Viewing the activity log | DealCentre

  • Updated

Applies to: Advisors

The activity log shows various types of activity based on the filters you select. You can view document access, document changes, permission, and user and group history. By default, the  activity log shows document access history activity for the last 30 days. You can change the timeframe, the type of activity included, and select the groups for which you want to view activity. 

Icons_Approved.svg How to view and download the activity log

Generate a report

  1. From the Analytics menu, select Activity Log.
  2. (Optional.) To filter the report, click Advanced Filters.
    • To change the date range of the report, click the calendar icon in the Start Date and End Date fields and select the date.
    • In the Activity field, select the type of activity you are interested in. For document changes, permission, and user and group history, you can optionally select the specific activity you are interested in.
      • Document Access History - Shows which documents have been accessed and by whom, allowing you to gauge interest in the deal.
      • Document Changes History - Shows document activity not including access history. Activities include category change, delete, move, pushed to diligence, redacted, removed from diligence, removed redaction, rename, replace and upload.
      • Permission History - Shows permission events. The information includes previous and new level of access, the user that granted permission and the group to which permission was granted.
      • User and Group History - Shows information about when users and groups have been added, modified or removed.
    • In the Groups field, select the group type for which you want to view the report. If you select Buyers, select the buyer group for which you want to view activity.
    • Click Apply.
  3. Click Create Report from Current View.
  4. In the Report Name field, enter a name for the report.
  5. In the Select a file format field, select whether to generate the file as a Microsoft Excel file or as a CSV file.
  6. Click Create Report from Current View.

Download a report

  1. From the Analytics menu, select Reports.
  2. From the Actions column of the report you want to download, click the download icon.


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