Viewing and downloading documents | InView

  • Updated

Product: InView
Applies to: Everyone

You can preview documents from within InView, download documents and export the list of documents to an Excel spreadsheet.

The status dashboard at the top of the Documents tab shows the progress of your documents. Click the number in the bucket to filter the list of documents to only show the documents with that status. Documents can have one of the following statuses:

  • Overdue - The document is assigned, not completed, and are past due.
  • Unassigned - The document does not have an owner.
  • Correction Needed - The document has been rejected.
  • Unread - The document has not been read by the user.
  • Recently Received - The document has been received in the last seven days.
  • Due Today - The document is assigned and due today.
  • Ready for Review - The document is assigned and ready for review.
  • In Progress - The document is assigned, started, but not completed.

I want to

  • View a  document
  • Download one or more documents
  • Export the list of documents to a spreadsheet


Viewing a document

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Click the name of the document you want to view.  The Details tab is opened on the left, and the document is displayed on the right.
  3. Click the following tabs to view additional information:
    • Transactions - Displays the transaction associated with the document. Optionally update the transaction and click Save.
    • Workflow - Display the workflow associated with the document. Optionally edit the workflow and click Save.
    • Notes - Displays any notes associated with the document. Click Add Note to add another note.

Downloading documents

You can download one or more documents. The download will be in ZIP format. You will first create the ZIP file and then download it. For bulk download, you can download a maximum of 100 documents at a time. 

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Select the documents that you want to download.
  3. Click Download.
  4. Enter a name for the ZIP file and click Start. The ZIP file is created.
  5. To view the ZIP file, from the Manage menu, select Downloaded Documents.
  6. (Optional.) To view a list of the documents in the ZIP file, click the name of the file.
  7. Click the Download Documents button. The ZIP file is downloaded to your local machine.

Adding valuations

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. From the grid, choose a document and click the Valuation tab. The tab only appears if the document type is Statement.

    The Date, Fund, and Investment fields populate based on the meta data tagged to the notice

  3. In the Currency field, select the currency that applies to this transaction.

    Note: this field is automatically populated based on the currency of the fund, however, you can change it if needed.

  4. If the currency is in a different currency than that of the investor, in the FX Rate field, enter the conversion rate.
  5. Enter any additional information that is relevant. At least one amount must be entered.
  6. Click Save.

Exporting the list of documents

To download a list of the documents in the grid, click the Documents tab, and click Export.

Additional information

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