Applies to: Fund managers (GPs)
A campaign should have at least one fund associated with it. It is recommended that you add a fund when you create a campaign. If you do not know the details about the fund, you can add a fund as a placeholder.
There are two possible ways that LPs can view funds Opportunity Details page of the LP portal - list view and fund card view. A fund card, which is optionally created by you, is a visual representation of the fund that is more marketing centric. It contains an image and a summary of the fund.
How to add a fund
- From the Entity menu, select Funds.
- Click Add Fund.
- Enter the information about the fund. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk.
- Click Save.
How to view and update fund details
- From the Entity menu, select Funds.
- Click the name of the fund.
- Use the following tabs to view and update information.
- Details - Displays the details about the fund.
- Contacts - Lists the contacts associated with the fund. Click the Impersonate icon to see a contact's view.
- Investors - Displays a list of investors. Use the three dots menu to update or delete an investor.
- Documents - Displays a list of the documents associated with the fund. Click a document to preview it.
- Permissions - Displays a list of the users that are permissioned to this fund.
- Notes - Displays a list of notes associated with this fund.
- Activity log - Show a list of activity associated with this fund. You can select whether to show LP or Admin activity.
How to add an investment
- From the Entity menu, select Funds.
- Click the name of the fund to which you want to add an investment.
- Click the Investors tab.
- Click Add Investment.
- In the Investor field, select the investor. The Fund and Campaign fields are automatically populated.
- (Optional.) Enter additional information about the investment.
- Click Save.
How to add a fund card
The images that you can put on a fund card must be uploaded to the Document Reference page and meet the following criteria:
- Be in JPG or PNG format
- Have a dimension ratio of 16:9
- Be no larger than 2MB
- From the Entity menu, select Funds.
- Click the name of the fund to which you want to add a fund card.
- Click the Image tab.
- From the Reference Document field, select the image to use. The image is shown in the preview pane in both horizontal and vertical views.
- Click Apply.
- (Optional.) To remove the image, click Clear.
How to delete a fund
A fund that has an investment associated with it cannot be deleted. Remove the investment from the fund and then delete the fund.
- From the Entity menu, select Funds.
- Click the name of the fund you want to delete.
- From the three dots menu, click Delete.
- Click Confirm.
How to export funds
You can export data in CSV format and then download it from the Exported Items page. Exporting the data allows you to customize reports in Microsoft Excel.
- From the entity grid of the entity that you want to export, click Export.
- In the Exported Items page, click the name of the export that you want to download.