Applies to: IT personnel and System admins responsible for ILIA in your organization
Use the following options to indicate how unsupported characters, users, groups, and files and folders should be processed.
Important! Reference information is located in the ILIA Reference Guide. This guide includes sample XML files, a data dictionary, troubleshooting information, and instructions on updating configuration settings in the WSB.Config file.
Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.
How to configure processing options
Unsupported Character Settings Options
When you create your XML Input file, some symbols and special characters are not supported on the Intralinks service for personal, organization and group names and for telephone numbers. These characters are listed on the Unsupported Character Settings configuration screen.
You have the option to:
- Replace these characters with the default replacement, or one of your choosing.
- Remove these characters.
Note: If you don’t select one of these options, the specific command(s) that contain the unsupported character(s) will fail and an error message will be generated. Commands in the same XML Input file that don’t contain unsupported characters will be processed.
Note: If you choose to replace or remove unsupported characters, be aware that the application will not provide any indication in the XML Output File that replacement or removal has taken place. If you wish to receive notification that submitted characters are unsupported, do not select either of the options presented here.
Replace unsupported characters
- Select the Replace or Remove Unsupported Characters check box.
- Either accept the default replacement symbol shown in the Replace with box, or enter one of your own choosing for any of the following:
- First and Last Name
- Organization Name
- Group
- Telephone Number
- Click Apply.
Remove unsupported characters
- Select the Replace or Remove Unsupported Characters check box.
- Select the Remove Unsupported Characters check box next to any of the following:
- First and Last Name
- Organization Name
- Group
- Telephone Number
- Click Apply.
User Options
- For the Role to use if none is specified option, select the user role that will be assigned to new users being added to the VDR if the input XML file does not indicate a role for the users. Generally speaking, you should select a role with few rights, such as Reviewer, to ensure that new users are not given rights to perform tasks that are inappropriate for them. The role can be changed manually in Intralinks, if necessary.
- Select a default language preference for new users. The options are: English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and International English.
- If you add a document to the VDR and a user needs to be alerted, users may have set their profile preferences to not send alerts or send a summary alert instead of an immediate alert. Mark the Send user alert immediately for uploaded documents option if you want to override the user’s alert preferences.
Group Processing Options
- Mark the Create groups that do not already exist option if you want user groups to be created automatically in Intralinks if the input XML file contains group names that do not already exist in Intralinks.
ILIA allows you to remove empty and non-empty groups from a VDR.
Note: The option “Remove groups if all members have been removed” (below) will only be applied when using the “Remove” operation type in the XML file.
- Mark the Remove groups if all members have been removed option if you want groups to be removed when all of the members have been removed.
- Select the types of groups that will be removed: Exchange groups, Buyer groups and Collaboration groups. Note that not all VDRs have Buyer and/or Collaboration groups.
- After a remove operation is completed, ILIA will perform a “clean-up” operation and remove all empty groups that become empty as a result of the removal of users from the VDR. Only the groups that match the type(s) you specified under “Remove groups if all members have been removed” will be removed.
- The synchronization operation allows you to reconcile users and groups on an Intralinks VDR with a master list provided by your system of record. Mark the checkbox if you wish to implement the following option: For group reconciliation, remove users from an exchange if they have been removed from all groups. Note that users will not be removed from the Intralinks Global User Directory, only from the VDR you specify.
- Indicate which groups the synchronization (reconciliation) operation will apply to under When groups are being reconciled, only the following will be considered.
- All groups
- By Group Types—Select one or more types (Exchange groups, Buyer groups, Collaboration groups). Note that not all VDRs have Buyer and/or Collaboration groups.
Groups with the following attributes—Attribute Label refers to what are called “Custom Field labels” on Intralinks VDRPro. This is a label that can be used to identify a characteristic of a group. For example “Doctors.” Attribute Value indicates the value of the Attribute Label. For example, for “Doctors” you might have “Pediatric” or “Cardiology.”
Please be sure to mark existing groups with the right attribute labels and values so that they can be reconciled during synchronization, and so non-related groups will not be affected.
If you choose this option to identify groups, enter one Attribute Label and one or more Attribute Values. You can enter additional Attribute Values by clicking Add another value.
File and Folder Processing Options
- Mark the Create folders that do not already exist option if you want folders to be created in the VDR when you specify a folder name in your XML input file that does not already exist.
- If you are adding documents using XML and you do not check this box, you will receive an error message if an existing folder is not specified. This can be helpful if you don’t wish to create unwanted folders.
- Mark the Delete local copies of files after they have been uploaded option if you are uploading files from a temporary local folder and want them deleted automatically after they have been uploaded to the VDR.