - You can now upload files up to 25GB for exchanges hosted in the US, Germany and Australia. The previous limit was 15GB.
Ability to load large exchanges - You can now load exchanges with the following limits:
- Documents - 50K
- Folders - 10K
- Groups - 2.5K
- Users - 5K
- Permissions - 200K
September 28, 2023 - Intralinks Designer
- Installation enhancements - The Intralinks Designer (ILD) installer has been enhanced so that the language can be selected at the beginning of the installation process, and the look and feel has been updated.
- ILD can now be run as a 64-bit application - ILD can now be run as a 64-bit application, which improves processing of large exchanges and large Filesplit postings.
- Options for enabling and disabling concurrent uploads and downloads - New options for enabling and disabling concurrent uploads and downloads have been added to preferences. Previously, customers had to contact Intralinks to change these settings.
- Improved response when uploading and downloading documents - The process of uploading and downloading documents has been enhanced to improve response time.
- User interface look and feel enhancements - The look and feel of the login page, splash screen, and about screens have been updated, providing a unified experience in the user interface.
- Ability to bulk download large video files - The Download wizard can now bulk download large video files in MOV, WEBM, MP4, and OGG formats. Previously large video files could only be downloaded individually.
July 4, 2023 Intralinks Designer (ILD)
The following enhancements were made:
- Improved logging performance - Logging has been enhanced to improve performance.
- Auto resume of workspace synchronization is now configurable - Previously, auto resume of workspace synchronization in the case of a machine shutdown was always enabled, which could slow down performance in large exchanges. This feature is now turned off by default, and can be turned on from user preferences if needed.
- Faster download for video files - Video file download speed has been improved.
- Performance improvements - Performance has been improved when loading large exchanges and navigating within Intralinks Designer.
April 13, 2023 Intralinks Designer
The following changes were made:
- Intralinks Designer now supports Windows 11.
- IAM authentication has been enhanced to use Microsoft WebView2.
- The Intralinks Designer help menu now points to the Intralinks Support Center. A new help menu has been added to Filesplit to point to the Intralinks Support Center.
- Users with the Manager Plus and Hidden Manager Plus roles can now close an exchange from Intralinks Designer.
- You can now use a PDF or DOCX file for your exchange agreement splash screen. The maximum file size is 20MB.
- A new set of APIs have been implemented to improve large file uploads.
October 27, 2022 Intralinks Designer and Filesplit
The following changes were made to Intralinks Designer and Filesplit.
Ability to send alerts to the user who sent the posting
For all four Filesplit options, the user that sent the posting can receive an alert if alerts have been activated. The new Send me a copy option is on by default.
An error is displayed when uploading documents that exceed the maximum file size
In Intralinks Designer and Filesplit, a message is displayed when you try to upload a file that exceeds 15GB.
Performance improvements in exchanges hosted in Germany and Australia
By breaking up files, performance on these exchanges has been improved.
Case management/business processes are no longer supported
Functionality related to case management and business processes has been removed since this functionality is no longer supported.
IL5 is no longer supported
References to IL5 and functionality related to it, such as publications, have been removed and are no longer supported.
Clone exchange enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to cloning an exchange:
- A new option has been added allow you to choose whether to send welcome alerts when cloning an exchange. Previously, all newly added users were sent welcome alerts.
- User and group count has been fixed for filters.
- New options for selecting multiple users and groups to add to a cloned exchange have been added.
Ability to download IRM-protected documents
IRM-protected documents can now be download using the Download Wizard.
File Open and Save dialog boxes enhancements
The options for new and old Microsoft Excel and Word files have been combined in one selection. Previously, they were separate selections in the file type dropdown list.
June 9, 2022 Intralinks Designer
When dragging and dropping folders and documents to an exchange ILD, the
user can now choose to either keep or remove index numbers. This change is expected to make rehydration of archived exchanges easier. The process for downloading an individual file has been simplified. Users can
download individual files with a single click, and download and open files by double clicking. Users no longer have to use the Download Wizard for these tasks. In addition, support for the Intralinks Mobile Authenticator was added.
May 24, 2022 Intralinks Designer
Users now can choose to either keep or remove index numbers when dragging folders and documents to an exchange in ILD; this is expected to make rehydration of archived exchanges easier. In addition, users can download individual files with a single click, and they can download and open files by double clicking. Users will no longer have to use Download Wizard for these tasks.
VDRPro for mobile apps
August 1, 2023 Intralinks VDRPro for mobile apps
The following enhancements were made:
- Experts can now propose answers to questions - Experts can now propose answers to questions from the mobile app, saving time and increasing the efficiency of the due diligence process. This capability is available to all exchange users that are part of the collaboration group to which the question has been delegated.
- Insights user interface changes - The Top Users and Top Documents options have been removed from the user group details view on the Group Activity Ranking chart. These options will be added in a future release as separate graphs and tables that will contain exchange level data, not group level data.
June 29, 2023 VDRPro mobile apps
Q&A coordinators can now use the iOS and Android apps to answer buyers' or participants' questions.
April 11, 2023 VDRPro mobile apps
The following changes were made:
- Buyer users with the role of submitter can now submit more than one question at a time.
- Q&A coordinators can now submit questions on behalf of buyer.
- Android 13 is now supported on Android mobile devices.
February 16, 2023 Intralinks for Android
Exchange managers now can use the Intralinks for Android app to give limited publishers the ability to add documents and subfolders to selected folders, if the exchange's settings allow this ability.
December 15, 2022 Intralinks for iOS
Users can now manage folder-level permissions in the mobile app. Users can change, view or revoke permissions. If the exchange allows reviewers and previewers to upload documents to specific folders (the Allow Limited Publishers to Add Documents to Selected Folders exchange setting is enabled), managers can assign these privileges, as well.
December 15, 2022 Intralinks for Android
Users can now manage folder-level permissions in the mobile app. Users can change, view or revoke permissions.
October 27, 2022 Intralinks for iOS
Q&A has been enhanced to include the following new features:
- Delegate questions – you can now delegate one or more questions, optionally assign a due date, and reword the question.
- Change a question’s category – you can now move a question to a different category.
October 27, 2022 Intralinks for Android
Q&A has been enhanced to include the following new features:
- Delegate questions – you can now delegate one or more questions, optionally assign a due date, and reword the question.
- Change a question’s category – you can now move a question to a different category.
July 14, 2022 Intralinks for Android
Q&A has been enhanced to include the following new features:
- Users can now submit a question starting from documents, automatically linking the document to the question. This makes asking questions easier and faster.
- Users can now search Q&A, giving them a faster and better way to locate the question they are interested in.
- Questions can now be expanded or collapsed within a question category, allowing users to focus on questions in categories they are interested in.
Users of the Android app now can review and modify document permissions.
June 30, 2022 Intralinks for iOS
Q&A has been enhanced to include the following new features:
- Users can now submit a question starting from documents, automatically linking the document to the question. This makes asking questions easier and faster.
- Users can now search Q&A, giving them a faster and better way to locate the question they are interested in.
- Questions can now be expanded or collapsed within a question category, allowing users to focus on questions in categories they are interested in
The process of reviewing and modifying document permissions has been redesigned to make it easier for users to change permissions. The following changes have been made:
- The Permissions options has been moved out of the More menu and placed next to it, giving the Permissions option more visibility.
- Users can filter on permission type and search the permissions screen.
- The group type (buyer, collaboration, exchange) is displayed below the group’s name.
June 9, 2022 Intralinks Mobile Authenticator support
Support for the Intralinks Mobile Authenticator was added to VDRPro, Deal Manager, DealVision, VIA Pro, Intralinks Designer, and the Intralinks mobile apps. The authenticator can be used for multi-factor authentication (MFA). Intralinks Mobile Authenticator is the recommended option for all customers to use to verify their identity. It is especially useful for those customers with policies that only allow the use of authenticators from approved vendors. The authenticator is available in Intralinks' iOS and Android mobile apps.
June 2, 2022 VDRPro mobile apps
A new identity authenticator, the Intralinks Mobile Authenticator, was added to the iOS and Android apps. This feature is in support of an upcoming VDRPro release. It will be the recommended option when users configure multi-factor identity management options. It is especially useful for those customers whose corporate policies require them to use authentication software from an approved vendor.
April 27, 2023 VIA Pro Desktop Client for Windows
The following enhancements were made:
- VIA Pro Desktop for Windows now supports Windows 11.
- Microsoft WebView 2 is now being used for IAM authentication.
- New APIs have been implemented to improve the performance of large file uploads.
November 24, 2022 VIA Pro Desktop Client for Windows
On Demand Sync has been removed from the VIA Pro Desktop Client. With On Demand Sync, document placeholders appeared on users’ desktops instead of the actual files; if a user clicked on a placeholder, the document associated with it was downloaded and opened. With this release the placeholders will be replaced with the actual documents they represent. When syncing occurs, documents will be copied to the users’ desktops. For existing exchanges, if placeholders are missing on the desktop, the corresponding documents will be downloaded from the exchange on the web; the documents on the web will not be deleted. This change was made to ensure the reliability of syncing between the web and the desktop.
November 22, 2022 VIA Pro
The Secure Viewer used to display IRM-protected documents in the browser has been updated. The new version functions in exactly the same way as the previous version, but the speed with which documents are displayed is seven times faster, and the new viewer can handle 10 times the traffic that the previous version could. These changes will result in a more stable and faster experience for users.