Email notification options | ILIA

  • Updated

Applies to: IT personnel and System admins responsible for ILIA in your organization

Use the E-Mail Notification screens to specify:

  • Configure the SMTP settings for your server
  • The people who should be notified about selected events.
  • The events that require notification.
  • The contents of the email notifications.

Note: You can also specify email recipients within the XML output file. Settings within the XML input file will override the settings you enter in the Configuration Manager.

Important! Reference information is located in the ILIA Reference Guide. This guide includes sample XML files, a data dictionary, troubleshooting information, and instructions on updating configuration settings in the WSB.Config file.

Icons_Approved.svg How to configure email notification options

SMTP Configuration Options

Enter the following information:

  • SMTP Server Address: For example: This is the address of your SMTP mail server. This must be set in order for ILIA to send notifications to the users specified in the Configuration Manager.
  • Server Port: For example: 25. This is the port number of the your SMTP mail server.
  • Send Email From: For example: The From address for all mail sent from ILIA. Most SMTP servers will reject the email request if it does not have a valid email address
  • Credentials: User Id and User Password are used for SMTP servers that require authentication to send email.

Email Notification List

Use this screen to specify the people who should be notified on job initiation, job success, job failure, or any of these conditions.

Add a user to the Email Notification List

  1. Enter the user’s name in the Name field.
  2. Enter the user’s email address in the E-Mail field.
  3.  If you want the user to be notified when his or her password is updated via the User Management screen (see the User Management heading above), click the Receive password change notifications option.
  4. Click Add. The user’s information appears in the contacts list.

Remove a user

  • Highlight the user’s name in the contacts list and click Remove.

Update a user’s information

  1. Highlight the user’s email address in the contacts list. The user’s information appears at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Make any needed changes.
  3. Click Update. The changes you made will appear in the contact list.

E-Mail Notification Options

Indicate when the selected users will receive email notifications:

  • Job Initiation
  • On Error
  • On Success
  • Always

The Job Initiate option is used to send an email when a job begins The On Error option is used to send an email if a job has any errors.

The On Success option is used when a job completes with no errors.

The Always option will send notifications on successful or unsuccessful processing of a file.

ILIA will also send out emails for other serious notifications/errors like:

  • Unable to create output file, unable to read input file.
  • Configuration setting could not be found.
  • User could not login.
  • Communication error with server. Socket errors.
  • Invalid XML
  • User not authorized in Intralinks VDRPro. User does not have permission in Intralinks VDRPro.
  • Multi-Factor authentication error.
  • Unhandled exceptions within ILIA.
  • Newer version is available.
  • User password reset.

Job Initiation Notification

Enter the subject line and body text that will appear in email notifications when the Intralinks Integration Adapter processing has begun, or leave the default.

Job Completion Notification

Enter the subject line and body text that will appear in email notifications when the Integration Adapter processing has completed, or leave the default.

If you want to include a link to the file that contains error messages and other processing details, click the Include link to output XML file option.


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