Applies to: Fund managers (GPs)
Each GP Portal can create one LP banner that will be displayed on the Dashboard tab of the LP Portal. This banner can be used to broadcast information at the firm level, such as meeting announcements, holiday party announcements, and so on.
How to create or edit an LP banner
- From the Profile menu, select LP banner.
- Click the Edit icon in the section you want to change. Make your changes and click Change.
- (Optional.) To add a new section, click Add New Section at the bottom of the screen and select the type of section you want to add: image, text, video or chart. Complete the section and click Change.
It is recommended that the file size for media files not exceed 500MB.
- (Optional.) To delete a section, click the Delete icon at the top of the section.
- Click Save.
- To publish the banner, move the slider next to Unpublished to the right and click Confirm.