Managing contacts | DealCentre

  • Updated

Applies to: Advisors

Contacts are people from outside of your organization to whom you can market your deals through the  Deal Marketing tool. You can add contacts one at a time or you can add them in bulk using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

For information about adding deal team members (people internal to your organization) and buyer and seller groups, see the links in Additional information at the end of this article.

Video - Managing Contacts in DealCentre

Watch this walkthrough for managing contacts in DealCentre to help expedite your DealMarketing workflow. 

Icons_Approved.svg How to manage contacts

Add an individual contact

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. Click Create Contact.
  3. Enter the information for the contact. The email address is required. All other fields are optional.
  4. Click Create Contact to save the contact and exit the dialog box, or click Create Another to save the contact and create another contact.

Add contacts in bulk by downloading the template

Contacts can be added in bulk by downloading an import template, completing it, and uploading it, or you can use an XLSX or CSV file exported from your CRM and match the columns as described below.

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. Click Upload Contacts.
  3. Click Download an import template.
  4. Open the template and enter the information for the contacts. The email address is required. All other fields are optional.
  5. Click Select File.
  6. Navigate to the file with the contact information and click Open. Note that you can only upload one file at a time.
  7. Click Upload. The number of contacts that will be imported is displayed. If an email address is missing for a contact, a message is displayed instructing you to review the spreadsheet for empty or invalid entries.
  8. Click Upload.

Add contacts in bulk using a file exported from your CRM

Contacts can be added in bulk by downloading an import template, completing it, and uploading it, or you can use an XLSX or CSV file exported from your CRM and match the columns as described above.

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. Click Upload Contacts.
  3. Click Select File.
  4. Navigate to the file with the contact information and click Open. Note that you can only upload one file at a time.
  5. Click Upload. The number of rows in the file is displayed.
  6. Click Match Columns.
  7. For each field, use the dropdown to select the matching column in your spreadsheet.
  8. Click Import. If an email address is missing for a contact, a message is displayed instructing you to review the spreadsheet for empty or invalid entries.
  9. Click Import.

Editing or viewing contact details

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. Click the name of the contact that you want to view or edit.
  3. (Optional.) To edit the contact's details, click Edit.
    • Make your changes.
    • Click the X to exit or click Save.
  4. (Optional.) To delete the contact, click Delete.

Deleting contacts

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. Select the contacts that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Contacts.
  4. Click Delete Contacts to confirm.

Additional information

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