Adding users and groups | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers

Using Intralinks Designer, you can add, remove and make changes to users and groups as you stage your exchanges, then upload those changes to the Intralinks primary service.

In addition, information about users and groups can be imported and exported to Excel spreadsheets and text files in CSV (comma-separated values) format, enabling you to synchronize information between Intralinks and another “system of record,” such as Microsoft Outlook. You can use the import process to add and remove users’ records, as well as synchronize them with other systems.

You also can update user information across multiple exchanges.

I want to

  • Add users
  • Add groups
  • Update custom field values for groups


Adding a single user

Use the following procedure to add a single user to your exchange. If you plan to add many users and their information is available in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a comma-separated values (CSV) file, consider importing their information instead. 

  1. Select the Users and Groups tab.
  2. Click the New User button on the The Add User screen appears.
  3. Enter the user’s email address and click Search. If the person was previously invited to join an Intralinks exchange, his or her name, phone number and organization are displayed.

    If the person has never been invited to an Intralinks exchange, the fields remain blank and must be entered manually.

  4. Select the user’s role on the exchange. For more information about roles, see VDRPro Exchange roles.
  5. Select a language for the user. When the user logs in, Intralinks will be displayed in the language that you selected here.
  6. If the person will be a key contact for the exchange, mark the Key contact option. Only users with a manager role or the Publisher Plus or Reviewer Plus role can be a key contact.
  7. (Optional.) Add the person to one or more user groups. Note that all users other than managers must be assigned to a group to view documents on the exchange. Also note that users can belong to only one buyer group or collaboration group.

    To add a user to a group, highlight the group in the Available groups list and click the arrow key to move it to the Assigned groups list.

  8. (Optional.) If group member roles are used on your exchange, you can assign one or more roles to this user.

    Group member roles describe each member’s position within their organization or the function they perform as a member of your exchange.

    Group member roles are in addition to users’ exchange roles (reviewer, manager, etc.). Group member roles can be used to define and drive business processes, as well as to organize and control access to your exchange’s contents. These roles are optional and need not be assigned to all exchange members or to all members of a group. The group member roles available in your exchange have been preset and cannot be changed.

    It is important to note that a user may belong to multiple groups and may be assigned a different group member role within each of those groups. If this is the case, the user will be assigned tasks only if the group member role assigned to him or her matches your selection here. Similarly, if the user has the same group member role within multiple groups, he or she will be assigned a separate task for each of those groups.

  9. If you wish to add information for another user, click Add & continue. If you have finished entering information for users, click Add & close.

Adding a user without an email address

If you want to track activities for a person who does not need to use your exchange, you can create a record that does not include the user’s email address. To do this, mark the Placeholder user option on the Add User screen.

Exchange members without an email address cannot log into Intralinks, but you can assign them to groups and business processes, print reports for them and perform other tasks using their records. You might enter a record without an email address if the person will not be using Intralinks, but another user will be performing activities on the person’s behalf.

Use the following procedure to add a single user to your exchange. If you plan to add many users and their information is available in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a comma-separated values (CSV) file, consider importing their information instead. 

Note: In Intralinks Designer, you cannot create two placeholder users whose required information (first name, last name, organization and phone number) is identical. At least one piece of required information must be different.

  1. Select the Users & Groups tab.
  2. Click the New User button on the toolbar. The Add User screen appears.
  3. Mark the Placeholder user option near the bottom of the screen.
  4. Enter the user’s name, phone number and organization.
  5. Select the placeholder user’s role on the exchange. For more information about roles, see VDRPro Exchange roles.
  6. Select a language for the user. (Since the user will not be logging into Intralinks, you can select the default language, English.)
  7. (Optional.) Add the person to one or more user groups. Note that users can belong to only one buyer group or collaboration group.

    To add a user to a group, highlight the group in the Available groups list and click the arrow key to move it to the Assigned groups list.

  8. If you wish to add information for another user, click Add & continue. If you have finished entering information for users, click Add & close.

Adding a group

  1. Select the Users & Groups tab.
  2. Click the New Group button on the toolbar. The Add Group screen appears.
  3. Enter a name for the group.
  4. Select the group Depending upon how your exchange is set up, the following types may be available:
    • Exchange groups — Exchange groups are perhaps the most flexible type of user group for exchange management purposes; these groups are used solely to speed permissioning for documents and comments. Users can be added and removed from these groups at any time, can have any role and can belong to more than one organization. Users can be included in any number of exchange groups. These groups are purely a management tool; members don’t gain any rights or responsibilities by being a member of the group.
    • Collaboration groups — This type of group is available only if the collaboration group exchange setting is marked (on). Collaboration groups can include members with any kind of exchange role; all the members of the group can see one another regardless of their exchange roles.

      If Intralinks’ Q&A function is being used on your exchange, you can use collaboration groups for subject matter experts to whom questions can be delegated.

      Important! All members of collaboration groups, including those with the role of Hidden Manager Plus, are visible to one another, regardless of their exchange roles. If a user with the role of Hidden Manager Plus is added to a collaboration group, that person is visible to all the other members of the group.

    • Buyer groups — This type of group is available only if the buyer group and collaboration group exchange settings are marked (on). Buyer groups can include only reviewers and previewers. All the members of each group are visible to one another. For this reason, be sure not to mix users from different organizations in a single buyer group. If Intralinks’ Q&A function is being used on your exchange, buyer group members can propose, comment on and submit questions to be answered.

    For more information about groups, refer to User Groups.

    If you want to add a note describing the group, do so. This will appear in on the group’s Properties screen.

  5. (Optional.) Indicate whether a folder that will be used to store documents that are submitted by members of the group using a document submission business process, or that are identified as being owned by the group:
    • None — Documents will be published to the folder specified in the business process configuration.
    • Use the folder I select below — Click Browse to select the folder that will be used for this group.
    • Create a new folder within the folder I select below based on the group name — Click Browse to select the folder that will contain this group’s folder. A new folder will be created within the selected folder; the new folder will be given the name of the group that it is associated with.

    These fields are optional; if you do not plan to use document submission business processes or allow groups to own documents, you can skip these fields.

  6. To add information for another group, click Add & continue. If you have finished entering information for groups, click Add & close.

Updating custom field values for groups

  1. Select the Users & Groups tab.
  2. Highlight the group whose custom fields you want to update. To update custom fields for multiple groups, press the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking on the names of the groups that you want to select from the groups list on the left side of the screen.
  3. Right-click on the selected group(s). From the menu that appears, select Edit Custom Field Values. The Edit Custom Fields screen appears.
  4. Make your changes to the custom field values.
  5. Click Save.

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