Users and groups settings | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers

Allow self removal

This setting determines whether exchange users can remove themselves from the exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users will be able to remove themselves from the exchange if they no longer plan to participate in it.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), users will not be allowed to remove themselves from the exchange, and the Remove Me option will not appear on the Actions menu in the Hub when this exchange is highlighted.

Allow concurrent logins

This setting determines whether exchange users can log into Intralinks more than once simultaneously.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users will be able to log into Intralinks more than once simultaneously using the same user ID and password.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), users will be able to log into only one Intralinks session at any given time. (Note, however, that Intralinks administrators can override this setting for an individual user by changing a setting on the user’s profile screen.)

Disable all user permissioning

This setting determines whether the All Current and Future Users group will be available for this exchange. The All Current and Future Users group provides you with an easy way to give all exchange users access to documents that do not require permissions controls.

Members of the All Current and Future Users group will be able to view documents, but will have no other capabilities. If you want specific users to be able to modify documents, you will have to give them permission to control the documents separately.

You cannot change this setting; it must be changed by an Intralinks employee. If you wish to disable (or re-enable) the setting for this exchange, contact Intralinks Global Enterprise Services and request that the setting be changed.

  • If the setting is marked (on), the All Current and Future Users group is disabled, and is not available for use.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), the group is available for use.


Enable group member roles

This setting determines whether group member roles will be used with this exchange. If this option is selected, users can be assigned a group member role that describes their position within their organization or the function they perform as a member of your exchange. Group member roles can be used to define and drive business processes and naming convention rules, and to organize and control access to your exchange’s contents. These roles are optional and need not be assigned to all members of a group. Group member roles are in addition to users’ exchange roles (reviewer, manager, etc.).

Group member roles must be identified on the templates used to create your exchanges. This functionality must be enabled or disabled by an Intralinks administrator, and changes to the roles must be made by Intralinks. Intralinks Global Enterprise Services team members will work with your organization to define group member roles to help expedite your business processes. If this function is enabled, a new tab appears on each user’s Properties screen, allowing you to select the user’s group member role.

  • If the setting is marked (on), group member roles are being used for this
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), group member roles are not available for this exchange.

Exchange groups

This setting is marked by default in all exchanges and cannot be unmarked. Exchange groups are required in order for users to view documents on your exchanges.

Collaboration group

This setting typically is used with Intralinks’ Q&A functionality. It determines whether collaboration groups are available on your exchange. Collaboration groups enable members of your organization to communicate with one another while using your exchange. They also are used to delegate buyers’ questions to subject matter experts within the organization if you are using Intralinks’ Q&A function in the exchange. Once this setting is enabled for an exchange, it cannot be turned off.

  • If the setting is marked (on), you will be able to create collaboration groups using the Add Group Wizard.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), you will not be able to create collaboration groups on the exchange, and you will not be able to delegate users’ questions to subject matter experts within your organization.

Buyer group

This setting determines whether buyer groups are available on the exchange. It typically is used with Intralinks’ Q&A functionality. Members of a buyer group can view one another’s comments. Buyer group members must have an exchange role of Previewer or Reviewer; a user can be a member of only one buyer group. Once this setting is enabled for an exchange, it cannot be turned off.

  • If the setting is marked (on), you will be able to create buyer groups using the Add Group Wizard.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), you will not be able to create buyer groups on the exchange.


Alert users who are removed from the exchange

This setting determines whether email alerts will be sent to exchange members who are removed from the exchange, to alert them that they have been removed.

  • If the setting is marked (on), an alert will be sent to users when they are removed from the exchange.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), no alert will be sent to users when they are removed from the exchange.

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