Setting permissions for documents | Intralinks Designer

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Designer
Applies to: Managers and publishers

You can set permissions either for selected documents or for all new documents being added to the exchange. You also can set permissions for selected groups.

If you prefer not to set permissions for new content while staging the exchange, you will have the opportunity to do so again when you queue your changes for uploading to the Intralinks primary service.

Important! If you choose to set permissions for content that has been permissioned already, the existing permissions are removed. Use care when setting permissions for content that already exists on the Intralinks primary service.

I want to

  • Set document permissions


Setting permissions for selected documents or folders

  1. Select the Documents tab.
  2. If you want to set permissions for a single file, right-click the file or folder and select Permissions from the menu that appears.

    To select multiple documents or folders, press the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking on them. When you have made your selections, right-click and select Permissions.

    If you want to assign the same permissions to all newly added documents, select Set Permission to Created Content from the menu. Note: The Set Permission to Created Content command is not available if the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders exchange setting is marked for the exchange that you are using.

    If this exchange uses folder-level permissioning, a message appears to warn you that your changes will override any permissions that were set previously. Click Override to continue.

    The Set Permissions screen appears, displaying a list of all the groups that were created for this exchange.

  3. If you are using folder-level permissioning, click the Override option next to each group whose permissions you want to change.

    If you are using document-level permissioning, the Override option is not available, and you can go on to the next step.

  4. For each group that will be allowed to view the selected items, mark the See option. If you do not want particular groups to see these items, be sure that the See option is unmarked.

    Note: The All Users - Current and Future option can be used to give all users on the exchange permission to view documents. If you want for every exchange user, including those who have not been added to the exchange yet, to have permission to view the documents in this folder, mark the See box next to the All Users - Current and Future option. (Note: If this option has been disabled for your exchange, it does not appear.)

    Mark or unmark the box that appears above the See column to give or remove permission to all the groups on the exchange.

  5. Determine whether the groups will be able to control the document. Do this by marking the Control option next to the name of each group that will have this permission. Members of these groups will be able to modify the documents only if their exchange roles (for example, manager or publisher) allow them to do so.

    Document control allows users to change other users’ permissions to the document, update the document or delete it.

    Note: The All Users - Current and Future option cannot be used to give users permission to control documents. The users must be assigned to a group that has been given control permission, or must have an exchange role (Manager Plus, Hidden Manager Plus, Manager or Publisher Plus) that gives them automatic permission to control all documents on the exchange.

  6. Mark or unmark the box that appears above the Control column to give or remove permission to all the groups on the exchange.
  7. If reviewers and previewers in the selected group are allowed to add documents to the selected folder, mark the Allow Add option next to the name of each group that will have this capability. These users will be able to change, delete and move the documents that they have added to other folders for which they have the ability to add documents.

    Mark or unmark the box that appears above the Allow Add column to give or remove this capability for all the groups on the exchange.

    The Allow Add option is available only if the Allow Reviewers and Previewers to add documents to selected folders exchange setting is marked.

  8. Determine whether the documents will be protected.
  9. When you have finished setting permissions for all groups, click Apply.

Setting permissions by user group

Note: The Group Permissions Manager command is available only if the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders exchange setting is unmarked for the exchange that you are using. If this setting is marked, see "Setting permissions for all the documents within a folder" instead.

  1. Select the Users & Groups tab.
  2. Click the Permissions button on the toolbar. The Group Permissioning Manager appears, displaying the groups on this exchange.
  3. Highlight the group for which you want to set permissions. The documents that have been added to the exchange appear, along with permissions that were previously set for the group.
  4. For each document, you can set the following permissions:
    • See — The group has permission to view the selected item. If this option is not marked, the group members have no rights to use the item, and it will not appear when they view the exchange.
    • Control — Document control allows users to change other users’ permissions to the document, update the document or delete it. Group members will be able to modify the document only if their exchange roles (for example, manager or publisher) allow them to do so. If you are setting permissions for a buyer group, the Control column does not appear on the screen.
    • Protect — For each permissioned group, you can choose an additional level of security for PDF and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) documents.
    • No Print — The group is not allowed to print protected documents. If you mark this option, the Protect option is marked automatically.
    • Allow Add — Reviewers and previewers in the selected group are allowed to add documents to the selected folder. These users will be able to change, delete and move the documents that they have added to other folders for which they have the ability to add documents. This option is available only if the Allow Reviewers and Previewers to add documents to selected folders exchange setting is marked.
  5. When you have finished setting permissions, click Apply. The wizard closes and the permissions that you selected are applied.

Setting permissions for all the documents within a folder

You can set or change permissions for all the documents in a folder — or for the documents in multiple folders — at the same time. This is referred to a bulk permissioning. Permissions can be set for only one folder at a time.

Depending upon how your exchange has been set up, when you use bulk permissioning, you will either set permissions for the documents within the folder, or assign permissions to the folder itself:

  • If your exchange allows you to set permissions for the documents within a folder (document-level permissioning), your selections are applied to whatever documents are located in the folder at the time of permissioning. Documents added at a later time are not affected and must be permissioned separately.
  • If your exchange allows you to set permissions for the folder itself (folder- level permissioning), your selections will be applied to the documents and subfolders within the folder at the time of permissioning. These selections will be remembered, and they will be assigned automatically to documents and subfolders added to the folder later.

Note that you can use one method of permissioning or the other, but not both at the same time. In either case, the permissions for individual documents (or subfolders, in the second instance) can be overridden, and different permissions assigned to them.

An exchange setting, Remember selections for future documents and subfolders, determines which method is used. For more information about exchange settings, see Exchange Settings.

The steps that you will follow to set permissions is essentially the same regardless of the method selected for your exchange, but the results may be quite different. Be sure that you know which method is being used for your exchange before setting permissions!

Determining which permissioning method your exchange uses

  1. Locate the exchange in the folder list on the left side of the staging area.  Right-click on the exchange.
  2. Select View/Update Settings. The View/Update Exchange Settings screen appears, displaying general information about the exchange.

    (If you have made changes to the exchange and have not uploaded them yet, a message will appear asking you to upload or discard the changes before making changes to exchange settings.)

  3. Click the Document Settings tab.
  4. Locate the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders exchange setting. (It is located in the Bulk permissioning section of the screen.)
    • If this setting is unmarked, the exchange uses document-level permissioning.
    • If this setting is marked, the exchange uses folder-level permissioning.
  5. Click Cancel to close the window.

Modifying permissions for documents when your exchange uses folder-level permissioning

When you set permissions for the contents of a folder (the documents and subfolders within it), those settings are applied to existing contents and to all new content added to that folder. You will be able to override these default permissions for individual documents or subfolders when you add them to the upload queue.

If you move documents or subfolders from one permissioned folder to another, the permissions are changed automatically. (Any changes you made to the inherited permissions will be remembered when the items are moved. All the inherited permissions for the old folder that have not been changed will be replaced by the inherited permissions for the new folder.)

  1. Select the Documents tab.
  2. Highlight the folder that contains the documents that you want to permission.
  3. Click the Permissions button on the toolbar.

    If this exchange uses folder-level permissioning and you selected a folder that is located within another folder, a message appears to warn you that any changes you make will override the existing permissions that have been inherited from the parent folder. Click OK.

  4. For each group, use the list in the Permission column to change the group’s permissions for the selected documents.
    • See – Members of the group will be able to view documents in the selected folder, but will not be allowed to change them in any way.
    • Control – Members of the group will be able to modify the documents if their exchange roles (for example, manager or publisher) allow them to do so. Document control allows users to change other users’ permissions to documents, update the documents or delete them.

    Note: The All Users - Current and Future option can be used to give all users on the exchange permission to view documents. If you want for every exchange user, including those who have not been added to the exchange yet, to have permission to view the documents in this folder, mark the See box next to the All Users - Current and Future option. (Note: If this option has been disabled for your exchange, it does not appear.)

  5. If the documents in this exchange are protected (the enable protection of PDF and Microsoft Office documents exchange setting is marked), a Protection column is displayed.For each permissioned group, use the list in the Protection column to change the group’s ability to use the selected documents. If you want to change protection settings for all groups, make your selection from the All Groups list. (Note that you can change protection settings only for groups for which you have changed permissions.)

    For each group that is given See or Control privileges, select an option from the Protection list.

  6. If you wish to allow reviewers and previewers within a particular group to be able to add documents to this folder, mark the Allow Add box for that group. (This option is available only if the Allow Reviewers and Previewers to add documents to selected folders exchange setting is marked.)

    Reviewers and previewers in these groups also will be able to change, delete and move the documents that they have added to other folders for which they have the ability to add documents.

  7. When you have made all the needed changes, click Apply.

Copying permissions from one folder or document to another

You can use the Permissions screen to review permissions for multiple documents and folders (if folder-level permissioning is being used) and change permissions for all the selected items in a single step. Simply select multiple folders or documents and then select the Permissions command.

  • If folder-level permissioning is being used (the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders exchange setting is enabled), you can copy permissions from any document or folder and apply them to one or more documents or folders.
  • If document-level permissioning is being used (the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders exchange setting is not enabled), you can copy permissions from any document and apply them to one or more documents or folders. (In this case, the permissions will be applied directly to the documents within the selected folders, since the folders themselves cannot be permissioned.)

If you copy and paste permissions, you will overwrite any permissions that were previously assigned to the items on which the new permissions are pasted.

Note: If the Reviewers and Previewers can add documents to select folders exchange option has been marked for this exchange, permissions cannot be copied from a document to a folder.

  1. Select the Documents tab.
  2. Highlight the folder or document that has permissions you want to copy.
  3. Right-click and select Copy Permissions from the menu that appears.
  4. Locate the folder or document whose permissions you want to update and highlight it. To select multiple files and folders, press the SHIFT or CTRL key and click on the items you want.
  5. Right-click and select Paste Permissions from the menu that appears.

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