Working with cloud-based archives | DealVault

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro DealVault
Applies to: DealVault Admins

DealVault is a cloud-based storage solution that ensures easy access to archives and efficient management of your deal data. Archives can be securely accessed, making it easy to analyze, collaborate on and unarchive entire VDRs. You can view, search, download, and move files and folders, upload an entire archive to an active VDR (rehydrate), and manage all of your archives in a central place.

DealVault archives are subscription-based. Your organization can have several subscriptions, for example, one subscription for for US operations, and another for European operations. These subscriptions are managed by the Subscription Manager, who is designated when a DealVault contract is signed. The Subscription Manager reviews contracts and manages requests for an archive to be added to DealVault. For more information, see Managing DealVault subscriptions.

When an archive is ordered, a DealVault trial may be included. For information about DealVault trials, see Activating and Upgrading DealVault trials.

DealVault archives are read-only and cannot be modified.

I want to

  • Upload files to a live data room
  • Give users access to an archive

Unarchiving files and managing user access

Unarchiving files into a live data room

Users that have a Manager Plus role in the data room and an Admin role in DealVault can upload all files from the archive to a live data room.

  1. In the VDR list, click Orders & Archives.
  2. Click DealVault Archives
  3. Click the name of the archive that you want to view.
  4. Click the Documents tab.
  5. From the More menu, click Unarchive.
  6. Select the data room to which you want to upload the files.
  7. Either select the entire archive or select a subset of files from the archive.
  8. Click Unarchive.
  9. A message is displayed when the files have been uploaded. Click View to go to the data room. If some files failed to upload, click Download Report in the message that is displayed to view a list of the files that were not uploaded.

Giving and removing users' access to an archive

You must be an Admin user on DealVault to give additional users access to an archive. Note that users must have a profile with Intralinks to access DealVault.
  1. In the VDR list, click Orders & Archives.
  2. Click DealVault Archives
  3. Click the name of the archive that you want to view.
  4. Click Archive Access.
  5. To give users access, click the Add button at the top right.
    • Enter the user's email address and select a role for the user. Users with a Viewer role can only view the contents of the archive. Users with an Admin role can add and remove users' access to archives. The recipient of the archive is an Admin by default. Archives can have more than one Admin.
    • (Optional.) To add additional users, click the plus button and repeat step 3.
    • Click Add.
  6. To remove a user's access to the archive, click the Remove Access icon in the row of the user you want to remove.
  7. To change a user's role in the archive, click the Change Role icon and select the role that you want to assign to the user.

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