Updating a document's metadata | InView

  • Updated

Product: InView
Applies to: Managers and Portal Administrators

When documents are added to the portal, the following standard fields, referred to as metadata, are populated.

  • Name - The original name of the file. This field cannot be changed.
  • Download Name - The portal set name for all documents. This field cannot be changed.
  • Document Type - The type of document, such as financial statement, capital call, and so on.
  • Fund Name - The fund to which the document applies.
  • Asset Manager - The asset manager of the fund. This field cannot be changed.
  • Effective Date - The effective date of the document. 
  • Published Date - The date that the document is published to the source system. This field cannot be changed.
  • Investment - The investment associated with the document.
  • Source - The system from which the source document came from, such as InvestorVision, upload, and so on. This field cannot be changed.

If the workflow for a document has not been claimed, you can update the metadata.

I want to

  • Update the information about a document


  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Click the name of the document you want to update.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Make any changes.
  5. Click Save

Note: If you have made changes that impact the calculation of the due date, the due date is not automatically recalculated. You must manually update the due date.


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