Importing group information | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers

If you want to add many new exchange groups or collaboration groups at once, you can do so by importing the information needed to create them. You use either a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a text file in comma-separated value (.csv) format as your import file.

If you also plan to import information about the users who will belong to these groups, you can skip this process and add the groups when you add the users. 

I want to

  • Add multiple exchange groups or collaboration groups at once


The import file

The import file must contain the following values for each group:

  • Group name
  • Group type - Enter Exchange, Collaboration, or Buyer. (Note that you can use only the group types that have been enabled on your VDR.)

In addition, you can import the following optional information:

  • Group ID (if the group has an ID number that in addition to its name)
  • A descriptive note about the group
  • Indication whether the group is allowed to search document contents

    Enter Y or Yes if the group is allowed to perform full-text searches on documents; enter N or No if full-text searches are not allowed for this particular group. If you do not indicate whether groups are allowed to perform detailed searches of document contents, they will not be given this capability. Regardless of your entry, group members will be able to search for document and folder titles.

  • The path of the default folder used to store documents for the group, if any

    If you want to designate an existing folder on the VDR as the default folder for the group's documents, enter the folder path, including the top- level folder and all successive folders that contain the default folder.

    Folder names should be separated by a slash (/) character. For example, you might enter:

    Taxation/2018 filing/California

  • Custom field selections (some fields may be required)

    Your spreadsheet must include a separate row for each custom field, and the group name and type must appear in each of these rows. For child fields, be sure to include both the parent field and the value selected for the parent field.

    Some custom fields (referred to as “child” fields) become available only when another field (referred to as a “parent” field is selected. These “child” fields provide more detailed information about the option that was selected for the “parent” field. If you import required fields, be sure to import any required “child” fields that are associated with them, as well.

Determining whether any group custom fields are required

  1. Locate the VDR in the folder list on the left side of the staging area. Highlight the VDR.
  2. Click the Configure Custom Fields button on the toolbar. The Configure Custom Fields screen appears.
  3. Locate all the fields that have a field type of Group. Fields whose titles are displayed in all uppercase letters (for example, GROUP_TYPE) are required.

The Options column displays the entries you can make for these columns. Be sure that your entries on your spreadsheet are identical to the options displayed on the Configure Custom Fields screen.

Your import file might appear like this if it was created in Microsoft Excel:



Group name



Group ID




Group type



Group description



Allow search


Parent custom field


custom field value




Custom field


Custom field value

Legal Team
































Ethics Monitors











Lifton Associates




Review team for our project



Group Category




Type of IRB / EC



Lifton Associates




Review team for our project



Group Category



Communication Method




Lifton Associates






Review team for our project





Group Category






Street Address


Seaside Ave.

Lifton Associates




Review team for our project



Group Category







Lifton Associates




Review team for our project



Group Category




State / Province



Lifton Associates




Review team for our project



Group Category




Zip / Postal Code



Lifton Associates




Review team for our project



Group Category





United States

Note that multiple rows are needed for the same group if you wish to import settings for multiple custom fields.

The same information would appear like this in CSV format:

  Group name,Group ID,Group type,Group description,Allow search,Parent custom field,Parent
  custom field value,Custom field,Custom field value
  Legal Team,,Exchange,,Y,,,, IRB Members,,Exchange,,Y,,,, Auditors,,Exchange,,N,,,,
Ethics Monitors,,Collaboration,,Y,,,,
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,Y,Group Category,IRB
  / EC,Type of IRB / EC,Local
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,Y,Group Category,IRB
  / EC,Communication Method,Fax
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,y,Group Category,IRB
  / EC,Street Address,149 Seaside Ave.
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,y,Group Category,IRB
  / EC,City,Edgeton
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,y,Group Category,IRB
  / EC,State / Province,MD
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,y,Group Category,IRB
  / EC,Zip / Postal Code,20015
  Lifton Associates,,Exchange,Review team for our project,y,Group Category,Locale,Country,United

Adding groups using the import process

Use this procedure to update a single VDR.

For this procedure, your import file should contain information for the groups that you want to add to the VDR.

Be sure that the VDR you want to update is displayed and that the Users and Groups tab is selected.

  1. Click the Import Groups button on the The Add Groups Wizard screen appears.
  2. Click the Browse button to display the Open dialog box. Locate your import file, highlight it and click OK.
  3. Review the remaining entries on the screen, and make any changes that are needed. Then click Next to display step Match import fields.
  4. The Add Groups Wizard automatically matches fields in your import file with fields in Intralinks.  Review the automatic selections; if any of the matches are incorrect, click on the field in the Import field column and select the correct field from the list that appears.
  5. When you have made any corrections needed, click Next to display step Review Groups.
  6. Review the entries that appear on the screen. If any corrections are needed, click on the fields that need to be changed and make the corrections.

    If a red “x” icon ( ) appears to the left of the group’s name, changes must be made to the record before it can be imported. To learn more about the change that is required, place your mouse pointer over the icon.

  7. When you are satisfied with the entries, click Accept.

    The groups’ information appears in the staging area within Intralinks Designer. If you need to make any additional changes to individual group records, highlight a group’s name and select Edit from the Actions menu. To remove a group, highlight the group’s name in the staging area and select Delete from the Actions menu.

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