Reviewing flagged contacts | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Business group coordinators

If you have coordinator membership in a business group in Intralinks, you may receive emails for Flagged Contacts on the first day of each month.

These emails indicate that new members were added to your business group or the profile information for one or more existing members was updated.

I want to 

  • Review the list of flagged contacts in my Intralinks business group
  • Clear flagged contacts in my business group


  1. Visit and log in to your Intralinks account.
  2. On the lower right of your main Exchanges screen, click Switch to IL5 View
    Note: If you don't see this link, click VDRPro on the upper left to return to your main exchanges list. Then look for the IL5 link.
  3. In the interface that opens, click the contacts tab on the upper right.
  4. Your business group contacts screen opens, displaying all the members of your business group.
  5. At the top of the list, click the view drop-down menu and select flagged
  6. The list will reload and display any flags (in red) for each user. 
  7. Next:
    • Members with the new flag are simply new to your business group.
    • To review updated details for a contact, click the user's name. The updated details (e.g., phone number) are displayed in red on the user's profile.
    • To clear the flag from the user's profile, click clear flag on the left.
    • To clear flags for one or more users on the main list, check the box in front of each name (or check the top box to select all names). Then click clear on the left and confirm when prompted.
  8. Each cleared contact will disappear from the flagged list.
  9. To return to the main contacts list when finished, click the view drop-down menu again and select all.
  10. To return to the VDRPro interface, click Go to VDRPro on the upper right.

Note: If you are a coordinator in multiple business groups, you may need to check each one. Click the drop-down menu on the upper right (under contacts) and select each group to review.

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