Uploading documents | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All managers and publishers

Depending on your role and how your VDR was set up, you may not be able to upload documents.

You can upload documents and configure their properties, such as description, effective date, document location, and so on. You can optionally review and change permissions and send alerts.

Depending on how your VDR is set up and whether you drag and drop files or click Add Documents, you will either see a Review screen or the Add Documents wizard. The Review screen is displayed when you drag and drop files and your VDR uses folder-level permissions and auto alerts, and does not use custom fields. You can choose to upload documents immediately or use the Add Documents wizard to review and optionally change permissions and alerts.

Important! PDF and Microsoft Office files that have been password protected before being uploaded to VDRPro may not be able to be opened by users after they are uploaded. To ensure that the files can be opened, remove password protection before uploading the files.

I want to

  • Upload documents or placeholders to my exchange


Selecting documents and setting properties

  1. Open the exchange where you want to add documents, and click Documents.
  2. Open the folder that you want to contain the new documents.
  3. Choose one of the following options to add files. Note that file names cannot contain the following characters: /\:*"<>?|
    • Drag and drop files.
    • Click Add Documents. If you are adding only placeholders, skip to step 10, otherwise, continue with the next step.

      Either drag and drop files into the file upload area or click Add Documents to use the Open dialog box instead. To select multiple files at the same time, Press the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking.

  4. If any of the files you are uploading is a ZIP file, and you have not set user preferences for uploading files, you will be prompted to select whether you want to automatically unzip ZIP files. Your selection will be saved to your preferences, and will apply to all exchanges of which you are a member. Note that ZIP files must be less than 1GB. Files larger than 1GB will be uploaded as ZIP files and will not be extracted. In addition, if the total size of all ZIP files being uploaded is greater than 3GB the files will not be extracted. See below for additional limitations.
  5. If you are using Windows and the combined names of some folders and documents are longer than the 260-character limit allowed by Windows, you must move or rename these documents before uploading them. Select one of the following options:
      • Cancel Upload - Select this option if you want to fix the documents that exceed the Windows limit and then upload them. Click Export to Excel to export a list of the documents and their locations that exceed the limit.
      • Skip These Documents - Uploads all documents that do not exceed the Windows limit. Click Export to Excel to export a list of the documents and their locations that exceed the limit.

    Note: This message is not displayed if you are using a Firefox browser. It is recommended that you use a different browser if you are uploading folder structures that exceed the Windows limit.

  6. If the Review uploaded files screen is displayed, your VDR uses folder level permissions and auto alerts, and does not use custom fields. Click Upload to upload the documents without reviewing documents, permissions and alerts. If you select Upload, you are done and do not need to read any further. Click Review to open the Add Documents wizard to review documents, permissions and alerts. Continue with the next step.
  7. (Optional.) Drag and drop additional documents in the Selected Documents area or click Add Documents to use the Open dialog box instead. To remove a document, click the trashcan icon next to the document.
  8. To rename a document, click the Edit icon next to the document and enter the new name. The original file on your computer or network drive is not affected. If you are adding placeholders, you must enter a title for each placeholder.
  9. (Optional.) To change the location where the documents will added, click Select next to the location, and select the new location
  10. (Optional.) To create a new subfolder at the displayed location for the documents, click create and enter a name for the folder in the Create Folder field.
  11. If the exchange requires reviewers and previewers to make a public/private declaration, indicate whether these documents are private (containing material, non-public information that should not be viewed by users who have declared themselves public) or public. If you are unsure whether the documents should be marked private or public, consult your organization's compliance officer.
  12. (Optional.) To add a placeholder, click Add Placeholder. You can add as many placeholders as you like.
  13. (Optional.) If this exchange allows you to enter an effective date, in the Effective Date field, enter or select an effective date for the documents. This is a date, typically in the future, when the information in the documents should begin being used.
  14. (Optional.) In the Note field, enter information about the documents. Mark Display note before opening document(s) to display the note before opening a document.
  15. (Optional.) To add a link to a webpage that contains relevant information, click Add link and enter the full URL address including http:// or https://
  16. Select one of the following options:
    • To assign permissions to documents, click Next and go to Assigning permissions.
    • To upload documents immediately, click Upload. A message is displayed letting you know what will happen based on whether your VDR is using folder-level permissions or document-level permissions and whether it is using auto alerts.

      Document-level permissions and no auto alerts - Only managers will be able to view the documents and no alerts will be sent. You can permission documents and send alerts later from the Documents tab.

      Document-level permissions and auto alerts - Only managers will be able to view the documents.

      Folder-level permissions and no auto alerts - The documents will inherit the permissions assigned to the folder. Users that have permission to view these documents will not receive an email letting them know the documents are available.

      Folder-level permissions and auto alerts - Users that have permission to view these documents will not receive an email letting them know the documents are available.

      Click Upload to upload the documents (you are done and do not need to read any further) or click Continue editing to review or assign permissions.

(Optional.) Assigning permissions

Permissioning provides an effective way to manage sensitive information, enabling specific user groups to access it, while keeping it out of sight of users who should not have access to it. In this step, you review and/or modify groups' permissions for the documents that you are adding, indicating whether they can view, download, print or make changes to them.

If your VDR uses folder-level permissions, the documents will inherit the folder permissions.

If your VDR uses document-level permission, the permissions you set are applied only to the documents being uploaded. If you do not assign permissions, the documents will be set to No Access and only managers in the VDR can view the documents.

  1. The Permissions screen shows a list of the groups on the exchange. To see who is in a particular group, expand the group to show its members. The Permission column shows each group's current document access and protection settings for the documents you are adding to the exchange, indicating whether they can view, download, print or make changes to the documents.

    The Auto-Permissioned Users row lets you view a list of people who will be automatically permissioned to the new documents based on their exchange roles (Manager Plus, for example). 

  2. To edit an individual group's permission, select the group. Select the permission you want to apply from the See and Control dropdowns in the menu bar. To change permission for a group to No Access, click the icon next to the permission in the Permission column.
  3. The following permissions are available. (If your current group selection includes one or more buyer groups, only the following options are available: No AccessSeeSee, Protected, and See, Protected / No Print.)
    • No Access – Users in the selected groups will not have access to the folder or its documents.
    • See – Select this option to give the group(s) permission to view, print and download the new document(s).
    • See, Protected – This option is displayed if the Allow IRM (Information Rights Management) Protection exchange setting is enabled. Select this option to grant the “see” permissions above and also require people to enter their email address and password before viewing downloaded copies of documents.
    • See, Protected / No Print – Select this option to grant “see” permissions, apply document protection, and prevent the documents from being printed. (For detailed information about document protection options, see Permissions.

      Note: When printing is allowed, viewers can print protected documents and share the printed copy with others. Documents can be printed not only to paper but also to other file types using the browser’s “Print As” function. Copies created using “Print As” are no longer signed or protected documents, even though the original file was protected. Select the See, Protected / No Print option if you are concerned that downloaded protected files might be saved in this way.

    • Control – Select this option to give permission to update documents, delete documents, and change other members’ permissions for the documents. Members can modify the documents only if their exchange roles (for example, manager or publisher) allow them to do so. This option is available only for exchange and collaboration groups, it does not appear for buyer groups.
    • Control, Protected – Select this option to grant the “control” permissions above, and also require people to have an internet connection and enter their email address and password before viewing downloaded copies of documents. This option is available only for exchange and collaboration groups, it does not appear for buyer groups.
    • Control, Protected / No Print – Select this option to grant “control” permissions, apply document protection, and prevent the documents from being printed. This option is available only for exchange and collaboration groups, it does not appear for buyer groups.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • To send alerts, click Next and go to Alerting users that documents are available.
    • To upload documents immediately, click Upload. A message is displayed letting you know what will happen based on whether your VDR is using folder-level permissions or document-level permissions and whether it is using auto alerts.

      Document-level permissions and no auto alerts - Only managers will see the documents and no alerts will be sent. You can permission documents and send alerts later from the Documents tab.

      Document-level permissions and auto alerts - Only managers will be able to view the documents.

      Folder-level permissions and no auto alerts - The documents will inherit the permissions assigned to the folder. Users that have permission to view these documents will not receive an email letting them know the documents are available.

      Folder-level permissions and auto alerts - Users that have permission to view these documents will not receive an email letting them know the documents are available.

      Click Upload (you are done and do not need to read any further) or Continue editing to send alerts.

(Optional.) Alerting users that documents are available

Intralinks provides a standard alert message that identifies the newly added documents and provides a link to them. You can customize the subject and message details. You can also override individuals' preferences for receiving alerts. This is useful, for example, if you are posting a high-priority document and want people to know about it immediately.

If your VDR uses auto alerts, alerts are automatically sent to permissioned users that the new added documents are available for viewing. You can adjust who receives alerts.

If your VDR does not use auto alerts, you can select the users that will receive an alert that the documents are available for viewing. You are not required to send alerts. If you do not, be sure to click Upload to complete the wizard and upload the documents.

Typically, you do not send alerts when you only add placeholders. If you are only adding placeholders, ensure that no user names are selected, then click Upload to finish.

Note: Alerts can only be send for documents, they cannot be sent for folders.

  1. (Optional.) Make any changes to the Subject and Message Details sections of the email alert.
  2. Select or edit the users or groups that will receive alerts by clicking the box in the Send Alert column. Expand a group to view and select/deselect individual users. To send an alert to all users in the list, mark the select all box in the header.

    If the VDR requires reviewers and previewers to make a public/private declaration, only those members that can view the document are listed on the alerts screen. For example, if you are uploading a private document, only those users with the private declaration are listed. If you are uploading several documents with different designations, the private designation takes precedence.

  3. (Optional.) In the Alert Preference column, select the alert preference for each user: Immediate, User Preference, or Daily Summary.
  4. (Optional.) To send alerts to all selected users immediately, regardless of their alert preference, toggle Alert all users immediately to the right.
  5. (Optional.) To send a copy of the alerts to yourself, mark Send me a copy of the alert.
  6. Click Upload.

Limitations on uploading ZIP files

The following limitations apply when uploading ZIP files:

  • ZIP files must be less than 1GB. Files larger than 1GB will be uploaded as ZIP files and will not be extracted. In addition, if the total size of all ZIP files being uploaded is greater than 3GB the files will not be extracted.
  • Automatic extraction only works for files that have a ZIP extension. Other file formats, such as RAR or 7zip cannot be extracted.
  • Automatic extraction does not work when you drag and drop files when automatic alerts and folder level permissions are both ON.
  • Empty folders cannot be generated.
  • Nested ZIP files, that is, if a ZIP file contains a ZIP file, cannot be extracted. Only the first level ZIP file will be extracted.
  • ZIP files that have protection applied to them cannot be extracted. 


Why can't my documents be encrypted?

If your documents require a password to open the file, they cannot be encrypted. For more information, see Documents could not be encrypted email.

Why can't users open uploaded files?

The files might be password protected or have watermarking applied. To ensure that the files can be opened, remove password protection and watermarking before uploading the files.

Additional troubleshooting information

For more information about troubleshooting documents, see Downloading / Opening documents.

Additional information

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