Applies to: Fund managers (GPs)
You can create informational notes that apply to specific entities, such as campaigns, companies, documents, and so on. You can bookmark notes which is useful if you want to filter the list by bookmarked notes.
How to add a note
- From the Connect menu, select Notes.
- Click Add Note.
- In the Topic field, enter the subject of the note.
- In the Body field, enter the note text.
- (Optional.) In the Note Category field, enter the category of the note.
- In the Links section, click Add Link.
- In the Entity field, select the type of entity to which this note applies: document, campaign, company, contact, document, fund or investor.
- In the Select field, select the specific entity to which to link this note.
- Click Link.
- Click Save. The note will be listed in the Notes tab of the entity.
How to view and edit a note
- From the Connect menu, select Notes or click on the note in the Notes tab for the entity.
- Click the note.
- Make any changes and click Save.
- (Optional.) To bookmark the note, click the bookmark icon in the Bookmark column for the note.
How to delete a note
- From the Connect menu, select Notes.
- Click the note.
- From the three dots menu, select Delete.
- Click Confirm.
How to export notes
You can export data in CSV format and then download it from the Exported Items page. Exporting the data allows you to customize reports in Microsoft Excel.
- From the entity grid of the entity that you want to export, click Export.
- In the Exported Items page, click the name of the export that you want to download.