Advanced settings | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers


Show exchange welcome screen

This setting determines whether email alerts can be sent to exchange users when you change the exchange phase to a phase that makes the exchange visible to these users.

  • If the setting is marked (on), email alerts will be sent to users when the exchange becomes visible to them.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), no welcome alerts will be sent.

Allow access by Intralinks administrators

This setting allows security-conscious managers to control Intralinks administrators’ access to exchange content. This command appears only if it was enabled on the template used to create your exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), Intralinks administrators have the ability to see all information on exchanges created using this template.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), you have the option to block Intralinks administrators from viewing exchange content; administrators still will be able to view the exchange name and You can turn the exchange setting on and off as your needs require.

Regardless of how this setting is set, Intralinks administrators are able to view your templates and business group information.

Open Intralinks Designer from within the exchange

This setting determines whether exchange managers will be able to access Intralinks Designer from within the exchange. Intralinks Designer is a tool that enables managers to upload and manage content and users en masse. If this setting is not marked, managers can use Intralinks Designer, but they will have to start it using selections on the Microsoft Windows Start menu.

  • If the setting is marked (on), managers will be able to access Intralinks Designer from within the exchange.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), Intralinks Designer will not be available within the exchange.

Enable renaming rules

This setting determines whether you are allowed to use naming convention rules to ensure that document names on this exchange conform to your organization’s standard operating procedures.

You cannot change this setting; it must be changed by an Intralinks employee. If you wish to use naming conventions with this exchange, contact Intralinks Global Enterprise Services and request that the setting be changed for that exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), naming conventions can be used to rename documents added or updated on this exchange.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), naming conventions are not used on this

Save deleted conversations

Comments can be added to multi-task business processes and the business process instances created from them. This setting allows you to save a copy of comments for audit purposes if they are deleted.

If this setting is unmarked (off), deleted comments are removed from the system and cannot be recovered.

If this setting is marked (on), deleted comments are hidden from view of most users but remain in the system. In this case, deleted comments can be viewed by users who had rights to view or participate in the conversations before they were deleted, but comments cannot have additions comments posted to them. Once deleted, documents cannot be “undeleted,” either by exchange users or Intralinks administrators. Reports for the deleted comments will continue to be available.

Enable E-forms

This setting determines whether Intralinks eForms functionality is available in this exchange. eForms are PDF forms that are used to collect information from business partners and post it to your Intralinks exchange.

You cannot change this setting; it must be changed by an Intralinks employee. If you wish to use e-forms with this exchange, contact Intralinks Global Enterprise Services and request that the setting be changed for that exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), you can use eForms to publish information in this exchange.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), eForms are not available for this exchange.

Enable OCR

This setting determines whether graphic images that contain text and PDFs created from images will be scanned by an optical character reader when they are uploaded to your exchange. This function allows users to find these documents using Intralinks search tools. If you use this function, the text is attached to the scanned documents as metadata; the contents of the files are not changed in any way.

  • If the setting is marked (on), PDF documents and graphic images that contain text will be scanned when they are added to your exchange, and this text will be made available to Intralinks’ search engine.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), PDF documents and graphic images will not be scanned when they are uploaded.

Require public/private declarations

This setting determines whether reviewers and previewers on your exchange will be required to declare themselves as either public-side users — excluded from viewing non-public material (“private”) content — or private-side users who are eligible to see both public and private information. (Users with exchange roles other than reviewer and previewer are marked private automatically.) Standard permissioning rules continue to apply to the contents of public/private-enabled exchanges; users who are not permissioned to use a particular document will not be able to access it, regardless of their declaration.

This setting is available only for Debt Capital Markets (DCM) exchanges.

  • If the setting is marked (on), reviewers and previewers will be required to make a public/private declaration when entering this exchange for the first time, and users who declare themselves public (or who are declared public by an access monitor) will not be able to view documents containing private content.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), reviewers and previewers will not be asked to make a public/private declaration, and documents will not be designated as public or private.

="01GRKGZ19FHZBR9XZ7DDZYB5RC"Send reminder to undeclared users

This setting determines whether an email alert will be sent to users who have not made a public or private content declaration, asking the users to make a declaration. This setting is available only if the Public/private exchange setting is marked (on).

This setting is available only for Debt Capital Markets (DCM) exchanges.

  • If the setting is marked (on), a reminder alert will be sent to undeclared users every week. This alert will be sent regardless of the user’s alert preferences.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), no reminder alerts will be sent to undeclared users.


Enable the creation and management of tasks

This setting determines whether exchange users will be able to set up business processes for requesting and submitting documents for review and approval.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users will be able to set up and use workflows.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), business processes will not be available.


Enable Q&A

The setting determines whether Q&A functionality is available on the exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), buyers will be able to ask questions and coordinators in your organization will be able to answer the question or delegate it to subject matter You also will be able to create FAQ entries from questions that will be visible to all buyers.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), Q&A functions will not be available.

Buyer question limit

This setting appears only if the Q&A module setting is marked (on). The Question limit setting provides a default entry for new buyer groups as they are created; you can choose to limit the number of questions each group can ask (using a different limit for different groups if you like) or to allow buyers to ask an unlimited number of questions. On this screen, enter a numeric value or leave it blank if there is no limit.

Enable Q&A Coordinator role

This setting is available only if the Enable Q&A setting is marked (on). Note that this setting enables the limited Q&A coordinator role. When this setting is enabled, the Reviewer Plus role (if it has been enabled) will be replaced with the new coordinator role. If existing users have been assigned the Reviewer Plus role, they will lose that role.

Once this exchange setting has been enabled, it cannot be disabled again.

The limited Q&A coordinator role must be assigned to users; it is not assigned automatically. Users selected to be limited Q&A coordinators cannot be members of collaboration groups.

Users with this role can answer and delegate questions; they also can freeze and unfreeze Q&A categories. They cannot perform the following tasks:

  • Create documents
  • Create folders
  • Update user permissions
  • Select buyers to be question submitters for their buyer group
  • Add, update or remove users from the exchange
  • Add, update or delete groups
  • Add or remove users from groups
  • Set question limits

These tasks must be performed by a Q&A coordinator with the Manager Plus exchange role. (Some tasks can be performed by a user with a manager-level or publisher-level exchange role.)

M&A advisors who act as Q&A coordinators and exchange managers use the limited Q&A coordinator role to delegate some authority to their clients without providing managerial access to the exchanges that they manage. The limited Q&A coordinator role provides greater visibility into the clients’ deals than the subject matter expert (SME) role does.

Geo specific mount point

This setting determines whether the data on this exchange is stored in the United States or in the United Kingdom. This option was set on the template used to create the exchange, and it cannot be changed for the exchange. Note that full-text search is not available for documents stored in the United Kingdom, though general information about the documents (metadata) will be available for searching. File processing will be performed in the United States, but apart from temporary processing, UK-based documents will not be stored in the United States.

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