Moving a document through a workflow | InView

  • Updated

Product: InView
Applies to: Everyone

Members that are part of the team assigned to the document can claim a workflow for documents that have the workflow turned on. When you claim a workflow you become the document owner. The document owner is responsible for all actions related to the document and for moving the document through the workflow.

When a workflow is claimed, the document's metadata, such as document type, fund name, and so on, cannot be changed. Update this information, if needed, before claiming the workflow.

I want to

  • Claim a workflow
  • Review a document


Assigning yourself to a document workflow

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Click the document name.
  3. Make any changes needed in the Details, Notes, and Workflow tabs and click Save.
  4. Click the Workflow tab.
  5. Click Claim Workflow.
  6. Click Continue. The Workflow status for this document is changed to In Progress.
  7. Click Ready for Review. If you place the document in review by mistake, click Revert to in Progress.

Reviewing a document workflow

Managers on the assigned team and portal administrators can review a workflow and either approve it or return it to the owner for correction.

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Click the document name.
  3. Click the Workflow tab.
  4. Click Approve or Correction Needed.
  5. If you click Correction Needed, you can add a message about why the document was returned. The message becomes a note that is automatically linked to the document.

Correcting a rejected workflow

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Click the document name.
  3. Click the Workflow tab.
  4. Click Revert to in Progress.
  5. Make the corrections.
  6. Click the Workflow tab and click Claim Workflow.
  7. Click Ready for Review.

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