Managing teams | InView

  • Updated

Product: InView
Applies to: Managers and Portal Administrators

Teams determine who can access document types for which workflow is turned on. The team assigned to a fund or security has the rights to move the workflow along for documents assigned to that fund or security.

Every portal has a default team that includes all users in the system. When users are added to the portal, they are automatically added to the default team. The default team has access to entity documents for entities that do not have a specific team assigned to it.

I want to

  • Add a team
  • Add users to a team
  • View the members of a team
  • Delete a team


Adding a team

  1. From the Profile menu, select Teams.
  2. Click + Add Team.
  3. In the Team Name field, enter the team name.
  4. Click Save.
  5. You can now add users to the team. For more information, see Managing users.

Viewing and removing members of a team

  1. From the Profile menu, select Teams.
  2. Click the name of a team to view its members.
  3. To remove a member from the team, click the checkbox in front of the member's name and click Remove.

Deleting a team

  1. From the Profile menu, select Teams.
  2. Click the name of the team you want to delete.
  3. Click the three dots menu at the top, right and select Delete.
  4. Click Delete.

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