Adding documents to a portal | InView

  • Updated

Product: InView
Applies to: Managers and Portal Administrators

You can upload a maximum of 20 files at one time. All published documents are listed in the document grid. 

I want to

  • Upload documents


  1. Either click the Documents tab and click + Add Document or, from the Manage menu, select Import Documents.
  2. In the Document Upload field, either drag and drop the files you want to add or click the link to select the documents you want to add.
  3. To apply the same options to all of the documents you are uploading, use the fields at the top of the list of documents, otherwise, you can select different options for each document.
  4. In the Type field, select the type of document you are uploading.
  5. In the Fund Name field, select the fund to which the document applies.
  6. In the Investment field, select the investment to which the document applies.
  7. In the Effective Date field, enter the date the document is effective.
  8. Click Publish.

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