Freezing the document index vs. freezing a VDR | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All Manager roles, Publisher Plus 

Intralinks offers two types of freezing: If your VDR uses document indexing, you can freeze the index so the order of the documents in your VDR cannot be changed. At the end of your project, you also can request that the entire VDR be frozen.

If you freeze the document index, only the order of documents is affected. This ensures that index numbers remain consistent for the duration of the project.

When a VDR is frozen, everyone with manager and publisher roles will be reassigned the Previewer role. They can continue to read documents, but will not be able to make changes. Freezing the entire VDR is a permanent process and cannot be undone. After the VDR is frozen, you will receive a “freeze letter” confirming the date and time at which the VDR was frozen, the date and time when the last document was modified for the selected user's viewpoint, as well as an indexed document list from the selected user's viewpoint. The freeze letter provides legal confirmation that no more changes are allowed to the VDR.

If you need confirmation that certain folders and documents were accessible by a particular user on a specific date and time, you can request an index confirmation letter. The index confirmation letter is always from a specific user's viewpoint.

Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for assistance with freezing a VDR and to request an index confirmation letter.

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