Identifying the most active groups and users and the most accessed documents | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: Manager Plus, Hidden Manager Plus

Depending on how your data room was configured, you may or may not have access to the Insights Dashboard Overview and Documents tabs.  These tabs can help you identify which groups and users are most active in your VDR, and help you identify the documents that have been accessed the most in your VDR. Data in the insights widgets is refreshed every 15 minutes.

Note: The terms VDR and exchange are used interchangeably in Intralinks products.

Insights Dashboard Overview tab

The Dashboard Overview tab includes the following charts and tables:

  • Group Activity Ranking chart and table- shows the top ten most active groups in the VDR, making it easy for managers to determine which groups are most actively using the VDR and focus attention on them. 
  • Top Users chart and table- shows the top ten most active users in the VDR, making it easy for managers to determine which users are most actively viewing documents and focus attention on them.

    Note: Activity for users that are in multiple user groups will be shown twice.

  • VDR Visits chart - shows the top ten groups with the most logins over time, allowing you to quickly see the groups that are most interested.

Insights Documents tab

The Documents tab includes the following summary widgets, charts and tables:

  • Current Document Count - Shows the total number of active documents in the VDR. This number does not include deleted, replaced, redacted, or other versions of documents, and should not be used for billing analysis.
  • Current Page Count - Shows the total number of pages for active documents in the VDR. This number does not include deleted, replaced, redacted, or other versions of documents, and should not be used for billing analysis.
  • Documents Permissioned and Accessed chart and table - Shows the top 10 buyer or exchange groups with the most documents permissioned in the VDR. The chart and table show the number of documents each group has permission to access, along with the number of documents actually accessed. A document is considered accessed when viewed or downloaded. The Documents Permissioned and Accessed Table CSV export shows this information for all buyer and exchange groups in this VDR.
  • Top Documents chart and table - Shows the top 10 documents that have been accessed the most in the VDR by buyer and exchange groups. A document is considered accessed when viewed or downloaded. The Top Documents Table CSV export shows information for the top 100 documents in this VDR.

Accessing the Overview dashboard and Documents tab

  1. From within the VDR, click the Insights & Reporting tab.
  2. Pick one of the following options:
    • To view the most active groups and users, click Overview Dashboard.
    • To view the most viewed documents, click Documents.
  3. (Optional.) On the Overview Dashboard, filter the display to show information for shorter or longer timeframes, for example, you can filter information to determine the groups that are most active this week. Using this information, you can judge each group’s level of interest in your deal. The following filters appear on the upper right side of the screen:
    • 24 Hours
    • 7 Days
    • 30 Days
    • 3 Months
    • All

    The range of dates included in each timeframe option is displayed in the selection list. If data is not available for a particular timeframe option, that option is dimmed.

    Keep in mind that the data on the dashboard is updated approximately every hour, and the filtered information is accurate as of the last update. Activity that occurs after the most recent dashboard update is included the next time the dashboard is updated.

  4. (Optional.) On both the Overview Dashboard the Documents tab, filter the results by group. Select the group(s) for which you want to see results and click Apply.
  5. (Optional.) Sort the table by clicking in the column names.

How the dashboard information is calculated

Activity is displayed as a percentage and is based on the total number of VDR visits and unique documents accessed.  A document is considered accessed when viewed or downloaded. Group activity includes all group members with Manager, Publisher, Reviewer, Reviewer Plus, and Previewer roles.

Information on the dashboard is updated approximately every hour.

  • If a user is included in two (or more) groups, the user’s activity is included in the activity for both groups.
  • Only one visit is counted per session. A session lasts from the time a group member logs into Intralinks VDRPro until the group member logs out, closes the browser or is inactive for an hour or more and is logged out automatically.
  • The Documents accessed count is updated whenever a group member views or downloads a document. If two members access the same document, it is only counted once. 
  •  When IRM Information Rights Management (IRM) provides security for downloaded documents. When IRM is applied, documents are encrypted before downloading, and users must enter their email address and password to view the documents. VDR managers can revoke access at any time.-protected documents are downloaded, Intralinks VDRPro continues to track the number of times they are viewed, and each time an IRM-protected document is opened, the “Documents accessed” count is updated. When documents that are not IRM protected are downloaded, the Documents accessed count is updated once for the download only; subsequent viewings are not tracked or reported.
  • Users with the Manager, Publisher, Reviewer, Reviewer Plus and Previewer are counted.
  • On the Top Users chart and table, usage data is displayed even if a user has been deleted from the data room.

Downloading and exporting charts and tables

You can download charts and tables as an image in JPG format. You can also export tables to a Microsoft Excel file in CSV format. Exported files include all ranked activity for all groups or all users in the VDR.

  • To download a chart or table, click the three dots menu in the upper right of the chart or table and select Download, then Download as image.
  • To export a table, click the three dots meu in the upper right of the table and select Download, then Export to full CSV.

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