Viewing marketing analytics | DealCentre

  • Updated

Applies to: Advisors

Marketing analytics show the progress of your deal.

Icons_Approved.svg How to view marketing analytics

  1. Click the deal for which you want to view analytics.
  2. From the Analytics menu, select Dashboard.
  3. (Optional.) In the Date Range field, configure the dates for which you want to view dashboard data. Select one of the following options from the Range Type field:
    • Custom - In the Start and End fields select whether the dates are specific, relative, now or midnight. Configure additional information based on your select and click Apply.
    • Last - Select the time range for which you want to view dashboard data and click Apply.
    • No filter - Select this option to view all data.
  4. (Optional.) In the Buyer Group field, select the buyer group for which you want to view dashboard data.
  5. Click Apply to apply the filters to all dashboards.
  6. (Optional.) From the three dots menu of a chart, select one of the following options:
    • Force refresh - Refreshes the charts.
    • Enter fullscreen - Displays the chart in fullscreen mode.
    • Download - You can download a CSV file, Excel file or an image in JPG format. 

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