Applies to: Fund managers (GPs)
You can preview documents and view details about them, such as notifications and activity associated with the document. The information is different for reference documents and documents.
How to preview documents and view their details
- From the Document menu, select either Reference Documents or Documents.
- Click the document you want to preview. You can use the following tabs to view and update information about the document:
- Details - Displays a preview of the document in the right panel and document details in the left. You can make changes and save them.
- Documents - This tab is available only for reference documents. Shows how many times the document was share with other people.
- Contacts - This tab is available only for documents. Lists the contacts associated with this document.
- Notes - This tab is available only for documents. Lists notes associated with the document.
- Notifications - This tab is available only for documents. Lists the notifications that were sent for this document.
- Activity Log - Lists the activity associated with the document. You can view LP or Admin activity.
Why don't I have access to a document that I used to have access to?
The deal manager may have unpublished the document. Contact the deal manager to request access.