Advanced Reporting | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Everyone

The Advanced Reporting service is a self-service application that allows you to generate reports to get in-depth information about your VDRs. You can control which users have access to reports, as well as automate and schedule reports. All reports are available for download for 90 days.
The service is initially set up by Intralinks. Once reporting is set up, your designated company administrator(s) can manage reports or Intralinks can do it as a managed service.
Users that are given the Report Requestor role can schedule reports on the ReportPortal. The reports run in the background and are automatically posted to the ReportPortal.

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.

ReportPortal roles


There are ReportPortal-specific roles are not related to Intralinks VDRPro roles. The roles are as follows:

  • Company Admin - Users with this role can designate Company Admins, Add and remove users from the ReportPortal and grant users the ability to run reports for specific data. They cannot request reports. They access Advanced Reporting using the Administration Dashboard.
  • Report Requestor - Users with this role can request reports based on their assigned permissions. They access Advanced Reporting using the Report Requestor Dashboard.

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Most reports can be run against any of the contract, business group, and VDR levels. Reports that can only be run at specific levels are noted below:

Contract or Business Group Level:

  • Business Group Membership

Business Group level only:

  • Due Diligence Timeline
  • Organization Login Activity
  • VDR Phase Summary
  • Orphaned VDR Summary 

VDR level only:

  • Project Health Overview

The following reports are available:

Document Access report

Provides the date and timestamp of each time a user accessed a document.

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Document Upload report

Provides details about documents that have been added to a VDR, including the document name, the user that added it and the time it was added.

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Users Across Exchanges report

Provides a list of all users across one or more VDRs. This report is useful for a multi-VDR visibility.

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Users in Groups report

Provides a list of all users and their groups, including any users with no group membership.

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Users Added To and Removed From Exchange report

Provides a list of users that have been added to and removed from a VDR, including the date they were added or removed.

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Exchange Access Report

Provides a list of the date and time each time users logged in to a VDR. This report can be used for compliance and provides visibility into which users are accessing the VDR.

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Exchange Access Acceptance report

Provides a list of users that have accepted or rejected the terms & conditions for participating in the VDR. 

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Current Document Permission report

Provides a list of the current permissions and protections for documents by the group to which it was permissioned.

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Due Diligence Timeline report

Provides the timespan between the first and last date reviewers accessed a VDR. This information acts as a proxy for how long a project was open for the due diligence period and provides visibility into the total time spent per project.

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Project Health Overview report

Provides a high-level aggregated overview of the VDR.

Organization Login Activity report

Provides the total number of logins per organization for a VDR.

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VDR Phase Summary report

Provides a summary of VDR phases, allowing you to quickly see how your team's overall VDR usage is progressing.

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Orphaned VDR Summary report

Provides a summary of when the VDRs under your contract have been accessed. This information is useful for identifying VDRs that need new data stewards or should be archived and closed.

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Permission History report

Provides a history of all granted permissions over time for all documents and folders in VDRs.

Business Group Membership report

Lists the current business group membership role for all users.

VDR Current Document Details

The current document details report lists all active documents across VDRs with details such as the version, size, page count, and when and by whom the document was created and last modified.

VDR Group Membership History

The VDR group membership history report provides an audit history of when current users were added to, or removed from, VDR groups.

Phase Change History

The phase change history report provides an audit history of the various phases VDRs move through, including the date the phase was changed, by whom, and what the prior and current phase state were resulting from the change.

VDR Usage

The VDR usage report is a flat report that lists VDRs with high level statistics around users, pages, and VDR size. These include current aggregates, as well as overall maximums and high watermarks where applicable.

Requesting and working with reports

Creating a report request

The Active Request list shows the reports that have been requested, the type of report, the target, how often it will be run, and the status of the report. When the report has been generated, you can download it from this list. In addition, you can change or delete a request, download previous reports, and generate the report immediately.

Your company’s subscription contract with Intralinks determines the maximum number of reports that you can run without incurring additional cost. For example, 12 reports per month.

  1. Click + Request New Report.
  2. Select the type of report you want to request and click Next.
  3. In the Report by, select the target type and click Next.
  4. In the Available column select the targets and move them to the Selected column by clicking the right arrow.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the frequency to generate the report. Additional fields may be displayed based on your selection.
  7. Click Create Request.

Editing a scheduled report request

If the reports is not a one-time report, you can change the report targets and the schedule.

  1. Locate the report in the Active Requests list.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Change This Request.
  3. Make any necessary changes in the details window (e.g., select another VDR to include in the report).
  4. Click Update.

Deleting a scheduled report

Deleting a scheduled report only stops further reports from running. The action doesn't delete previously generated instances of the report.

  1. Locate the report in the Active Requests section.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Delete This Request.
  3. Click the Yes, Delete it.

Generated reports

When a scheduled report is generated, it is posted to the Available Reports section in the Portal. 

All reports are generated in CSV format. Download the report to view it.

To download a generated report, locate the report in the Available Reports section and click Download Latest Report.

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Downloading a previously generated report

  1. Locate the report in the Active Requests section.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Download Previous Reports.
  3. Locate the version that you want and click the Download icon.

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