Managing domains | SecurityHub

  • Updated

Product: SecurityHub
Applies to: Customer SecurityHub administrators

When you request to add a domain, the following verifications are done on each domain request:

  • Domains are checked to make sure that they are not public domains. Public domains, such as, cannot be added.
  • Domains must not be duplicated across Intralinks customer organizations.
  • Domains go through a domain ownership verification process. 

The Domains tab shows domains that are linked to your organization. The Domain Requests tab shows all requests and their statuses.

Important! If you do not have any domains associated with Intralinks, the Login Security tab will not be displayed. In addition, no action can be taken on pending domains. Action can only be taken on approved domains.

Your contract determines which features are available and which roles can access them. Note that compliance admins only have view rights to the available features.

Video - how to manage domains in SecurityHub 

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to manage domains within SecurityHub to secure your environment. 

Icons_Approved.svgHow to create a request to add a domain

  1. In SecurityHub, click Domain Management.
  2. Click Domain Requests.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Requested Domains field, enter the domains that you want to manage in SecurityHub.
  5. (Optional.) In the Administrators field, add the email addresses of the global org admins for each domain. The global org admins must be associated with the domain. The global org admin is added as a provisional global org admin with limited access until the request is approved. At approval, all features become available. If the request is rejected, the user is removed and cannot access SecurityHub.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click I attest that these domains are under my organization's ownership, and administrators are members of my organization.
  8. Click Request to Add.

Icons_Approved.svg How to cancel a domain request

You can cancel a domain request that is in the pending state.

  1. In SecurityHub, click Domain Management.
  2. Click Domain Requests.
  3. In the Actions column of the domain request you want to cancel, click the cancel icon.



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