Documents settings | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers

This tab on the View/Update Exchange Settings screen displays the options you can use to manage documents and their distribution.

Save deleted documents

The setting determines whether a deleted document is removed merely from view or is removed altogether from the Intralinks system. This setting must be marked if the people using your exchange will use the Historic Filter to view information about the documents that were available in the past.

  • If this setting is unmarked (off), deleted documents are removed from the system and cannot be recovered. Both current and prior versions are deleted. Some information about the documents (metadata) is retained, and reports for the documents continue to be available.
  • If this setting is marked (on), deleted documents are hidden from view of most users but remain in the In this case, deleted documents can be viewed by users who had rights to modify the documents before they were deleted, but they cannot be updated or permissioned. Once deleted, documents cannot be “undeleted,” either by exchange users or Intralinks administrators. All reports for the deleted documents will continue to be available.

Allow bulk downloading

This setting determines whether exchange users are allowed to download more than one document at a time.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users are allowed to download multiple documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), users can download only one document at a time.

Allow effective dates

This setting determines whether managers and publishers will be able to specify an effective date for each document added to the exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), managers and publishers can specify effective dates for documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), managers and publishers cannot specify effective dates.

Allow owners to be assigned to documents

This setting determines whether you are able to identify a particular user or exchange group as the owner of a document. If you use this function, document ownership information can be used to select documents used by business processes.

You cannot change this setting; it must be changed by an Intralinks employee. If you wish to specify owners for the documents on this exchange, contact Intralinks Global Enterprise Services and request that the setting be changed for that exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), you can specify document owners on this exchange.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), document ownership is not used on this exchange.

Show creation and modification dates to reviewers

This setting determines whether users can view the date and time each document was added to the exchange, as well as the date and time that it most recently was updated.

  • If the setting is marked (on), reviewers and previewers will see date and time information for documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), reviewers and previewers will not see date and time information.

Show creator and modifier name to reviewers

This setting determines whether users can view the name of the people who added or updated each document on the exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), reviewers and previewers will be able to see the names of people who have added or updated documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), reviewers and previewers will not see these names.

Save versions

This setting determines whether each version of a document is retained as new updates to the document are posted. This can be useful for auditing and archiving purposes. This setting must be marked if the people using your exchange will use the Historic Filter to view information about the documents that were available in the past.

  • If the setting is marked (on), a copy of every version of each document will be saved. All copies will be available for viewing.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), only the current version of each document is Information about each version (who changed the document, and when) is retained.

Allow binders

This setting determines whether users will be allowed to specify a binder when creating or updating documents. Binders allow you to organize documents in different locations either within an exchange or across multiple exchanges.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users can specify binders for the documents that they add or update.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), users cannot specify binders for their documents.


This setting determines whether exchange managers and publishers will be able to assign tags — words or phrases that describe the contents of documents added to the exchange — to documents using the New Document Wizard. Tags can be used to classify and organize information in ways that are meaningful to your organization.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users will be able to use tags to describe documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), tags will not be available.

Custom fields

Allow metadata to be added

This setting determines whether custom fields are available on your exchange. Like tags, custom fields allow managers and publishers to describe documents in greater detail. Custom fields can be used to enter specific pieces of information, such as expiration dates, internal tracking numbers, and the like.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users will be able to use custom fields to describe documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), custom fields will not be available.


Index folders and documents

This setting determines whether folders and documents will be indexed automatically as they are added to the exchange. For more detailed information about indexing, see Indexing folders and their contents.

  • If the setting is marked (on), folders and documents are indexed automatically.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), folders and documents will not be indexed.

Enable document content search

This setting determines whether selected user groups are able to perform only basic searches — that is, searches of document and folder names — or whether they can perform more comprehensive searches, including the contents of documents and any notes that have been entered for them in the New Documents Wizard or on the properties screen for each document.

Permission by

Users and Groups Groups

This setting determines whether permission to view, download and print documents can be assigned to individual users, as well as exchange groups. The Groups setting is marked by default and cannot be unmarked.

Document permissions

Remember selections for future documents and folders

This setting determines whether the permissions applied to a folder’s contents apply only to the current documents and subfolders within the selected folder, or to documents and subfolders added in the future, as well. In both cases, the permissions you set can be overridden for selected documents and subfolders.

You cannot change this setting; it must be changed by an Intralinks employee. If you wish to use folder-level permissioning with an existing exchange, contact Intralinks Global Enterprise Services and request that the setting be changed for that exchange.

  • If the setting is marked (on), permissions will be remembered and applied to documents and subfolders that are added in the future, as well as to all content in the folder at the time permissions are applied.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), permissions will be applied only to the documents in the folder (and any subfolders) at the time of Documents added in the future will not be permissioned automatically.

Allow Reviewers and Previewers to add documents to selected folders

This setting determines whether managers can give reviewers and previewers the ability to add documents to selected folders when the managers set permissions for those folders. This setting can be changed only by an Intralinks administrator.

  • If the setting is marked (on), managers who are setting permissions for folders will have the option to allow reviewers and previewers to add documents to the selected folders. If the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders option also is marked (on), reviewers and previewers who have permission to add documents to a folder will be able to add documents to subfolders within that folder, as well. This can be overridden for each subfolder.

When reviewers and previewers add documents, they can send an email alert to other limited publishers with permission to the folder where the new documents are stored. Alerts are sent to all limited publishers with permission to the folder. Reviewers and previewers without limited publisher permission will not receive the alert.

  • If the setting is unmarked (off), reviewers and previewers will not be able to add documents to the exchange.

Allow Reviewers and Previewers to create sub folders add documents to selected folders

This setting determines whether managers can give reviewers and previewers the ability to add folders and documents to selected folders when the managers set permissions for those folders. This setting can be changed only by an Intralinks administrator.

  • If the setting is marked (on), managers who are setting permissions for folders will have the option to allow reviewers and previewers to add folders and documents to the selected folders. If the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders option also is marked (on), reviewers and previewers who have permission to add documents to a folder will be able to add documents to subfolders within that folder, as well. This can be overridden for each subfolder.

When reviewers and previewers add documents, they can send an email alert to other limited publishers with permission to the folder where the new documents are stored. Alerts are sent to all limited publishers with permission to the folder. Reviewers and previewers without limited publisher permission will not receive the alert.

Reviewers and previewers will be able to edit the name and set custom field values for the folders that they have created.

  • If the setting is unmarked (off), reviewers and previewers will not be able to add folders and documents to the exchange.

Allow Reviewers and Previewers to edit custom fields to selected folders

This setting determines whether managers can give reviewers and previewers the ability to edit custom field values for selected folders when the managers set permissions for those folders. This setting can be changed only by an Intralinks administrator.

  • If the setting is marked (on), managers who are setting permissions for folders will have the option to allow reviewers and previewers to edit custom field values for the selected folders. Reviewers and previewers will not be able to change other folder attributes, such as the folder name. If users also are granted the ability to add subfolders to the selected folder, they will be able to set the values for those folders’ custom fields.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), reviewers and previewers will not be able to edit custom field values for folders.

Document protection

Require authentication for downloaded PDF and Microsoft Office documents

This setting determines whether exchange managers or publishers who add documents to the exchange can apply various types of protection to them. This includes requiring users to enter their Intralinks ID and password before viewing documents and preventing users from printing protected documents. Documents in PDF (Portable Document Format) and Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents can be protected.

  • If the setting is marked (on), document protection can be applied to PDF and Microsoft Office documents.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), document protection functions are not available on this exchange.

Do not allow documents to be printed

This setting is available only if Require authentication for downloaded PDF and Microsoft Office documents is marked.

  • If the setting is marked (on), users cannot use the Print Screen button while viewing this exchange.
  • If the setting is unmarked (off), users are allowed to use the Print Screen button to capture images of this exchange and its contents.

Bind user’s Intralinks ID to 1st computer used when viewing

This setting is available only if Require authentication for downloaded PDF and Microsoft Office documents is marked. This setting determines whether exchange users will be able to work with protected documents on more than one computer, or only on a single computer.

  • If the setting is unmarked (off), users will be able to view protected documents on any computer that they may use to access this exchange.
  • If the setting is marked (on), users will be able to view protected documents on only one computer — the first computer they use to access a protected document on this exchange.

Plugin-free IRM protection

This setting can be changed only by an Intralinks administrator. Once this setting is marked, it cannot be unmarked.

This setting determines whether Intralinks’ IRM document protection solution will be used to protect Microsoft Office and PDF (Portable Document Format) documents.

  • If the setting is unmarked (off), document protection functions will not be available on the exchange.
  • If this setting is marked (on), document protection can be applied to PDF and Microsoft Office documents.


Apply for:

This setting determines whether documents that are viewed or downloaded will be stamped with a watermark containing the exchange user’s name and organization, the date and time the document was viewed, and other text, such as “Confidential” or “Final.” You can choose to apply watermarks only to protected PDF documents or to all PDFs.

  • If the setting is unmarked (off), no watermarks are applied to documents.
  • If the setting is marked (on) and watermarking is selected for all PDF documents, watermarks will be applied to all PDF documents on this exchange.
  • If the setting is marked (on) and watermarking is selected for protected PDF documents only, watermarks will be applied to protected PDF documents on this exchange. If this setting combination is chosen, the enable protection of PDF and Microsoft Office documents setting must be marked, as well.

You can select the information that will appear in watermarks.

  • Include user’s name - Mark this option if you want the name of the person who viewed or printed the document to appear in the watermark.
  • Include organization - Mark this option if you want the name of your organization to appear in the watermark.
  • Include date and time of viewing - Mark this option if you want the time the document was downloaded to appear in the watermark. The time displayed is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • Include text label - If you want an additional text label, such as “Confidential” or “Draft,” to appear in the watermark, mark this option, then select the text label you want. If the label you want does not appear in the list, select use typed in text and then enter the label in the box below the text label list.

Text label

If you marked the Watermark text label option, select the label you want to use. If the label you want does not appear in the list, select use typed in text and then enter the label in the box that appears.


You can select to display watermarks in one of the following colors: red, green, gray, blue, black, brown.


You can select the intensity, or opaqueness, with which watermarks will be displayed on your documents. Select from five levels; Level 1 is the lightest, and Level 5 is the darkest, or most opaque.


  • Header & footer - Mark this option to display the watermark at the top and bottom of each page of your documents.
  • All four corners - Mark this option to display watermarks in each corner of your documents.
  • Center - Mark this option to display the watermark at the top and bottom of each page of your documents.
  • Watermark all - Mark this option to display watermarks in the center, the header and footer, and each corner of your documents.

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