Importing information about users | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers

If the information you keep about the people who use your exchange is more up to date in another software system, you can import the information from that system into Intralinks. To do so, you must be able to create a file containing the users’ information; this file can be either a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a text file in comma-separated value (.csv) format. Most applications can create files in one or both of these formats.

Using the import process, you can:

  • Add users
  • Remove users
  • Synchronize users’ group memberships and exchange roles, and indicate whether they are a key contact for the exchange(s) being updated

Before you begin, use the User Manager Settings screen to set the default entries that will be used during the import process. 

These settings will be used if your import file does not contain information for individual users. For example, you can set a default exchange role. All users who do not have a role assigned to them in your import file will be assigned the default role. They also can be used to prevent users from particular Internet domains or with particular exchange roles from being removed, and to add or remove user groups.

I want to

  • Import information about users


The import file

The import file must contain the following values for each user:

  • First name - Do not use the following characters when importing names: / @ ~ % + : { } ( ) [ ] < > | ‘ , “ \ ;
  • Last name - Do not use the following characters when importing names: / @ ~ % + : { } ( ) [ ] < > | ‘ , “ \ ;
  • Organization name - Do not use the following characters when importing organization names: / @ ~ % + : { } ( ) [ ] < > | ‘ , “ \ ;
  • Phone number
  • Email address

    To create records for placeholder users, enter the word placeholder instead of an email address. Note: In Intralinks Designer, you cannot create two placeholder users whose required information (first name, last name, organization and phone number) is identical. If you attempt to synchronize two placeholder users with identical information, only one of the user records will be updated.

    Do not use the following characters when importing email addresses: “ ( ) < > [ ] , ; { } : | \ / ` ^ ‘ ?

    Also do not use blank space characters or characters with accents or other diacritical marks (for example, ç é ä).

  • Exchange name (if importing to multiple exchanges)
  • Exchange ID (if importing to multiple exchanges)

    Both the exchange name and exchange ID are needed if you are importing information to multiple exchanges. An exchange ID and name is required for each record that will be added, changed or removed; if the same individual appears in multiple exchanges, your import file will need to include a separate entry for each exchange. The exchange name and exchange ID fields are not required if you are importing information within a single exchange.

In addition, you can import the following optional information:

  • Exchange role

    If you do not specify a role for a new user, the default role you selected on the User Manager Settings screen is assigned to the user. The selections on the User Manager Settings screen are described further on page 57.

    When creating your import files, you can use any of the following text strings for your users' exchange roles:

    reviewer previewer publisher manager ltd manager reviewer+ publisher+ (manager+) manager+ REVIEWER PREVIEWER PUBLISHER MANAGER_LTD MANAGER


  • Key contact

    Enter Y or Yes if the user is a key contact for the exchange; enter N or No if the user is not a key contact. Users with the following roles can be designated as key contacts: Manager Plus, Manager, Manager Limited, Publisher Plus, Reviewer Plus.

  • Group ID (if you are adding the user to an existing group)
  • Group name

    You can add groups while importing. Simply add the new group names to your import file, then mark the Create groups that do not already exist option on the User Manager Settings screen.

    Do not use the following characters when importing group names:

    < > \

  • Group type

    Enter a group type if you are adding the user to a group that has not been created on the exchange yet. Enter one of the following:

    Exchange Collaboration Buyer

    Note that your exchange’s settings must allow collaboration and buyer groups. Exchange groups can be created on all exchanges.

  • Each user’s language preference

    When creating your import files, use the following text strings for your users' language preferences:


    English (International) French

    German Japanese Portuguese Spanish Chinese Russian

    Note: “English” should be used to assign U.S. English as the user's preference.

  • Option to send users an email alert welcoming them to the exchange

    Enter Y or Yes to send a welcome alert; enter N or No if you do not want to send an alert. Note: Individuals who have not used Intralinks and are not registered users will receive a welcome alert regardless of your selection here.

  • Custom alert text for each user

    If you want to send personalized text to a particular user, enter that text in the spreadsheet. If you do not enter custom text, the user will receive a generic welcome alert.

  • Group membership role

    If you are updating an exchange that uses group membership roles (the group member roles enabled exchange setting is enabled), you can import this information. In your spreadsheet, enter the names exactly as they appear in your exchange. If a user will be assigned multiple group membership roles, separate the roles using a comma.

If a user is already registered in Intralinks, the only settings that can be changed through the import process are:

  • Key contact setting
  • Group name
  • Exchange role

Examples of an import file in Excel and CSV format

Your import file might appear like this if it was created in Microsoft Excel:



























The same information would appear like this in CSV format:

  Last name,First name,Organization,Phone,Email,Role,Key contact Lee,Kim,Intralinks,212-555-0000,,reviewer,N
  Smith,David,Intralinks,212-555- 0000,,reviewer,N

Setting default import entries

  1. Select the Users and Groups tab.
  2. From the Settings menu, select User Manager Settings tab. The Processing Options view of the User Manager Settings screen appears.
  3. (Optional.) Click the Unsupported Character Settings tab. In the pane that appears, indicate how you want symbols and other characters that cannot be used in user records to be handled. The characters that cannot be used are displayed.

    Mark the Replace or Remove Unsupported Characters option. Intralinks Designer provides a default replacement character for first and last names, organization names, group names and telephone numbers. You can enter another character if you like, or mark the Remove Unsupported Characters option if you want the unsupported characters to be removed altogether.

    You are not required to have unsupported characters replaced or removed automatically. If you wish to view and correct each error manually, leave the Replace or Remove Unsupported Characters option unmarked. You may find that manually correcting these errors is time consuming and tedious, however.

  4. Click the User Options tab, and enter default options for processing users and groups:

    Select a role from the Role to use if none is specified list. The role you select will be used whenever your import file does not contain a role for particular users.

    Select a default language for users. This should be the language used by the majority of users. Users who prefer to use another language will be able to select another option when they log into Intralinks VDRPro.

    Mark the Send alerts immediately when documents are uploaded option if you want an email alert sent to the users who have permission to view the documents. If you leave this option unmarked, no alerts will be sent automatically for the documents.

  5. Click the Group Processing Options tab, and enter default options for processing groups:

    Mark the Create groups that do not already exist option if you want exchange groups to be created if they appear in your import file but not on your exchange. If you do not mark this option, users will not be assigned to any group, and they may not have access to any documents as a result.

    Mark or unmark the Remove groups if all members have been removed option to indicate whether you want groups to remain on your exchange or be deleted if all their members are removed during an import. If you mark this option, you can apply your decision to specific kinds of groups (exchange, buyer and collaborator, depending upon your how your exchange was set up). Only the groups that you indicate will be removed.

  6. Click the Role Exclusion Options tab, and enter default options for users who are added to your exchanges:

    If you do not want the records for users who have a particular exchange role to be removed when you synchronize or remove records, you can exclude them. For example, you might want to use this option to prevent exchange managers from being removed from your exchanges.

    To exclude a role, highlight it in the Available roles list and click the arrow button to move it to the Protected roles list.

  7. Click the Domain Exclusion Options tab, and enter default options for users who are added to your exchanges:

    If you do not want user records for particular Internet domains to be removed during the import process, you can exclude them. Domains are Internet addresses associated with particular organizations, for example

    To exclude a particular domain from imports, enter the domain in the Domain to exclude field and click the Add button. Repeat this step for all the domains that you want to exclude.

  8. When you have made all of your selections, click OK to save your changes and close the screen.

Adding users using the import process

Use this procedure to update a single exchange. Your import file should contain information for the users whom you want to add to the exchange.

Be sure that the exchange you want to update is displayed and that the Users and Groups tab is selected. Also be sure that you have set default import entries using the previous procedure.

  1. Click the Import Users button on the toolbar. The Add Users Wizard screen appears.
  2. Click the Browse button to display the Open dialog box. Locate your import file, highlight it and click OK.
  3. Review the remaining entries on the screen, and make any changes that are needed. Then click Next to display step 2 Match import fields.
  4. The Add Users Wizard automatically matches fields in your import file with fields in Intralinks. Review the automatic selections; if any of the matches are incorrect, click on the field in the Import fields column and select the correct field from the list that appears.
  5. When you have made any corrections needed, click Next to display step 3. Review groups.
  6. Review the names of the groups and make any needed changes.
  7. If your exchange uses custom fields for groups, click the Edit Custom Fields link that appears to the right of each group’s name. The Edit Custom Fields screen appears.
  8. Click in the box to the right of each field to make an entry for that field. Entries are required for fields that are marked with an asterisk (*).

    Note: Depending upon your selections, additional fields may become available. A  icon appears to the left of the field name if additional fields are available. Click this icon to display the new fields.

  9. Click Save. The Add Users Wizard screen reappears. Click Next to display step 4. Match results.
  10. Review the entries that appear on the screen. If any corrections are needed, click on the fields that need to be changed and make the corrections.

    If a red “x” icon appears to the left of the user’s name, changes must be made to the record before it can be imported. To learn more about the change that is required, place your mouse pointer over the icon.

  11. When you are satisfied with the entries, click Accept.

The users’ information appears in the staging area within Intralinks Designer. If you need to make any additional changes to individual user records, double-click a user’s name to display a screen where changes can be made. To remove a user, highlight the user’s name in the staging area and select Delete from the Actions menu.

When you are satisfied with your entries, upload them to your exchange using the instructions in Queuing and uploading your changes to the Intralinks primary service.

If you want to view a list of the changes that were made to the exchange when you have finished importing, see Viewing a report of the changes made during importing.

Removing users using the import process

Use this procedure to update a single exchange.

For this procedure, your import file should contain information for the users whom you want to remove from the exchange or from groups in the exchange. The file must contain the following required fields: each user’s phone number; email address; first name; last name; and organization name. To remove users from groups but not the exchange, include the Group ID or Group Name for each group.

Be sure that the exchange you want to update is displayed and that the Users and Groups tab is selected. Also be sure that you have set default import entries.

  1. Locate the exchange in the folder list on the left side of the staging area. Right-click on the exchange; a menu appears.
  2. From the menu, select Remove Users. The Remove Users Wizard screen
  3. Click the Browse button to display the Open dialog box. Locate your import file, highlight it and click OK.
  4. Review the remaining entries on the screen, and make any changes that are needed. Then click Next to display step 2. Match import fields.
  5. The Remove Users Wizard automatically matches fields in your import file with fields in Intralinks. Review the automatic selections; if any of the matches are incorrect, click on the field in the Import fields column and select the correct field from the list that appears.
  6. When you have made any corrections needed, click Next to display step 4. Match results. (Step 3. Review groups is skipped because it is not used in this procedure.)
  7. Review the entries that appear on the screen. If any corrections are needed, click on the fields that need to be changed and make the corrections.

    If a red “x” icon ( ) appears to the left of the user’s name, changes must be made to the record before it can be imported. To learn more about the change that is required, place your mouse pointer over the icon.

  8. When you are satisfied with the entries, click Accept.

The users’ information appears in the staging area within Intralinks Designer.

To undo a deletion, highlight the user’s name in the staging area and right-click. A menu appears; select Undo delete from it.

When you are satisfied with your entries, upload them to your exchange using the instructions in Queuing and uploading your changes to the Intralinks primary service.

If you want to view a list of the changes that were made to the exchange when you have finished importing, see Viewing a report of the changes made during importing.

Synchronizing user records using the import process

Use this procedure to update the user records on your exchange with information from another “system of record.” Your import file should contain information for the users whose records you want to update. When you use the following procedure, users may be removed, as well as added to your exchange, along with any updates that are made to existing records.

Use this procedure to update a single exchange.

Your import file must contain the following required fields: each user’s phone number; email address; first name; last name; and organization name.

Be sure that the exchange you want to update is displayed and that the Users tab is selected. Also be sure that you have set default import entries.

  1. Locate the exchange in the folder list on the left side of the staging area. Right-click on the exchange; a menu appears.
  2. From the menu, select Synchronize Users. The Synchronize Users Wizard screen appears.
  3. Click the Browse button to display the Open dialog box. Locate your import file, highlight it and click OK.
  4. Review the remaining entries on the screen, and make any changes that are needed. Then click Next to display step 2. Match import fields.
  5. The Synchronize Users Wizard automatically matches fields in your import file with fields in Intralinks. Review the automatic selections; if any of the matches are incorrect, click on the field in the Import fields column and select the correct field from the list that appears.
  6. When you have made any corrections needed, click Next to display step 4. Match results. (Step 3. Review groups is skipped because it is not used in this procedure.)
  7. Review the entries that appear on the screen. If any corrections are needed, click on the fields that need to be changed and make the corrections.

    If a red “x” icon appears to the left of the user’s name, changes must be made to the record before it can be imported. To learn more about the change that is required, place your mouse pointer over the icon.

  8. When you are satisfied with the entries, click Accept.

The users’ information appears in the staging area within Intralinks Designer. If you need to make any additional changes to individual user records, double-click a user’s name to display a screen where changes can be made. To remove a user, right-click the user’s name in the staging area and select Delete from the menu that appears.

When you are satisfied with your entries, upload them to your exchange using the instructions in Queuing and uploading your changes to the Intralinks primary service.

If you want to view a list of the changes that were made to the exchange when you have finished importing, see Viewing a report of the changes made during importing.

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